"D.-H. Shin,E. S. Richardson,V. Aparace-Scutariu,Y. Minamoto,J. Chen","Fluid age-based analysis of a lifted turbulent DME jet flame DNS",,"Proceedings of Combustion Institute",,"Vol. 37","No. 2","pp. 2215-2222",2019,July "赤松 寛文,B. K. VanLeewen,I. Dabo,熊谷 悠,大場 史康,L.-Q. Chen,V. Gopalan","表現理論と第一原理計算に基づいたPbTiO3における180°強誘電ドメイン壁移動パスの探索","第26回日本MRS年次大会",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Y. Minamoto,J. H. Chen","DNS of a turbulent lifted DME jet flame",,"Combustion and Flame",,"Vol. 169",,"pp. 38-50",2016,Jan. "Yuki Minamoto,Hemanth Kolla,Ray W. Grout,Andrea Gruber,Jacqueline Chen","Effect of differential diffusion on flame stabilization in a syngas jet in turbulent cross-flow","9th U. S. National Combustion Meeting",,,,,,2015,May "Yuki Minamoto,Jacqueline Chen","Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent lifted DME jet flame in a heated coflow at elevated pressure","15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion",,,,,,2015,Apr.