"Usui, Y.,Uyeshima, M.,Hase, H.,Ichihara, H.,Aizawa, K.,Koyama, T.,Sakanaka, S.,Ogawa, T.,Yamaya, Y.,Nishitani, T.,Asamori, K.,Ogawa, Y.,Yoshimura, R.,Takakura, S.,Mishina, M.,Morita, Y.","Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure beneath a strain concentration area in the back-arc side of the northeastern Japan Arc",,"J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth",," 129",,,2024,May "若尾 尚幸,本山 葵,市來 雅啓,小川 康雄,上嶋 誠,浅森 浩一,内田 利弘,?谷 英彰,小山 崇夫,坂中 伸也,山谷 祐介,相澤 広記,Songkhun Boonchaisuk,海田 俊輝","東北地方南部広域の広帯域 MT 観測網から推定した会津・米沢・吾妻地域 3 次元地殻比抵抗構造",,,,,,,2024,May "若尾尚幸,本山葵,市來雅啓,小川康雄,上嶋誠,浅森浩一,内田利弘,?谷英彰,小山崇夫,坂中伸也,山谷祐介,相澤広記,海田俊輝","東北地方南部の広帯域 MT による広域地殻比抵抗構造推定について","CA研究会",,,,,,2023,Dec. "若尾 尚幸,本山 葵,市來 雅啓,小川 康雄,上嶋 誠,浅森 浩一,内田 利弘,?谷 英彰,小山 崇夫,坂中 伸也,山谷 祐介,相澤 広記,海田 俊輝","東北地方南部の広域地殻比抵抗構造探査(続報)","Jpgu 2023",,,,,,2023,May "臼井 嘉哉,上嶋 誠,長谷英彰,市原寛,相澤広記,小山崇夫,坂中伸也,小河勉,山谷祐介,西谷忠師,浅森 浩一,小川康雄,吉村令慧,高倉伸一,三品正明,森田裕一","南東北背弧側の地殻の3次元電気比抵抗構造","JPGU 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Yoshiya Usui,??Makoto Uyeshima,??Tsutomu Ogawa,??Ryokei Yoshimura,??Naoto Oshiman,??Satoru Yamaguchi,??Hiroaki Toh,??Hideki Murakami,??Koki Aizawa,??Toshiya Tanbo,??Yasuo Ogawa,??Tadashi Nishitani,??Shin’ya Sakanaka,??Masaaki Mishina,??Hideyuki Satoh,??Tada‐nori Goto,??Takafumi Kasaya,??Toru Mogi,??Yusuke Yamaya,??Ichiro Shiozaki,??Yoshimori Honkura","Electrical resistivity structure around the Atotsugawa fault, central Japan, revealed by a new 2-D inversion method combining Wideband-MT and Network-MT datasets",,"J. Geophys. Res., Solid Earth",,,,,2021,Feb. "吉村 令慧,小川 康雄,深井 雅斗,中川 潤,波岸 彩子,相澤 広記,山本 有人,山崎 友也,三浦 勉,中本 幹大,長岡 愛理,高村 直也,大志万 直人","跡津川断層系周辺での面的広帯域 MT 観測","第146回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会および講演会",,,,,,2020,Nov. "Aoi Motoyama,Masahiro Ichiki,Yasuo Ogawa,Makoto Uyeshima,Koichi Asamori,Toshihiro Uchida,Takao Koyama,Shin'ya Sakanaka,Hideaki Hase,Koki Aizawa,Yusuke Yamaya","A three-dimensional electrical conductivity model of the crust beneath the southern Tohoku district, NE Japan","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020",,,,,,2020,July "Gresse, M.,T. Koyama,M. Uyeshima,Y. Morita,Y. Sasai,J. Zlotnicki,T. Ishido,H. Hase,W. Kanda,K. Aizawa,D. Weller,T. Rung-Arunwan,Y. Matsunaga,M. Hata,H. Ueda,Y. Yamaya","Global electrical conductivity model of Miyake-jima: insights into its hydrothermal and magmatic system","JpGU2020",,,,,,2020,July "相澤 広記,内田 和也,塚島 祐子,北村 圭吾,藤光 康宏,宇津木 充,塩谷 太郎,井上 寛之,神田 径,小山 崇夫,上嶋 誠,吉村 令慧,山崎 健一,小松 信太郎,高倉 伸一,松島 喜雄,稲垣 陽大,齋藤 博樹,藤井 勇樹","3次元比抵抗構造から推定される九重火山群への火山性流体供給路","JpGU2020",,,,,,2020,July "Yoshiya Usui,Makoto Uyeshima,Tsutomu Ogawa,Ryokei Yoshimura,Naoto Oshiman,Satoru Yamaguchi,Hiroaki Toh,Hideki Murakami,Koki Aizawa,Toshiya Tanbo,Yasuo Ogawa,Tadashi Nishitani,Shin'ya Sakanaka,Masaaki Mishina,Hideyuki Satoh,Tada-nori Goto,Takafumi Kasaya,Toru Mogi,Yusuke Yamaya,Ichiro Shiozaki,Yoshimori Honkura","Resistivity structure around the Atotsugawa fault system revealed by inversion schemes combining Wideband- and Network-MT methods","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020",,,,,,2020,July "Y.-C. Sun,Makoto Uyeshima,H. Ren,Q. Huang,Koki Aizawa,Kaori Tsukamoto,Wataru Kanda,Kaori Seki,Takahiro Kishita,Takao Ohminato,Atsushi Watanabe,J. Ran,X. Chen","Numerical simulations to explain the coseismic electromagnetic signals: a case study for a M5.4 aftershock of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 71","No. 1",,2019,Dec. "Marceau Gresse,Takao Koyama,Makoto Uyeshima,Tsuneo Ishido,Yuichi Morita,Yoichi Sasai,Jacque Zlotnicki,Hideaki Hase,Wataru Kanda,Yasuo Matsunaga,Koki Aizawa,Hideki Ueda,T. Rung-Arunwan,Maki Hata,Yusuke Yamaya","3-D multiphase flow modeling: a method to constrain electrical conductivity structure of volcanoes","SGEPSS第146回総会",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Marceau Gresse,Takao Koyama,Makoto Uyeshima,Tsuneo Ishido,Yuichi Morita,Yoichi Sasai,Jacque Zlotnicki,Hideaki Hase,Wataru Kanda,Yasuo Matsunaga,Koki Aizawa,Hideki Ueda,T. Rung-Arunwan,Maki Hata,Yusuke Yamaya","3-D multiphase flow modeling: a method to constrain electrical conductivity structure of volcanoes","日本火山学会秋季大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "本山 葵,小川 康雄,上嶋 誠,浅森 浩一,内田 利弘,長谷 英彰,小山 崇夫,坂中 伸也,山谷 祐介,相澤 広記,市來 雅啓","日本東北地方南部の地殻の三次元比抵抗構造","地球惑星科学連合大会",,,,,,2019,May "Tsukamoto, K.,Aizawa, K.,Chiba, K.,Wataru Kanda,Uyeshima, M.,Koyama, T.,Utsugi, M.,Seki, K.,Kishita, T.","Three-Dimensional Resistivity Structure of Iwo-Yama Volcano, Kirishima Volcanic Complex, Japan: Relationship to Shallow Seismicity, Surface Uplift, and a Small Phreatic Eruption",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,,,,2018,Dec. "Ryokei Yoshimura,Ken’ichi Yamazaki,Yasuo Ogawa,Jun Nakagawa,Shingo Kawasaki,Shintaro Komatsu,Itaru Yoneda,Yuhei Ouchi,Tomohisa Okazaki,Atsushi Suzuki,Zenshiro Saito,Yoshiya Usui,Koki Aizawa,Mitsuru Utsugi,Masahiro Teraishi","Heterogeneous electrical resistivity image around the Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel","地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会、名古屋大学、2018.11.25.",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Ryokei