"Ryohei Sakai,Ryosuke Fukuda,Shin Unida,Misaki Aki,Yuji Ono,Akinori Endo,Satoshi Kusumi,Daisuke Koga,Toshiaki Fukushima,Masayuki Komada,Tsukasa Okiyoneda","The integral function of the endocytic recycling compartment is regulated by RFFL-mediated ubiquitylation of Rab11 effectors",,"Journal of cell science",,"Vol. 132","No. 3","pp. 228007",2019,Feb. "Ryohei Sakai,Ryosuke Fukuda,Shin Unida,Misaki Aki,Yuji Ono,Akinori Endo,Satoshi Kusumi,Daisuke Koga,Toshiaki Fukushima,Masayuki Komada,Tsukasa Okiyoneda","The integral function of the endocytic recycling compartment is regulated by RFFL-mediated ubiquitylation of Rab11 effectors",,"Journal of cell science",,"Vol. 132","No. 3","pp. 228007",2019,Feb.