"R. Y. Gunji,H. Hiraga,A. Ohtomo,T. Makino,T. Fukumura,M. Kawasaki","Conducting polymer Schottky contact on ZnO with interfacial self-assembled monolayer","Annual Fellow/Young Researcher Research Presentations FY2009 of GCOE",,,,,,2010,Mar.
"H. Hiraga,T. Makino,T. Fukumura,A. Ohtomo,M. Kawasaki","Coexistence of excitonic and magnetic properties in natural superlattices composed of Cu2O and transition metal oxides","The 2010 WPI-AIMR Annual Workshop",,,,,,2010,Mar.
"S. Chakraverty,M. Okude,A. Ohtomo,H. Hiraga,M. Kawasaki","Spontaneous atomic ordering in epitaxial double perovskite: La2FeCrO6 revisited","4th International Workshop on Spin Currents & 2nd International Workshop on Spincaloritoronics",,,,,,2010,Feb.
"S. Chakraverty,M. Okude,A. Ohtomo,H. Hiraga,M. Kawasaki","Spontaneous atomic ordering in epitaxial double perovskites: Sr2FeTaO6 , La2FeCrO6","KINKEN-WAKATE2009",,,,,,2009,Dec.
"郡司 遼佑,平賀 広貴,大友 明,牧野 哲征,福村 知昭,川崎 雅司","カルボキシル結合基を有するフッ素系自己組織化単分子膜の酸化物基板上への形成","第118回東北大学金属材料研究所講演会",,,,,,2009,Nov.
"H. Hiraga,T. Makino,T. Fukumura,A. Ohtomo,M. Kawasaki","Excitonic characteristics in direct wide-band-gap CuScO2 epitaxial thin films",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 95","No. 21"," 211908-1-3",2009,Nov.
"郡司 遼佑,平賀 広貴,大友 明,牧野 哲征,福村 知昭,川崎 雅司","カルボキシル結合基を有するフッ素系自己組織化単分子膜の酸化物基板上への形成","第118回東北大学金属材料研究所講演会",,,,,,2009,Nov.
"S. Chakraverty,M. Okude,A. Ohtomo,H. Hiraga,M. Kawasaki","Spontaneous atomic ordering in epitaxial double perovskites: Sr2FeTaO6 and La2FeCrO6","16th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics",,,,,,2009,Oct.
"H. Hiraga,T. Fukumura,T. Makino,A. Ohtomo,A. Ohkubo,H. Kimura,M. Kawasaki","Optical and magnetic properties of CuMnO2 epitaxial thin films","16th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics",,,,,,2009,Oct.
"H. Hiraga,T. Makino,T. Fukumura,A. Ohtomo,M. Kawasaki","Excitonic and magnetic properties in natural superlattices composed of Cu2O and transition metal oxides","RIEC-CNSI Work Shop",,,,,,2009,Oct.
"H. Hiraga,T. Fukumura,A. Ohtomo,T. Makino,A. Ohkubo,H. Kimura,M. Kawasaki","Optical and magnetic properties of CuMnO2 epitaxial thin films with a delafossite-derivative structure",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 95","No. 3"," 032109-1-3",2009,July
"平賀 広貴,岩崎 洋介,福村 知昭,大友 明,牧野 哲征,大久保 昭,木村 久道,川崎 雅司","デラフォサイト型遷移金属酸化物エピタキシャル薄膜の作製と物性評価","2009年春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2009,Mar.
"郡司 遼佑,平賀 広貴,中野 匡規,大友 明,牧野 哲征,福村 知昭,川崎 雅司","酸化物基板上へのステアリン酸SAMの形成","2009年春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2009,Mar.
"R. Y. Gunji,H. Hiraga,M. Nakano,A. Ohtomo,T. Makino,T. Fukumura,M. Kawasaki","Self-assembled stearic acid monolayer on oxide surfaces","The Annual PD/RA Research Presentations (FY2008) of the Global COE Program: Materials Integration International Center of Education and Research",,,,,,2009,Mar.
"H. Hiraga,T. Fukumura,T. Makino,A. Ohtomo,M. Kawasaki","Epitaxial growth and properties of delafossite (CuTMO2) thin films on MgAl2O4and α-Al2O3 substrates","The WPI-AIMR 2009 March Annual Workshop",,,,,,2009,Mar.
"R. Y. Gunji,H. Hiraga,M. Nakano,A. Ohtomo,T. Makino,T. Fukumura,M. Kawasaki","Self-assembled octadecanoic acid monolayer on oxide surfaces","Tohoku - NTU Research Student Workshop on Materials Integration for Health, Energy & Better Environment",,,,,,2009,Feb.