"Sun Min Kim,Ho Sung Yoo,Hideo Hosono,Jung Woon Yang,Sung Wng Kim","Chemoselective reduction and oxidation of ketones in water through control of the electron transfer pathway",,"Sci. Rep.",,"Vol. 5,",,"pp. 10366-1 -9",2015, "Ye Ji Kim,Sun Min Kim,Eun Jin Cho,Hideo Hosono,Jung Woon Yang,Sung Wng Kim","Two dimensional inorganic electride-promoted electron transfer efficiency in transfer hydrogenation of alkynes and alkenes",,"Chem. Sci.",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 3577-3581",2015, "Yasunori Inoue,Masaaki Kitano,Sung-Wng Kim,Toshiharu Yokoyama,Michikazu Hara,Hideo Hosono","Highly Dispersed Ru on Electride [Ca24Al28O64]4+(e?)4 as a Catalyst for Ammonia Synthesis",,"ACS Catalysis",,"Vol. 4","No. 2","pp. 674?680",2014,Jan. "Kimoon Lee,Sung Wng Kim,Yoshitake Toda,Satoru Matsuishi,Hideo Hosono","Dicalcium nitride as a two-dimensional electride with an anionic electron layer",,"Nature",,"Vol. 494","No. 7437","pp. 336-340",2013, "Masahiro Yasukawa,Toshio Kono,Kazushige Ueda,Hiroshi Yanagi,Sung Wng Kim,Hideo Hosono","Thermoelectric properties and figure of merit of perovskite-type Ba1-xLaxSnO3 with x=0.002-0.008",,"Solid State Commun.",,"Vol. 172",,"pp. 49-53",2013, "Shigeki Tanaka,Tomoki Kato,Atsushi Miyake,Tomoko Kagayama,Katsuya Shimizu,Sung Wng Kim,Satoru Matsuishi,Hideo Hosono","Strong Enhancement of Superconductivity in Inorganic Electride 12CaO?7Al2O3:e| under High Pressure",,"Journal of the Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 63",,"pp. 477-480",2013, "–k–ì­–¾,ˆäã‘ד¿,ŽRè—y•½,—Ñ•¶—²,_Œ´TŽu,¼Î‘,‰¡ŽRšæŽ¡,Kim Sung-Wng,Œ´‹œ˜a,×–ìG—Y","Ru’SŽ12CaO?7Al2O3ƒGƒŒƒNƒgƒ‰ƒCƒh‚É‚æ‚éƒAƒ“ƒ‚ƒjƒA‡¬","‘æ110‰ñG”}“¢˜_‰ï",,,,,,2012,Sept. "K. Nakayama,E. Ieki,Y. Tanaka,T. Sato,T. Takahashi,T. Kuroda,H. Mizoguchi,S.W. Kim,H. Hosono","Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of Co-based boride superconductor LaCo1.73Fe0.27B2",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 86",,"p. 014503",2012,July "Gihun Ryu,Sung Wng Kim,Hiroshi Mizoguchi,Satoru Matsuishi,Hideo Hosono","Superconductivity in a PbFCl-type pnictide:NbSiAs",,"Europhysics Lett.",,"Vol. 99","No. 27002","pp. 1-6",2012, "Chung-Ki Cho,SungWng Kim,H. Hosono,Han-Ki Kim","Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate on the Electrical Properties of a Transparent SiON/Ag/SiON Multilayer",,"Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. H23-H26",2012, "J. A. McLeod,A. Buling,E. Z. Kurmaev,P. V. Sushko,M. Neumann,L. D. Finkelstein,S.-W. Kim,H. Hosono,A. Moewes","Spectroscopic characterization of a multiband complex oxide: Insulating and conducting cement 12CaOE7Al2O3",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 85","No. 045204","pp. 1 - 8",2012, "Satoru Matsuishi,Taku Hanna,Yoshinori Muraba,Sung Wng Kim,Jung Eun Kim,Masaki Takata,Shin-ich Shamoto,Ronald I. Smith,Hideo Hosono","Structural analysis and superconductivity of CeFeAsO1|xHx",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 85","No. 014514","pp. 1 - 6",2012, "Masaaki Kitano,Yasunori Inoue,Youhei Yamazaki,Fumitaka Hayashi,Shinji Kanbara,Satoru Matsuishi,Toshiharu Yokoyama,Sung-Wng Kim,Michikazu Hara,Hideo Hosono","Ammonia synthesis using a stable electride as an electron donor and reversible hydrogen store",,"Nat. Chem",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 934-940",2012, "Soshi Iimura,Satoru Matuishi,Hikaru Sato,Taku Hanna,Yoshinori Muraba,Sung Wng Kim,Jung Eun Kim,Masaki Takata,Hideo Hosono:","Two-dome structure in electron-doped iron arsenide