"Rei Itsukushima,Kazuaki Ohtsuki,Tatsuro Sato,Yuichi Kano,Hiroshi Takata,Hiroaki Yoshikawa","Effects of sediment released from a check dam on sediment deposits and fish and macroinvertebrate communities in a small stream",,"Water",,"Vol. 11","No. 4",,2019,Apr. "Rei Itsukushima,Hiroaki Yoshikawa,Kai Morita","Relationship between physical environmental factors and presence of molluscan species in medium and small river estuaries",,"Coastal and Shelf Science",,"Vol. 218",,"pp. 300-309",2019,Mar. "Rei Itsukushima,Hiroaki Yoshikawa,Kai Morita,Yukihiro Shimatani","Relation between molluscan fauna and river course characteristics in river estuaries to establish river improvement technology for environmental conservation","5th biennial symposium of the international society for river science",,,,,"pp. 202",2018,Aug. "Rei Itsukushima,Hiroaki Yoshikawa,Kai Morita","A dataset of molluscan fauna sampled in river estuaries of medium and small size river in Kyushu island, Japan",,"Biodiversity Data Journal",,"Vol. 6",,,2018,July "吉川寛朗,厳島怜,森田海","中小河川を対象とした河川汽水域の類型化に基づく河道特性とハビタット構造に関する研究",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)",,"Vol. 74","No. 4","pp. ?601-?606",2018,Feb. "厳島怜,吉川寛朗,森田海,島谷幸宏","河川汽水域における環境に配慮した河道設計法確立のための河道特性と貝類相の関係に関する研究",,"河川技術論文集",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 657-662",2017,June