"Farid Triawan,Kikuo Kishimoto,Tadaharu Adachi,Kazuaki Inaba,Toshio Nakamura,Tohru Hashimura","The Elastic Behavior of Aluminum Alloy Foam under Uniaxial Loading and Bending Conditions",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 60",,"pp. 3084-3093",2012,Apr. "Farid TRIAWAN,Kikuo KISHIMOTO,Tadaharu ADACHI,Kazuaki INABA,Toshio NAKAMURA,Zhijia LIN,Tohru HASHIMURA","Elastic Bending Behavior of Aluminum Alloy Foam","11th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials","Engineering Procedia",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 2994-2999",2011,June "Farid TRIAWAN,Kikuo Kishimoto,Tadaharu Adachi,Kazuaki Inaba,Nakamura Toshio,Toru Hashimura","Effect of Cell Local-Deformation of Foam Material on Compression and Bending Stiffness","The 60th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","Proceedings of The 60th National Congress of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics",,,,,2011,Mar.