superconductors",,"Nat. Commun",,"Vol. 3","No. 943","pp. 1-6",2012, "Sung Wng Kim,Hideo Hosono","Synthesis and properties of 12CaOE7Al2O3 electride: review of single crystal and thin film growth",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 2596-2628",2012, "Sung Wng Kim,Terumasa Shimoyama,Hideo Hosono","Solvated Electrons in High-Temperature Melts and Glasses of the Room-Temperature Stable Electride [Ca24Al28O64]4+¥4e?",,"Science",,"Vol. 333",,"pp. 71-74",2011, "Jun-Hyuk Park,Seong Jun Kang,Seok-In Na,Hyun Hwi Lee,Sung-Wng Kim,H. Hosono,Han-Ki Kim","Indium-free, acid-resistant anatase Nb-doped TiO2 electrodes activated by rapid-thermal annealing for cost-effective organic photovoltaics",,"Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells",,"Vol. 95",,"pp. 2178-2185",2011, "Gihun Ryu,Sung Wng Kim,Satoru Matsuishi,Hitoshi Kawaji,Hideo Hosono","Superconductivity in Nb4MSi (M=Ni, Co, and Fe) with a quasi-two-dimensional Nb network",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 84","No. 224518","pp. 1 - 6",2011, "Masahiro Yasukawa,Yukihiro Hamada,Toshio Kono,Kazushige Ueda,Hiroshi Yanagi,Sung Wng Kim,Hideo Hosono","Thermoelectric Properties of P-type BaSnO3 Ceramics Doped with Cobalt",,"Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 149-154",2011, "Yoshinori Muraba,Satoru Matsuishi,sonun kimu,Toshiyuki Atou,Osamu Fukunaga,HIDEO HOSONO","High Pressure Synthesis of Indirectly electron-doped 122 Iron Superconductor Sr1-xLaxFe2As2 with a maximum Tc = 22 K","23rd International Symposium On Superconductivity (ISS2010)","Program & Abstract","ISTEC",,,"pp. 163",2010,Oct. "Toshihiro Yoshizumi,Satoru Matsuishi,Sung-Wng Kim,Hideo Hosono,Katsuro Hayashi","Iodometric Determination of Electrons Incorporated into Cages in 12CaO?7Al2O3 Crystals",,"The Journal of Physical Chemistry C",," 114",," 15354-15357",2010,Aug. "Yoshinori Muraba,Satoru Matsuishi,Sung-Wng Kim,Toshiyuki Atou,Osamu Fukunaga,Hideo Hosono","High-pressure synthesis of the indirectly electron-doped iron pnictide superconductor Sr1-xLaxFe2As2 with maximum Tc = 22 K",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW B (RAPID COMMUNICATION)",,"Vol. 82",,"p. 180512(R)",2010, "Seigo SOUMA,Toshiyuki ARAKANE,Takafumi SATO,Takashi TAKAHASHI,Sung Wng KIM,Satoru MATSUISHI,Hideo HOSONO","Direct Evidence for Cage Conduction Band in Superconducting Cement 12CaOE7Al2O3 by Low-Energy High-Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"vol. 79",,"pp. 103704-1 - 7",2010, "Hiromichi Ohta,Yukio Sato,Takeharu Kato,SungWng Kim,Kenji Nomura,Yuichi Ikuhara,Hideo Hosono","Field-induced water electrolysis switches an oxide semiconductor from an insulator to a metal",,"Nature Comm.",,"vol. 1","No. 118","pp. 1-6",2010, "Toshihiro Yoshizumi,Sung-Wng Kim,Hideo Hosono,Katsuro Hayashi","Reducing Power of Hydride Ion-or Electron-Doped Mayenites Dissolved in Water","The Third International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-3)",,,,,,2009,June "Motoyuki Ishikado,Ryoichi Kajimoto,Shin-ichi Shamoto,Masatoshi Arai,Akira Iyo,Kiichi Miyazawa,Parasharam M.Shirage,Hijiri Kito,Hiroshi Eisaki,Sung Wng Kim,Hideo Hosono,Tatiana Guidi,Robert Bewley,M.Bennington","Two-Dimensional Spin Densoty Wave State in LaFeAsO",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 78",,"p. 043705",2009,Apr. "SungWng Kim,Hideo Hosono","Metal-insulator and superconducting transitions of 12CaO?7Al2O3 electride with a nano-cage structure","Ext. Abstract of the 26th Int. