"Shixue Liu,Arief Mohammad,Kazuya Mihara,Takayoshi Ishimoto,Tomofumi Tada,Michihisa Koyama","Predictive Microkinetic Model for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Patterned Anode: Based on an Extensive Literature Survey and Exhaustive Simulations",,"J. Phys. Chem. C",,"Vol. 121",," 19069−19079",2017,Aug. "S. Liu,L. C. Saha,A. M. Iskandarovb,Z. Jiao,S. Hara,T. Ishimoto,Tomofumi Tada,Y. Umeno,N. Shikazono,S. Matsumura,M. Koyama","Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Approach for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode Reaction",,"ECS Transactions",,"Vol. 78",," 2815-2822",2017,July "Takayoshi Ishimoto,Yumi Ito,Tomofumi Tada,Ryo Oike,Takashi Nakamura,Koji Amezawa,Michihisa Koyama","Theoretical study on temperature effect of electronic structure and spin state in LaCoO3 by using density functional theory",,"SOLID STATE IONICS",,"Vol. 285",," 195-201",2016,Jan. "Takayoshi Ishimoto,K. Sato,Tomofumi Tada,Kouji Amezawa,Michihisa Koyama","Theoretical Study on Oxygen Dissociation Reaction on LaSrCoO3",,"ECS Transactions",,"Vol. 68",," 651-655",2015,July "古山通久,河野晴彦,小倉鉄平,石元孝佳,松村 晶,原祥太郎,多田朋史,梅野宜崇,鹿園直樹","固体酸化物形燃料電池電極高性能化に向けたマルチスケールアプローチ","第20回燃料電池シンポジウム",,,,,,2013,May "石元孝佳,伊藤諭美,多田朋史,雨澤浩史,古山通久","LaCoO3内殻励起スペクトルの温度依存性に関する理論解析","電気化学会第81回大会",,,,,,2013,Mar. "Hiroaki Umeda,Yuichi Inadomi,Toshio Watanabe,Toru Yagi,Takayoshi Ishimoto,Tsutomu Ikegami,Hiroto Tadano,Tetsuya Sakurai,Umpei Nagashima","Parallel Fock matrix construction with distributed shared memory model for the FMO-MO method",,"Journal of Computational Chemistry","Wiley","Vol. 31","No. 13","pp. 2381-2388",2010,Apr. "Katsuhiro Tamura,Toshio Watanabe,Takayoshi Ishimoto,Hiroaki Umeda,Yuichi Inadomi,Umpei Nagashima","FMO-MO Method as an Initial Guess Generation for SCF Calculation: Case of (−)-Epicatechin Gallate",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 81","No. 2","pp. 254-256",2008,June "Katsuhiro Tamura,Toshio Watanabe,Takayoshi Ishimoto,Umpei Nagashima","Ab Initio MO-MD Simulation Based on the Fragment MO Method. A Case of (−)-Epicatechin Gallate with STO-3G Basis Set",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 81","No. 1","pp. 110-112",2008,June "稲富 雄一,石元 孝佳,梅田 宏明,渡邊寿雄,櫻井 鉄也,立川 仁典,長嶋 雲兵","大規模分子軌道計算における解くべき固有値問題の特徴",,"計算工学講演会論文集",,"Vol. 13","No. 2","pp. 707-708",2008,May "渡邊寿雄,稲富雄一,石元孝佳,梅田宏明,櫻井鉄也,長嶋雲兵","大規模分子の分子軌道計算 : Lysozyme とモデルDNA分子の分子軌道",,"Journal of computer chemistry, Japan","日本コンピュータ化学会","Vol. 6","No. 3",,2007,Aug. "Katsuhiro Tamura,Toshio Watanabe,Takayoshi Ishimoto,Umpei Nagashima","Difference in the Potential Energy Surfaces from the Fragment MO Method and Conventional Ab Initio SCF-MO Method. A Case of a Surface for Ring Rotation of (−)-Epicatechin Gallate Using the STO-3G Basis Set",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 80","No. 10","pp. 1939-1941",2007,June "長嶋雲兵,渡邊寿雄,稲富雄一,石元孝佳,梅田宏明,櫻井鉄也","グリッド技術を用いた大規模分子軌道計算プログラムの開発 : - FMO-MO法によるLysozymeの溶媒和と分子軌道 -",,"日本化学会情報化学部会誌","日本化学会情報化学部会","Vol. 25","No. 2","p. 40",2007,June