Yoshimura,Ken’ichi Yamazaki,Yasuo Ogawa,Jun Nakagawa,Shingo Kawasaki,Shintaro Komatsu,Itaru Yoneda,Yuhei Ouchi,Tomohisa Okazaki,Atsushi Suzuki,Zenshiro Saito,Yoshiya Usui,Koki Aizawa,Mitsuru Utsugi,Masahiro Teraishi","Heterogeneous electrical resistivity image around the Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel","地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会、名古屋大学、2018.11.25",,,,,,2018,Nov. "相澤 広記,塚本 果織,Agnis Triahadini,村松 弾,林田 祐人,湯浅 雄平,Alutsyah Luthfian,手操 佳子,武石 貢佑,神田 径,関 香織,木下 貴裕,宇津木 充,小山 崇夫,上嶋 誠","霧島火山での広帯域MT観測","日本火山学会秋季大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Uyeshima, M.,Aizawa, K.,Tsukamoto, K.,Kanda, W.,Seki, K.,Kishita, T.,Ohminato, T.,Watanabe, A.,Ren, H.","On pre- P wave and co- seismic wave EM disturbances detected in the 2017 Kumamoto earthquake sequences by the Iwo-yama MT campaign","15th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society",,,,,,2018,June "木下 貴裕,神田 径,高倉 伸一,関 香織,松永 康生,木下 雄介,相澤 広記","AMT調査と土壌ガス拡散放出量測定による那須茶臼岳溶岩ドームの熱水系構造の推定","地球惑星科学連合大会",,,,,,2018,May "吉村 令慧,山崎 健一,小川 康雄,中川 潤,川崎 慎吾,小松 信太郎,米田 格,大内 悠平,岡崎 智久,鈴木 惇史,齋藤 全史郎,臼井 嘉哉,相澤 広記,宇津木 充,寺石 眞弘","Electrical resistivity structure around the long-term Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel region, southwest Japan, by three-dimensional wideband magnetotelluric inversion",,,,,,,2018,May "相澤 広記,上嶋 誠,小山 崇夫,長谷 英彰,山谷 祐介,宇津木 充,神田 径,橋本 武志,塚本 果織,村松 弾","桜島・霧島・富士山・九重山での広帯域MT連続観測により推定される比抵抗構造時間変化","地球惑星科学連合大会",,,,,,2018,May "塚本 果織,相澤 広記,千葉 慶太,神田 径,上嶋 誠,小山 崇夫,宇津木 充,関 香織,木下 貴裕,手操 佳子,村松 弾,Agnis Triahadini,湯浅 雄平,岩佐 優一,林田 祐人,Alutsyah Luthfian","霧島硫黄山の三次元比抵抗構造と2013年ごろからの火山活動について","地球惑星科学連合大会",,,,,,2018,May "上嶋 誠,相澤 広記,塚本 果織,神田 径,関 香織,木下 貴裕,大湊 隆雄,渡邉 篤志","2016熊本地震活動に伴ってえびのにおいて観測された電磁気変動について","Conductivity Anomaly研究会","CA研究会2017年度論文集",,,,"pp. 67-68",2018,Mar. "木下 貴裕,神田 径,高倉 伸一,関 香織,松永 康生,木下 雄介,相澤 広記","那須茶臼岳溶岩ドームにおける熱水系の構造の推定","Conductivity Anomaly研究会","CA研究会2017年度論文集",,,,"pp. 7-12",2018,Mar. "吉村 令慧,山崎 健一,小川 康雄,中川 潤,川崎 慎吾,小松 信太郎,米田 格,岡崎 智久,大内 悠平,鈴木 惇史,齋藤 全史郎,臼井 嘉哉,相澤 広記,宇津木 充,寺石 眞弘","Large-scale electrical resistivity structure around the long-term Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel","地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会、京都大学、おうばくプラザ きはだホール、2017.10.16.",,,,,,2017,Oct. "木下 貴裕,神田 径,高倉 伸一,関 香織,松永 康生,木下 雄介,相澤 広記","AMT観測による那須茶臼岳における3次元比抵抗構造の推定",,"日本火山学会講演予稿集","特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会","Vol. 2017","No. 0","pp. 181-181",2017,Oct. "Tsukamoto, K.,Aizawa, K.,Kanda, W.,Uyeshima, M.,Seki, K.,Kishita, T.,Utsugi, M.,Koyama, T.","Shallow