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics",,,,,,2009, "Y.Adachi,S-W.Kim,T.Kamiya,H.Hosono","Bistable resistance switching in surface ?oxidized C12A7:e-single-crystal",,"Mater.Sci. & Eng.B",,"vol. 161",,"pp. 76 -79",2009, "Sung Wng Kim,Ryuichi Tarumi,Hiromichi Ohta,Masashiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Thermal conductivity and Seebeck coefficient of 12CaOE7Al2O3 electride with a cage structure",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"vol. 80",,"p. 075201",2009, "Y. Kamihara,T. Watanabe,T. Nomura,S. W. Kim,T. Kamiya,M. Hirano,H. Hosono","Electromagnetic properties of undoped LaFePnO (Pn = P, As)",,"J. Phys. Conf.",,"vol. 150",,"p. 052090",2009, "T Nomura,S W Kim,Y Kamihara,M Hirano,P V Sushko,K Kato,M Takata,A L Shluger,H Hosono","Crystallographic phase transition and high-Tc superconductivity in LaFeAsO:F",,"Superconductivity Science and Technology",,"Volume 21",,"pp. 9",2008,Dec. "Kazuhisa Kurashige,Shunsuke Ueda,Masashi Miyakawa,Yoshitake Toda,Satoru Matsuishi,Sungwng Kim,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Growth of 12CaO?7Al2O3 Single Crystal with Tetragonal Symmetry by Czochralski Method",,"Thin Solid Film",,"Volume 516",,"Page 5772-5776",2008,June "Satoru Matsuishi,Sung Wng Kim,Toshio Kamiya,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Localized and Delocalized Electrons in Room-Temperature Stable Electride [Ca24Al28O64]4+(O2-)2-x(e-)2x: Analysis of Optical Reflectance Spectra",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry C",,"Vol. 112","No. 12","pp. 4573-4760",2008,Apr. "SeokGyu Yoon,SungWng Kim,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Pore-free 12CaO7Al2O3 single-crystal growth by melt state control using the floating zone method",,"Crystal Growth & Design",,"Volume 8","Number 4","Page 1271-1275",2008,Apr. "Hideo Hosono,SungWng Kim,Masashi Miyakawa,Satoru Matsuishi,Toshio Kamiya","Thin film and bulk fabrication of room-tenperature-stable electride C12A7:e- utilizing reduced amorphous 12CaO?7Al2O3(C12A7)",,"J. Non-Cryst. Sol.",,"Volume 354",,"Page 2772-2776",2008,Apr. "Yoshimitsu Kohama,Sung Wng Kim,Takeo Tojo,Hitoshi Kawaji,Tooru Atake,Satoru Matsuishi,Hideo Hosono","Evidence for Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-type superconducting behavior in the electride 12CaoE7Al2O3:e| from heat capacity measurements",,"Physical Review B",,"Volume 77",,"Page 092505",2008,Mar. "Yoshimitsu Kohama,Sung Wng Kim,Takeo Tojo,Hitoshi Kawaji,Tooru Atake,Satoru Matsuishi,Hideo Hosono","Evidence for Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-type superconducting behavior in the electride 12CaoE7Al2O3:e| from heat capacity measurements",,"Physical Review B",,"Volume 77",,"Page 092505",2008,Mar. "Yutaka Shinoda,Sung-Wng Kim,Fumihiro Wakai,Hideo Hosono","Plasticity of Fe-Oxypnictides Superconductor",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. C",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 125-126",2008, "Seok Gyu Yoon,Sung Wng Kim,Masahiro Hirano,Dae Ho Yoon,Hideo Hosono","Pore-Free 12CaO?7Al2O3 Single-Crystal Growth by Melt State Control using the Floating Zone Method",,"Cryst,Growth & Design",,"Vol. 8",,"p. 1271",2008, "•½–ì ³_,‹{ì m,‹à ¹—Y,×–ì G—Y","ƒZƒƒ“ƒg‚ª’´“`“±‚É",,"‹@”\Þ—¿",,," 1ŒŽ†","p. 28",2008, "Sung Wng Kim,Yoichi Kamihara,Seok-Gyu Yoon,Hyuk-Su Han,Takatoshi Nomura Satoru Matsuishi,Koichi Nakao,Keiichi Tanabe,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Preparation of Fe-Oxipnictides Superconductors: Solid-StateSintering, High Pressure Synthesis and Flux