"Kensuke Karasu,SHIRO YOSHIKAWA,Shinichi OOKAWARA,KOHEI OGAWA,Sandra E. Kentish,Geoffrey W. Stevens","A combined model for the prediction of the permeation flux during the cross-flow ultrafiltration of a whey suspension",,"Journal of Membrane Science","Elsevier","Vol. 361",,"pp. 71-77",2010,June "Kensuke Karasu,Nicole Glennon,Nicole Dlawrence,Geoffrey W. Stevens,Andrea J O'Connor,Andrew R Barber,SHIRO YOSHIKAWA,Sandra E. Kentish","A comparison between ceramic and polymeric membrane systems for casein concentrate manufacture",,"International Journal of Dairy Technology","Society of Dairy Technology","Vol. 63","No. 2"," 284-289",2010,May "Kensuke Karasu,SHIRO YOSHIKAWA,Sandra E. Kentish,Geoffrey W. Stevens","A model for cross-flow ultrafiltration of dairy whey based on the rheology of the compressible cake",,"Journal of Membrane Science","ELSEVIER","Vol. 341",," 252-260",2009,July "Kensuke Karasu,Nicole Glennon,Nilcole Lawrence,Geoffrey W. Stevens,SHIRO YOSHIKAWA,Sandra E. Kentish","Microfiltration of Skim Milk for Casein Concentrate Manufacture","The Fifth Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society","Proceedings The Fifth Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society",,,," P1-6",2009,July "Kensuke Karasu,SHIRO YOSHIKAWA,Geoffrey W. Stevens,Sandra E. Kentish","A Model for the Initial Period of Permeation Process of Cross-flow Ultrafiltration of Whey Suspenshion Based on the Rheology of Compressible cake","The Fifth Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society","Proceedings The Fifth Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society",,,," P10-13",2009,July