"Takashi Nagoshi,Akinobu Shibata,Masato Sone,Yoshikazu Todaka","Uniform elongation of ultra-fine grained steels evaluated by micro-compression tests","International Symposium on Advances in Nanostructured Materials and Applications, The 2011 Acta Materialia Gold Medal Symposium,","MS&T 2011 meeting","Institution of Civil Engineers (UK)",,,"p. in press",2011,Oct. "Takashi Nagoshi,Akinobu Shibata,Masato Sone,Yoshikazu Todaka","The role of grain boundary character distribution on the mechanical behavior of ultra-fine grained ferrite","E-MRS 2011 FALL MEETING,","E-MRS 2011 FALL MEETING","E-MRS",,,"p. in press",2011,Sept.