"Akihiro Shiraishi,Shigeru Kimura,Xinyi He,Naoto Watanabe,Takayoshi Katase,Keisuke Ide,Makoto Minohara,Kosuke Matsuzaki,Hidenori Hiramatsu,Hiroshi Kumigashira,Hideo Hosono,Toshio Kamiya","Design, Synthesis, and Optoelectronic Properties of the High-Purity Phase in Layered AETMN2 (AE = Sr, Ba; TM = Ti, Zr, Hf) Semiconductors",,"INORG. CHEM.",," 61",," 6650|6659",2022,Apr. "Xinyi He,Jinshuai Chen,Takayoshi Katase,Makoto Minohara,Keisuke Ide,Hidenori Hiramatsu,Hiroshi Kumigashira,Hideo Hosono,Toshio Kamiya","High-Mobility Metastable Rock-Salt Type (Sn,Ca)Se Thin Film Stabilized by Direct Epitaxial Growth on a YSZ (111) Single-Crystal Substrate",,"ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces",," 14",," 18682?18689",2022,Apr. "Kohei Yamamoto,Tomoyuki Tsuyama,Suguru Ito,Kou Takubo,Iwao Matsuda,Niko Pontius,Christian Schusler-Langeheine,Makoto Minohara,Hiroshi Kumigashira,Yuichi Yamasaki,Hironori Nakao,Youichi Murakami,Takayoshi Katase,Toshio Kamiya,Hiroki Wadati","Photoinduced transient states of antiferromagnetic orderings in La1/3Sr2/3FeO3 and SrFeO3- thin films observed through time-resolved resonant soft x-ray scattering",,"New J. Phys.",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 043012",2022,Apr. "Makoto Minohara,Naoto Kikuchi,TKouhei Tsukada,Yuka,Dobashi,Akane Samizo,Keishi Nishio,Xinyi He,Takayoshi Katase,Toshio Kamiya,Yoshihiro Aiura","Effect of intentional chemical doping on crystallographic and electric properties of the pyrochlore Bi2Sn2O7",,"Materials & Design",,"Vol. 216",,"pp. 110549",2022,Mar. "Yoshihiro Aiura,KENICHI OZAWA,Kazuhiko Mase,Makoto Minohara,Satoshi Suzuki","Development of a high-precision XYZ translator and estimation of beam profile of the vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray undulator beamline BL-13B at the Photon Factory",,"Journal of Synchrotron Radiation",,"Vol. 27","No. 4","pp. 923-933",2020,July