"Yafei Shen,Peitao Zhao,Qinfu Shao,Fumitake Takahashi,Kunio Yoshikawa","In situ catalytic conversion of tar using rice husk char/ash supported nickel-iron catalysts for biomass pyrolytic gasification combined with the mixing-simulation in fluidized-bed gasifier",,"Applied Energy","Elsevier","Vol. 160",,"pp. 808-819",2015,Dec. "Dachao Ma,Guangyi Zhang,Peitao Zhao,Chinnathan Areeprasert,Yafei Shen,Kunio Yoshikawa,Guangwen Xu","Hydrothermal treatment of antibiotic mycelial dreg: More understanding from fuel characteristics",,"Chemical Engineering Journal",,"Vol. 2015",,"pp. 147-155",2015,June "Chinnathan Areeprasert,Peitao Zhao,Dachao Ma,Yafei Shen,Kunio Yoshikawa","Alternative Solid Fuel Production from Paper Sludge Employing Hydrothermal Treatment",,"Energy & Fuels",,"Vol. 28"," 2","pp. 1198-1206",2014,Jan. "Shen Yafei,Peitao Zhao,Dachao Ma,Wu Hu,Fumitake Takahashi,Kunio Yoshikawa","Biomass Catalytic Gasification Using Rice Husk Char-supported Ni-Fe Catalysts for In-situ Tar Elimination","2013 JAPAN-CHINA-KOREA Joint Symposium on Energy Conversion Technology","Proceedings of 2013 JAPAN-CHINA-KOREA Joint Symposium on Energy Conversion Technology",,,,"pp. 13-14",2013,Nov.