"Taku Hanna,Hidenori Hiramatsu,Isao Sakaguchi,Hideo Hosono","Highly hydrogen-sensitive thermal desorption spectroscopy system for quantitative analysis of low hydrogen concentration (~1 ~ 10??atoms/cm?) in thin-film samples;",,"Review of Scientific Instruments",," 88",," 053103-1 -13",2017,May
"Taku Hanna,Satoru Matusishi,Katsuaki Kodama,Toshiya Otomo,Shin-ichi Shamoto,Hideo Hosono","From antiferromagnetic insulator to ferromagnetic metal: Effects of hydrogen substitution in LaMnAsO",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 87",,"pp. 020401(R)-1 - 5",2013,
"Taku Hanna,Yoshinori Muraba,Satoru Matsuishi,Hideo Hosono","Superconductivity in 1111-type CaFeAsF1-xHx induced by selective hydrogen elimination",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 103",,"pp. 142601-1 - 4",2013,
"Satoru Matsuishi,Taku Hanna,Yoshinori Muraba,Sung Wng Kim,Jung Eun Kim,Masaki Takata,Shin-ich Shamoto,Ronald I. Smith,Hideo Hosono","Structural analysis and superconductivity of CeFeAsO1|xHx",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 85","No. 014514","pp. 1 - 6",2012,
"H. Takahashi,T. Tomita,H. Soeda,M. Ebata,K. Okuma,T. Hanna,Y. Muraba,S. Matsuishi,H. Hosono:","High-Pressure Studies for Hydrogen Substituted CaFeAsF1-xHx and SmFeAsO1-xHx",,"J. Supercond. Nov. Magn",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 1293-1296",2012,
"Soshi Iimura,Satoru Matuishi,Hikaru Sato,Taku Hanna,Yoshinori Muraba,Sung Wng Kim,Jung Eun Kim,Masaki Takata,Hideo Hosono:","Two-dome structure in electron-doped iron arsenide superconductors",,"Nat. Commun",,"Vol. 3","No. 943","pp. 1-6",2012,
"T. Hanna,D. Yoshida,H. Munekata","Preparation and characterization of MnSb-GaAs spin LED",,"J. Cryst. Growth",,"Vol. 323",,"p. 383?386",2011,May
"W. Terui,H. Munekata,T. Hanna,D. Yoshida","MnSb-based spin LED with side-wall emission",,"phys. stat. sol. c",,"Vol. c8",,"p. 396-398",2011,Feb.
"Taku Hanna,Yoshinori Muraba,Satoru Matsuishi,Naoki Igawa,Katsuaki Kodama,Shin-ichi Shamoto,Hideo Hosono","Hydrogen in layered iron arsenides: Indirect electron doping to induce superconductivity",,"Phys. Rev.B",,"Vol. 84",,"pp. 024521-1-7",2011,
"D. Yoshida,Nozomi Nishizawa,T. Hanna,H. Munekata","Preparation of lateral type spin - LED with MnSb electrodes","15th Domestic Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin-related Phenomena in Semiconductors","Abstract Booklet PASPS-15",,,,"p. 99",2010,Dec.
"gcεS,Όί ρ,Ός],@ΠδCv","MnSb»Ι¨―ι₯CΩϋ«Μ·xΛΆ«","ζ71ρp¨wοwpuο","u\eW",,,,"p. 10-015",2010,Sept.
"T. Hanna,D. Yoshida,H. Munekata","Preparation and characterization of MnSb-GaAs-based spin LEDs","the 6th Internfl Conf. on the Physics and Applications of Spin Related Phenomena in Semiconductors","Abstract PASPS-VI",,,,"p. 190-191",2010,Aug.
"T. Hanna,D. Yoshida,H. Munekata","Preparation and characterization of MnSb-GaAs-based spin LEDs","16th Internfl. Conf. Molecular Beam Epitaxy","Abstract booklet MBE-2010",,,,"p. 106",2010,Aug.
"gcεS,Όί ρ,@ΠδCv","MnSb»Μμ»E]ΏΖ₯CΩϋ«","ζ57ρp¨wΦWAuο","u\eW",,,,"p. 10-028",2010,Mar.
"ΖδjΪ,Όίρ,@ΠδCv","MnSb-GaAs Spin-LEDΜμ»Ζ]Ώ","ζ56ρp¨wΦWAuο","u\eW",,,"No. 2","p. 802",2009,Mar.
"W.Terui,T.Hanna,H.Munekata","Preparation and characterization of MnSb-based spin LED","The 13th Symposium of Physics and Applications of Spin-related Phenomena in Semiconductors","Abstract booklet",,,,"p. 39",2009,Jan.