"Tetsuji Yano,Satoru Inoue,Takayuki Watanabe,Osamu Sakamoto,Keizo Sato,Shinji Kawachi,Toru Iseda","Development of the innovative glass melting method "In-Flight Melting Technology" for energy saving","18th Korea Glass Enegineering Meeting","Proceeding of 18th Korea Glass Enegineering Meeting",,,,,2012,June "Satoru Inoue,Takayuki Watanabe,Tetsuji Yano,Osamu Sakamoto,Keizo Satoh,Shinji Kawachi,Toru Iseda:","Future of Glass Melting through the In-flight Melting Technique","Abstracts of The 9th International Conference on Advances in The Fusion and Processing of Glass","Abstracts of The 9th International Conference on Advances in The Fusion and Processing of Glass",,,,,2011,July