"Masaaki Kitano,Koichiro Tsujimaru,Masakazu Anpo","Hydrogen Production Using Highly Active Titanium Oxide-based Photocatalysts",,"Topics in Catalysis","Springer","Vol. 49",,"pp. 4?17",2008,July "Masaaki Kitano,Kazushi Iyatani,Koichiro Tsujimaru,Masaya Matsuoka,Masato Takeuchi,Michio Ueshima,John Thomas,Masakazu Anpo","The Effect of Chemical Etching by HF Solution on the Photocatalytic Activity of Visible Light-responsive TiO2 Thin Films for Solar Water Splitting",,,"Springer","Vol. 49",,"pp. 24?31",2008,May "Masaya Matsuoka,Masaaki Kitano,Masato Takeuchi,Koichiro Tsujimaru,Masakazu Anpo,John M. Thomas","Photocatalysis for new energy production Recent advances in photocatalytic water splitting reactions for hydrogen production",,"Catalysis Today","Elsevier B.V.","Vol. 122",,"pp. 51?61",2007,Apr. "Masaaki Kitano,Koichiro Tsujimaru,Masakazu Anpo","Decomposition of water in the separate evolution of hydrogen and oxygen using visible light-responsive TiO2 thin film photocatalysts: Effect of the work function of the substrates on the yield of the reaction",,"Applied Catalysis A: General","Elsevier B.V.","Vol. 314",,"pp. 179?183",2006,Sept. "北野政明,植嶌陸男,辻丸光一郎,安保正一","光触媒による水の光分解技術",,"電気評論","(株) 電気評論社","Vol. 91","No. 7","pp. 74-78",2006,July