"H. Tanaka,S. Okazaki,M. Kobayashi,Y. Fukushima,Y. Arai,T. Iimori,M. Lippmaa,K. Yamagami,Y. Kotani,F. Komori,K. Kuroda,T. Sasagawa,T. Kondo","Broken Screw Rotational Symmetry in the Near-Surface Electronic Structure of AB-Stacked Crystals",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 132",," 136402",2024,Mar.
"K. Yoshimatsu,H. Wadati,E. Sakai,T. Harada,Y. Takahashi,T. Harano,G. Shibata,K. Ishigami,T. Kadono,T. Koide,T. Sugiyama,E. Ikenaga,H. Kumigashira,M. Lippmaa,M. Oshima,A. Fujimori","Spectroscopic studies on the electronic and magnetic states of Co-doped perovskite manganite Pr0.8Ca0.2Mn1−yCoyO3 thin films",,"Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics",,"Vol. 88",,"Page 174423",2013,Nov.
"K. Yoshimatsu,H. Wadati,Takayuki Harada,Yukio Takahashi,Takayuki Harano,Goro Shibata,Keisuke Ishigami,Toshiharu Kadono,Tsuneharu Koide,M. Lippmaa,M. Oshima,A. Fujimori","Electronic and magnetic states of Co-doped Pr0.8Ca0.2MnO3","2013 JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia",,,,,,2013,
"Eiji Fujimoto,Masatomo Sumiya,Tsuyoshi Ohnishi,Mikk Lippmaa,Masaki Takeguchi,Hideomi Koinuma,Yuji Matsumoto","Development of a new laser heating system for thin film growth by chemical vapor deposition",,"REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS",,"Vol. 83","No. 094701","pp. 1-6",2012,Sept.
"A. Imai,Valanoor Nagarajan,R. Takahashi,M. Lippmaa,Y. Matsumoto","Self-template growth of ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 nanoplates via flux-mediated epitaxy with VOx",,"Cryst. Growth & Design",,,," in press",2010,Oct.
"M. Matvejeff,K. Yoshimatsu,H. Kumigashira,M. Oshima,M. Lippmaa","Chemical stability and transport properties of ultrathin La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 Ruddlesden?Popper films",,"Applied physics letters",,"Vol. 95",,"page 152110",2009,Oct.
"川崎 雅司,寺井 恒太,塚崎 敦,大西 剛,大友 明,リップマー ミック","バッファー層による酸化物へテロエピタキシーの格子不整合エンジニアリング",,"日本結晶成長学会誌",,"Vol. 32","No. 2","pp. 74-81",2005,June
"M. Ohtani,T. Fukumura,M. Kawasaki,K. Omote,T. Kikuchi,J. Harada,A. Ohtomo,M. Lippmaa,T. Ohnishi,D. Komiyama,R. Takahashi,Y. Matsumoto,H. Koinuma","Concurrent x-ray diffractometer for high throughput structural diagnosis of epitaxial thin films",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 79","No. 22","pp. 3594-3596",2001,Nov.
"T. Ohnishi,D. Komiyama,T. Koida,S. Ohashi,C. Stauter,H. Koinuma,A. Ohtomo,M. Lippmaa,N. Nakagawa,M. Kawasaki,T. Kikuchi,K. Omote","Parallel integration and characterization of nanoscaled epitaxial lattices by concurrent molecular layer epitaxy and diffractometry",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 79","No. 4","pp. 536-538",2001,July
"I. Ohkubo,Y. Matsumoto,A. Ohtomo,T. Ohnishi,A. Tsukazaki,M. Lippmaa,H. Koinuma,M. Kawasaki","Investigation of ZnO/sapphire interface and formation of ZnO nanocrystalline by laser MBE",,"Applied Surface Science",,"Vol. 159",,"pp. 514-519",2000,June
"Y. Matsumoto,M. Murakami,Z.-W. Zin,A. Ohtomo,M. Lippmaa,M. Kawasaki,H. Koinuma","Combinatorial laser molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of Mg-Zn-O alloy for band gap engineering",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters",,"Vol. 38","No. 6AB","pp. L603-L605",1999,June
"M. Lippmaa,K. Takahashi,A. Ohtomo,S. Ohashi,T. Ohnishi,N. Nakagawa,T. Sato,M. Iwatsuki,H. Koinuma,M. Kawasaki","Atom technology for Josephson tunnel junctions: SrTiO3 substrate surface",,"Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology",,"Vol. 56","No. 2-3","pp. 111-116",1998,Nov.
"M. Lippmaa,M. Kawasaki,A. Ohtomo,T. Sato,M. Iwatsuki,H. Koinuma","Observation of SrTiO3 step edge dynamics by real-time high-temperature STM",,"Applied Surface Science",,"Vol. 130",,"pp. 582-586",1998,June
"Mikk Lippmaa,Akira Ohtomo,Masashi Kawasaki","Study of SrTiO3 surface dynamics by real-time STM at high temperatures",,"未来開拓研究ニュースレター",,"Vol. 2",," 35-37",1997,Jan.
"安井 伸太郎,伊藤 満,高橋 龍太,Mikk Lippmaa,小西 綾子,森分 博紀","強誘電体になりうるウルツアァイト型構造薄膜の作製","第6回6大学6研究所連携プロジェクト公開討論会",,,,,,,
"Shintaro Yasui,Ryota Takahashi,Mikk Lippmaa,Ayako Konishi,Hiroki Moriwake,Mitsuru Itoh","Growth of Ferroelectric Wurtzite Thin Films","6th International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structured Metallic and Inorganic Materials (AMDI-6)",,,,,,,
"安井 伸太郎,高橋 竜太,リップマー ミック,小西 綾子,森分 博紀,伊藤 満","四面体型強誘電体薄膜の作製と分極反転の可能性","日本セラミックス協会第29回秋季シンポジウム",,,,,,,