resistivity structure and its relation to hypocenters and deformation sources: Iwoyama Volcano, Kirishima Volcanic Complex, Japan","IAVCEI 2017 General Assembly",,,,,,2017,Aug. "塚本 果織,相澤 広記,神田 径,上嶋 誠,関 香織,木下 貴裕,宇津木 充,小山 崇夫","霧島硫黄山周辺の1次元比抵抗構造と震源再決定","JpGU-AGU Joint meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,May "木下 貴裕,神田 径,高倉 伸一,関 香織,松永 康生,木下 雄介,相澤 広記","AMT観測による茶臼岳溶岩ドームにおける3次元比抵抗構造の推定","JpGU-AGU Joint meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,May "Yoshiya Usui,Yasuo Ogawa,Koki Aizawa,Wataru Kanda,Takeshi Hashimoto,Takao Koyama,Yusuke Yamaya,Tsuneomi Kagiyama","Three-dimensional resistivity structure of Asama Volcano revealed by data-space magnetotelluric inversion using unstructured tetrahedral elements",,"Geophysical Journal International",,"Volume 208"," 3"," 1359?1372",2017,Mar. "相澤広記,宇津木充,小山崇夫,上嶋誠,神田径,長谷英彰,吉村令慧,山崎健一,小川康雄","MT法による火山の比抵抗変動観測","東京大学地震研究所平成28年度共同利用研究集会「地球内部構造の観測・監視技術の未来」, 2017.3.14",,,,,,2017,Mar. "木下貴裕,神田 径,相澤広記","那須茶臼岳における比抵抗構造の再解析",,"日本火山学会講演予稿集","特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会","Vol. 2016","No. 0","pp. 159-159",2016,Sept. "塚本 果織,相澤広記,神田 径,関香織,木下貴裕,上嶋 誠,小山 崇夫,宇津木 充","1次元解析による霧島硫黄山周辺の比抵抗構造",,"日本火山学会講演予稿集","特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会","Vol. 2016","No. 0","pp. 36-36",2016,Sept. "Aizawa, K.,Sumino, H.,Uyeshima, M.,Yamaya, Y.,Hase, H.,Takahashi,H. A. Takahashi, M.,Kazahaya, K.,Ohno, M.,Rung-Arunwan, T.,Ogawa, Y.","Gas pathways and remotely triggered earthquakes beneath Mt. Fuji, Japan",,"Geology",,,,,2016,Jan. "塩谷 太郎,宇津木 充,相澤 広記,上嶋 誠,小山 崇夫,神田 径","広帯域MT探査による九重連山周辺の比抵抗構造推定","日本火山学会2015年度秋季大会","日本火山学会講演予稿集 2015年度秋季大会",,,,"p. 141",2015,Sept. "相澤 広記,上嶋 誠,高村 直也,宇津木 充,井上 寛之,塩谷 太郎,内田 和也,塚島 祐子,若林 翌馬,藤田 詩織,松島 健,小山 崇夫,神田 径,吉村 令慧,山崎 健一,小松 信太郎,志藤 あずさ","地電位差計を用いた大分県中南部の広帯域MT観測","日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会",,,,,,2015,May "塩谷 太郎,宇津木 充,相澤 広記,上嶋 誠,小山 崇夫,神田 径","広帯域MT探査による九重連山周辺の比抵抗構造推定","日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会",,,,,,2015,May "Aizawa, K.,Koyama, T.,Hase, H.,Uyeshima, M.,Kanda, W.,Utsugi, M.,Yoshimura, R.,Yamaya, Y.,Hashimoto, T.,Yamazaki, K.,Komatsu, S.,Watanabe, A.,Miyakawa, K.,Ogawa, Y.","Three-dimensional resistivity structure and magma plumbing system of the Kirishima volcanoes as inferred from broad-band magnetotelluric data",,"Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth",," 119",," 198?215",2014,Jan. "Aizawa, K.,T. Koyama,M. Uyeshima,Hideaki Hase,T. Hashimoto,W. Kanda,R. Yoshimura,M. Utusgi,Y. Ogawa,K. Yamazaki","Magnetotelluric and temperature