Method",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. C",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 23-26",2008, "Takatoshi Nomura,Sung Wng Kim,Yoichi Kamihara,Masahiro Hirano,Peter V. Sushko,Kenichi Kato,Masaki Takata,Alexander L. Shluger,Hideo Hosono","Tetragonal? Orthorhombic Phase Transition and F-Doping Effects on the Crystal Structure in the Iron-Based High-Tc Superconductor LaFeAsO",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. C",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 32-35",2008, "S.W.Kim,M.Miyakawa,M.Hirano,Y.Kohama,H.Kawaji,T.Atake,H.Ikegami,K.Kono,H.Hosono","Superconducting Transition in Electron-doped 12CaOE7Al2O3.",,"Mater. Trans.",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1748-1752",2008, "Sung Wng Kim,Satoru Matsuishi,Masashi Miyakawa,Katsuro Hayashi,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Fabrication of room temperature-stable 12CaO?7Al2O3 electride: a review",,"Journal of Materials Science : Materials in Electronics",,"Volume 18",,"Page 5-14",2007,Oct. "Kyu Hyoung Lee,Sung Wng Kim","Preparation and thermoelectric properties of heavily Nb-doped SrO(SrTiO3)1 epitaxial films",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Volume 102",,"Page 033702",2007,Aug. "Kyu Hyoung Lee,Sung Wng Kim","Thermoelectric properties of Ruddlesden-Popper structure n-type semiconducting oxides: La-, Nd-, and Nb-doped Sr3Ti2O7",,"International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology",,"Volume 4",,"Page 326-331",2007,July "Masashi Miyakawa,Sung Wng Kim,Masahiro Hirano,Yoshimitsu Kohama,Hitoshi Kawaji,Tooru Atake,Hiroki IKEGAMI,Kimitoshi KONO,Hideo Hosono","Superconductivity in an Inorganic Electride 12CaOE7Al2O3:e-",,"Journal of the American Chemical Society",,"Volume 129","Number 23","pp. 7270-7271",2007,May "Takatoshi Nomura,Sung Wng Kim,Satoru Matsuishi,Takatoshi Nomura,Yoshiki Kubota,Masaki Takata,Katsuro Hayashi,Toshio Kamiya,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Metallic state in a Lime-Alumina Compound with Nanoporous Structure",,"Nano Letters",,"Volume 7",,"pp. 1138-1143",2007,May "Kyu Hyoung Lee,Sung Wng Kim","Thermoelectric properties of layered perovskite type Ca-substituted Sr3(Ti1-yNby)2O7",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Volume 101",,"Page 083707",2007,Apr. "Sung Wng Kim,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima","High temperature thermoelectric properties of TiNiSn-based half-Heusler compounds",,"Intermetallics",,"Volume 15",,"Page 349-356",2007,Mar. "Hiromichi Ohta,Sung Wng Kim,Hideo Hosono","Giant thermoelectric Seebeck coefficient of a two dimensional electron gas in SrTiO3",,"Nature Materials",,"Volume 6",,"Page 129-134",2007,Feb. "‹à¹—Y","ƒGƒŒƒNƒgƒ‰ƒCƒh‚Ì»–@",,"Transparent Oxides as Active Electronic Materials and Their Applications","CMC",,,"Page 183-193",2006,Nov. "Sung Wng Kim*,Katsuro Hayashi,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Electron Carrier Generation in Refractory Oxide 12CaO?7Al2O3 by Heating in Reducing Atmosphere: Conversion from Insulator to Persistent Conductor",,"Journal of the American Ceramic Society",,"Volume 89",,"Page 3294-3298",2006,Oct. "Yoshinao Mishima,Yoshisato Kimura,Sung Wng Kim","Enhancement of Thermoelectric Figure of Merit through Nanostructural Control on Intermetallic Semiconductors toward High Temperature Applications",,"Nanomaterials Research Towards Applications","Elsevier",,,"Page 384-418",2006,Sept. "Kyu Hyoung Lee,Sung Wng Kim","Ruddlesden-Popper phases