"Dong Han,Hongri Gu,Joon-wan Kim,Shinichi Yokota","A bio-inspired 3D-printed hybrid finger with integrated ECF (electro-conjugate fluid) micropumps",,"Sensors and Actuators A: Physical",,"Vol. 257","No. 15","pp. 47-57",2017,Apr. "Dong Han,Hongri Gu,Joon-wan Kim,Shinichi Yokota,Kazuya Edamura","A Novel 3D-Printed Finger Integrated with ECF Micropump","The 6th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology","ICMDT2015 Proceedings",,,,"pp. 124-125",2015,Apr. "Hongri Gu,Joon-wan Kim,Shinichi Yokota,Kazuya Edamura","Study on Output Characteristics of downsized ECF micropump","17th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2013)","17th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2013) PROCEEDINGS",,,,"pp. 283-285",2013,Oct.