"Akihiro Fukagwa,Michio Hiroshima,Makio Tokunaga","Entropic effects of hydrogen bonds to the double-stranded DNA structure revealed by single-molecule mechanical unzipping","第53回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Akihiro Fukagawa,Kumiko Sakata-Sogawa,Makio Tokunaga","Formation of microclusters of receptor molecules improves signal/noise ratio in cellular signal transduction","The 52th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2014,Sept. "Akio Chiba,Akihiro Fukagawa,Kumiko Sakata-Sogawa,Makio Tokunaga","Responses of a stochastic signaling cascade to input signals with extrinsic noise","The 51th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2013,Oct. "Akihiro Fukagawa,Masashi Kajita,Kumiko Sakata-Sogawa,Makio Tokunaga","Why do cells use signaling cascades with a variety of the number of steps?","The 51th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2013,Oct. "Tokunaga M.,Fukagawa A.,Sakata-Sogawa K.","Single molecule imaging in living cells and stochastic features of inter- and intra-molecular interactions.","The 10th NIBB-EMBL Symposium 2013 “Quantitative Bioimaging”",,,,,,2013,Mar. "徳永万喜洋,深川暁宏,十川久美子","1分子研究が明かす動的でエントロピー的な“場”","遺伝情報場シンポジウム2013",,,,,,2013,Jan. "Tokunaga M.,Fukagawa A.,Sakata-Sogawa K","Single molecule imaging in living cells and stochastic features of inter- and intra-molecular interactions","1st Bioscience and Biotechnology International symposium “Biomolecular assemblies from nano to micro”",,,,,,2013,Jan. "Akihiro Fukagwa,Michio Hiroshima,Makio Tokunaga","GC and AT pairs show different entropic stabilization of DNA structures found in single-molecule mechanical unzipping","The 50th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2012,Sept. "Fukagawa A.,Hiroshima M.,Tokunaga M","Stochastic and dynamic behavior of quasi-static mechanical unzipping of single-base pair of DNA on 2D maps","17th international Bophysics Congress",,,,,,2011,Oct. "Akihiro Fukagawa,Michio Hiroshima,Makio Tokunaga","Entropic stabilization of DNA structures by hydrogen bonds found in mechanical unzipping","The 49th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2011,Sept. "Akihiro Fukagawa,Michio Hiroshima,Makio Tokunaga","Stochastic and dynamic behavior of quasi-static mechanical unzipping of single-base pair of DNA on 2D maps","第48回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2010,Sept. "Fukagawa A.,Hiroshima M.,Tokunaga M","Stochastic and dynamic pathways detected by quasi-static mechanical unzipping of single-base pair of DNA and MD simulations","Gordon Research Conference Single Molecule Approaches To Biology",,,,,,2010,July "Akihiro Fukagawa,Michio Hiroshima,Makio Tokunaga","Stochastic and dynamic pathways detected by quasi-static mechanical unzipping of single-base pair of DNA and MD simulations","第47回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2009,Oct. "深川暁宏,廣島通夫,桑島邦博,徳永万喜洋","スタフィロコッカルヌクレアーゼの分子内構造へのカルシウムイオン効果の1分子力学測定","科研費特定領域研究「マルチスケール操作によるシステム細胞工学(バイオ操作)」公開シンポ「分野横断的手法を活用した新時代の生命科学研究」",,,,,,2009,Aug. "Akihiro FUKAGAWA,Michio HIROSHIMA,Isao SAKANE,Makio TOKUNAGA","Direct Observation of Multiple and Stochastic Transition States by a Feedback-controlled Single-molecule Force Measurement",,"ANALYTICAL SCIENCES",,"Vol. 25","No. 1","pp. 5-7",2009,Jan. "Akihiro Fukagawa,Michio Hiroshima,Isao Sakane,Makio Tokunaga","Stochastic emergence of multiple intermediates detected by single-molecule quasi-static mechanical unfolding of protein",,"BIOPHYSICS","THE BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN","Vol. 5",,"pp. 25-35",2009, "深川暁宏,廣島通夫,桑島邦博,徳永万喜洋","スタフィロコッカルヌクレアーゼの分子内構造へのカルシウムイオン効果の1分子力学測定","第46回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2008,Dec. "Tokunaga M.,Fukagawa A.,Sakata-Sogawa K.","Single molecule imaging by HILO microscopy in linving cells and stochastic emergence of multiple intermediates detected by single-molecule protein unfolding.","Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology Seminar",,,,,,2008,Aug. "Fukagawa A.,Hiroshima M.,Sakane I.,Kuwajima K.,Tokunaga M.","Stochastic emergence of multiple intermediates detected by single-molecule protein unfolding.","Gordon Research Conference Single Molecule Approaches To Biology",,,,,,2008,Aug. "深川暁宏,廣島通夫,桑島邦博,徳永万喜洋","一分子計測およびMDシミュレーションによるタンパク質アンフォールディングの確率的経路と複数の中間状態の検出","第45回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2007,Dec.