"朝野 英一,桜木 智史,浜田 涼,韓 治暎,中瀬 正彦,松村 達郎,千葉 豪,相樂 洋,竹下 健二","廃棄物処分の環境影響を基点とした原子力システム研究 (1) 廃棄物処分における環境負荷と核燃料サイクル条件","日本原子力学会2021年春の年会","日本原子力学会2021年春の年会予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,,2021,Mar. "Yusuke Inaba,Takayuki Tsumagari,Tatsuya Kida,Wataru Watanabe,Yasutaka Nakajima,Sachio Fukuoka,Atsunori Mori,Tatsuro Matsumura,Yoshio Nakano,Kenji Takeshita","Thermoresponsive extraction of cadmium(II) ions by poly (TPEN?NIPA) gels. Effect of chain length and branched spacer structure on gel formation and extraction behavior",,"Polymer Journal",,"Vol. 43","No. 7","pp. 630-634",2011,Apr. "Sachio Fukuoka,Tatsuya Kida,Yasutaka Nakajima,Takayuki Tsumagari,Wataru Watanabe,Yusuke Inaba,Atsunori Mori,Tatsuro Matsumura,Yoshio Nakano,Kenji Takeshita","Thermo-responsive extraction of cadmium(II) ion with TPEN-NIPA gel. Effect of the number of polymerizable double bond toward gel formation and the extracting behavior",,"Tetrahedron",,"Volume 66",,"pp. 1721-1727",2010,Feb. "Tatsuro MATSUMURA,Yusuke INABA,Atsunori MORI,Kenji TAKESHITA","Am/Eu Separation with a New Ligand, N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis((4-butoxypyridin-2-yl)methyl)ethylenediamine (TBPEN), a Hydrophobic Derivative of TPEN",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 47","No. 2","pp. 123-126",2010,Feb. "Yusuke Inaba,Tatsuya Kida,Wataru Watanabe,Atsunori Mori,Tatsuro Matsumura,Takeshi Ogata,Kenji Takeshita","Synthesis and Properties of TPEN Derivatives Bearing Hydrophobic Side-chaines as Separating Agents for Minor Actinides from High-level Radioactive Waste","The Eleventh International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry","The Eleventh International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry Abstracts II",," PC-052",,"p. 258",2009,Nov. "Kenji Takeshita,Tatsuro Matsumura,Yoshio Nakano","Thermal-swing extraction separation of Am (III) and Eu (III) with poly-NIPA gel crosslinked with TPEN derivative.",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"vol. 44",,"p. 1481?1483",2007,Dec. "Kenji Takeshita,Tatsuro Matsumura,Glenn Fugate,Yoshio Nakano,Atsunori Mori","Separation of Americium(III) from Lanthanides(III) by Thermosentitive Gel Copolymerized with TPEN Derivatives","Global2007","Proc. of Global2007",,,,,2007,Sept. "Kenji Takeshita,Glenn A. Fugate,Tatsuro Matsumura,Yoshio Nakano","Trivalent Actinide-Lanthanide Separation by Thermal-swing Extraction Process using Thermosensitive Gel with TPEN Derivatives","31st Separations Coference","Abstracts of the 31st Separations Coference",,,,"p. 29",2007,June "Glenn A. Fugate,Kenji Takeshita,Tatsuro Matsumura,Yoshio Nakano","Synthesis and Characterization of TPEN Analogs for the Separation of Americium (III) and Lanthanide (III) Ions","31st Separations Coference","Abstracts of the 31st Separations Coference",,,,"pp. 28",2007,June "Tatsuro Matsumura,Kenji Takeshita","Am(III)/Eu(III) SEPARATION WITH TPEN","15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering(ICONE15)","Proc.of the 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering(IOCNE15)",,,,,2007,Apr. "Tatsuro Matsumura,Kenji Takeshita","Extraction Behavior of Am(III) from Eu(III) with Hydrophobic Derivatives of N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-methylpyridyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN)",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology","Taylor & Francis Group","Vol. 43","No. 7","pp. 824-827",2006,Apr.