monitoring after the 2011 sub-Plinian eruptions of Shinmoe-dake volcano",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 65","No. 6","pp. 539-550",2013,June "Kanda, W.,T. Yamazaki,Y. Ogawa,T. Hashimoto,S. Sakanaka,K. Aizawa,S. Takakura,T. Koyama,K. Yamada,T. Kobayashi,S. Komori","Shallow Resistivity Structure of Sakurajima Volcano Revealed by Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics",,"Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 58","No. 1"," 251-267",2013,Jan. "K. Aizawa,W. Kanda,Y. Ogawa,M. Iguchi,A. Yokoo,H. Yakiwara,T. Sugano","Temporal Changes in Electrical Resistivity at Sakurajima Volcano from Continuous Magnetotelluric Observations",,"J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.",,"Vol. 199",,"pp. 165-175",2011,Jan. "Aizawa, K.,A. Yokoo,W. Kanda,Y. Ogawa,M. Iguchi","Magnetotelluric pulses generated by volcanic lightning at Sakurajima",,"Geophys. Res. Lett.",,"vol. 37",," L17301",2010,Sept. "R. Yoshimura,N. Oshiman,M. Uyeshima,H. Toh,T. Uto,H. Kanezaki,Y. Mochido,K. Aizawa,Y. Ogawa,T. Nishitani,S. Sakanaka,M. Mishina,H. Satoh,T. Goto,T. Kasaya,S. Yamaguchi,H. Murakami,T. Mogi,Y. Yamaya,M. Harada,I. Shiozaki,Y. Honkura,S. Koyama,S. Nakao,Y. Wada,Y. Fujita","Magnetotelluric Transect of the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone, Central Japan: A Clear Correlation between Strain Accumulation and Resistivity Structure",,"Geophys. Res. Lett.",,"vol. 36","no. 20"," L20311",2009,Oct. "Aizawa, K.,Y. Ogawa,M. Mishina,K. Takahashi,S. Nagaoka,N. Takagi,S. Sakanaka,T. Miura","Structural controls on the 1998 volcanic unrest at Iwate Volcano: relationship between shallow electric resistive body and possible magmatic fluid ascent route",,"J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.",,"Vol. 187",," 131?139",2009,Oct. "Koki Aizawa,Wataru Kanda,Yasuo Ogawa,Akihiko Yokoo,Masato Iguchi","Shallow resistivity changes of Sakurajima volcano from magnetotelluric continuous observation",,"CA研究会2009年論文集","Conductivity Anomaly 研究会",,,"p. 79",2009,Aug. "Aizawa, K.,Y. Ogawa,T. Ishido","Groundwater flow and hydrothermal systems within volcanic edifices: delineation by electric self-potential and magnetotellurics",,"J. Geophys. Res.",,"Vol. 114",,,2009,Jan. "Aizawa, K.,Y. Ogawa,T. Hashimoto,T. Koyama,W. Kanda,Y. Yamaya,M. Mishina,T. Kagiyama","Shallow resistivity structure of Asama volcano and its implications for magma ascent process in the 2004 eruption",,"J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.","Elsevier","Vol. 173",,"pp. 165-177",2008,Feb.