"Janathan P. Stewart,S. L. Kramer,M. W. Greenfield,D. Y. Kwak,Robert kayen,KOHJI TOKIMATSU,J. D. Bray,C. Z. Beyzaei,M. Cubrinovski,Toru Sekiguchi,shoichi Nakai,Yousef Bozorgnia","PEER-NGL Project: Open Source Global Database and Model Development for the Next-Generation of Liquefaction Assessment Procedures","6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering","Proc., 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering","6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering",,"No. 799.00"," 23pp",2015,Nov. "Brady R. Cox,Ross W. Boulanger,Kohji Tokimatsu,Clinton M. Wood,Akio Abe,Scott Ashford,Jennifer Donqhue,Kenji Ishihara,Robert kayen,Kota Katsumata,Tadahiro Kishida,Takaji Kokusho,H.Benjamin Mason,Robb Moss,Janathan P. Stewart,Kazushi Tohyama,Dimitrios Zekkos","Liquefaction at Strong Motion Stations and in Urayasu City during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake.",,"Earthquake Spectra","Earthquake Engineering Reseach Institute","Vol. 29","No. SI","pp. S55-S80",2013,Mar.