as novel thermoelectric oxides: Nb-doped SrO(SrTiO3)n (n = 1, 2)",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Volume 100",,"Page 63717",2006,Sept. "Sung Wng Kim *,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima,Sung Kil Hong","Optimization of high temperature thermoelectric properties of TiNiSn-based Half-Hesuler compounds",,"Journal of Korean Institute Metals & Materials",,"Volume 44",,"Page 511-517",2006,July "Sung Wng Kim *,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima,Sung Kil Hong","Effects of heat treatment on thermoelectric properties of TiNiSn Half-Hesuler compound",,"Journal of Korean Institute Metals & Materials",,"Volume 44",,"Page 503-510",2006,July "Sung Wng Kim,Yoshitake Toda,Katsuro Hayashi,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Synthesis of a Room Temperature Stable 12CaO?7Al2O3 Electride via the Melt and Its Application as an Electron Field Emitter",,"Chemistry of Materials",,"Volume 18",,"Page 1938-1944",2006,Apr. "Masahiro Hirano,Yoshitake Toda,Sung Wng Kim,Katsuro Hayashi,Masahiro Hirano,Toshio Kamiya,Hideo Hosono,Takeshi Haraguchi,Hiroshi Yasuda","Intense thermal field electron emission from room temperature stable electride",,"Applied Physics Letter",,"Volume 87",,"pp. 254103-1?254103-3",2005,Dec. "‹à¹—Y","C12A7ƒGƒŒƒNƒgƒ‰ƒCƒh‚Ì‘å—ʇ¬–@",,"‹@”\Þ—¿",,"Volume 25",,"Page 69-73",2005,Apr. "Sung Wng Kim,Takashi Sakai,Masashi Miyakawa,Katsuro Hayashi,Hideo Hosono","Simple and Efficient Fabrication of Room Temperature Stable Electride: Melt-Solidification and Glass-Ceramics",,"Journal of the American Chemical Society",,"Volume 127",,"Page 1370-1371",2005,Feb. "Hiromichi Ohta,Sung Wng Kim,Hideo Hosono","Reactive solid-phase epitaxial growth of NaxCoO2 (x ~0.83) via lateral diffusion of Na into cobalt oxide epitaxial layer",,"Crystal Growth & Design",,"Volume 5",,"Page 25-28",2005,Jan. "Sung Wng Kim,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima","Effect of partial La filling on high temperature thermoelectric properties of IrSb3 based skutterudite compounds",,"Journal of Electronic Materials",,"Volume 33",,"Page 1156-1161",2004,Oct. "Sung Wng Kim,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima","Enhancement of High Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Intermetallic compounds Based on a Skutterudite IrSb3 and a Half-Heusler TiNiSn",,"Science and Technology of Advanced Materials",,"Volume 5",,"Page 485-489",2004,July "Sung Wng Kim,Yoshisato Kimura,Yoshinao Mishima","Effects of doping on the high temperature thermoelectric properties of IrSb3 skutterudite compounds",,"Journal of Electronic Materials",,"Volume 32",,"Page 1141-1147",2003,Nov. "T. Katayama,Sung Wng Kim,Y. Kimura,Y. Mishima","The Effect of quaternary additions on thermoelectric properties of TiNiSn-based half-Heusler alloys",,"Journal of Electronic Materials",,"Volume 32",,"Page 1160-1165",2003,Nov. "sonun kimu","Enhancement of High Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of IrSb3 Based Skutterudite and TiNiSn Based Half-Heusler Compounds",,,,,,,2003,Sept. "Sung Wng Kim,M. K. Cho,Y. Mishima","High temperature thermoelectric properties of p- and n-type b-FeSi2 with some dopants",,"Intermetallics",,"Volume 11",,"Page 395-405",2003,May "Sung Wng Kim,Y. Mishima,D. C. Choi","Effect of process conditions on the thermoelectric properties of CoSi",,"Intermetallics",,"Volume 10",,"Page 177-184",2002,Feb. "sonun kimu","Effect of process conditions on the thermoelectric properties of CoSi",,,,,,,2000,Feb.