"Kadokura H,Harada N,Yamaki S,Hirai N,Tsukuda R,Azuma K,Amagai Y,Nakamura D,Yanagitani K,Taguchi H,Kohno K,Inaba K","Development of luciferase-based highly sensitive reporters that detect ER-associated protein biogenesis abnormalities.",,"iScience",,,,,2024,Oct.
"Zhang, Y.,Watanabe, S.,Tsutsumi, A.,Kadokura, H.,Kikkawa, M.,Inaba, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Cryo-EM analysis provides new mechanistic insight into ATP binding to Ca2+-ATPase SERCA2b",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 40","No. 19",,2021,
"Kadokura, H.,Dazai, Y.,Fukuda, Y.,Hirai, N.,Nakamura, O.,Inaba, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Observing the nonvectorial yet cotranslational folding of a multidomain protein, LDL receptor, in the ER of mammalian cells",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 117","No. 28","pp. 16401-16408",2020,
"Kanemura, S.,Sofia, E.F.,Hirai, N.,Okumura, M.,Kadokura, H.,Inaba, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Characterization of the endoplasmic reticulum?resident peroxidases GPx7 and GPx8 shows the higher oxidative activity of GPx7 and its linkage to oxidative protein folding",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 295","No. 36","pp. 12772-12785",2020,
"Fujimoto, T.,Inaba, K.,Kadokura, H.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Methods to identify the substrates of thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases",,"Protein Science",,"Vol. 28","No. 1","pp. 30-40",2019,
"Fujimoto, T.,Nakamura, O.,Saito, M.,Tsuru, A.,Matsumoto, M.,Kohno, K.,Inaba, K.,Kadokura, H.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Identification of the physiological substrates of PDIp, a pancreas-specific protein-disulfide isomerase family member",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 293","No. 48","pp. 18421-18433",2018,
"Tsuchiya, Y.,Saito, M.,Kadokura, H.,Miyazaki, J.,Tashiro, F.,Imagawa, Y.,Iwawaki, T.,Kohno, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","IRE1-XBP1 pathway regulates oxidative proinsulin folding in pancreatic ƒÀ cells",,"Journal of Cell Biology",,"Vol. 217","No. 4","pp. 1287-1301",2018,
"Okumura, M.,Kadokura, H.,Inaba, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Structures and functions of protein disulfide isomerase family members involved in proteostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum",,"Free Radical Biology and Medicine",,"Vol. 83",,"pp. 314-322",2015,
"Okumura, M.,Kadokura, H.,Hashimoto, S.,Yutani, K.,Kanemura, S.,Hikima, T.,Hidaka, Y.,Ito, L.,Shiba, K.,Masui, S.,Imai, D.,Imaoka, S.,Yamaguchi, H.,Inaba, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Inhibition of the functional interplay between endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Oxidoreduclin-1ƒ¿ (Ero1ƒ¿) and protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) by the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 289","No. 39","pp. 27004-27018",2014,
"Tsuru, A.,Fujimoto, N.,Takahashi, S.,Saito, M.,Nakamura, D.,Iwano, M.,Iwawaki, T.,Kadokura, H.,Ron, D.,Kohno, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Negative feedback by IRE1ƒÀ optimizes mucin production in goblet cells",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 110","No. 8","pp. 2864-2869",2013,
"Nakayashiki, T.,Saito, N.,Takeuchi, R.,Kadokura, H.,Nakahigashi, K.,Wanner, B.L.,Mori, H.,Hiroshi Kadokura","The tRNA thiolation pathway modulates the intracellular redox state in Escherichia coli",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 195","No. 9","pp. 2039-2049",2013,
"Kadokura, H.,Saito, M.,Tsuru, A.,Hosoda, A.,Iwawaki, T.,Inaba, K.,Kohno, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Identification of the redox partners of ERdj5/JPDI, a PDI family member, from an animal tissue",,"Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications",,"Vol. 440","No. 2","pp. 245-250",2013,
"Chng, S.-S.,Xue, M.,Garner, R.A.,Kadokura, H.,Boyd, D.,Beckwith, J.,Kahne, D.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Disulfide rearrangement triggered by translocon assembly controls lipopolysaccharide export",,"Science",,"Vol. 337","No. 6102","pp. 1665-1668",2012,
"Chng, S.-S.,Dutton, R.J.,Denoncin, K.,Vertommen, D.,Collet, J.-F.,Kadokura, H.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Overexpression of the rhodanese PspE, a single cysteine-containing protein, restores disulphide bond formation to an Escherichia coli strain lacking DsbA",,"Molecular Microbiology",,"Vol. 85","No. 5","pp. 996-1006",2012,
"Sopha, P.,Kadokura, H.,Yamamoto, Y.H.,Takeuchi, M.,Saito, M.,Tsuru, A.,Kohno, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","A novel mammalian ER-located J-protein, DNAJB14, can accelerate ERAD of misfolded membrane proteins.",,"Cell structure and function",,"Vol. 37","No. 2","pp. 177-187",2012,
"Yanagitani, K.,Kimata, Y.,Kadokura, H.,Kohno, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Translational pausing ensures membrane targeting and cytoplasmic splicing of XBP1u mRNA",,"Science",,"Vol. 331","No. 6017","pp. 586-589",2011,
"Shinya, S.,Kadokura, H.,Imagawa, Y.,Inoue, M.,Yanagitani, K.,Kohno, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Reconstitution and characterization of the unconventional splicing of XBP1u mRNA in vitro",,"Nucleic Acids Research",,"Vol. 39","No. 12","pp. 5245-5254",2011,
"Kadokura, H.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Mechanisms of oxidative protein folding in the bacterial cell envelope",,"Antioxidants and Redox Signaling",,"Vol. 13","No. 8","pp. 1231-1246",2010,
"Ohtsu, I.,Wiriyathanawudhiwong, N.,Morigasaki, S.,Nakatani, T.,Kadokura, H.,Takagi, H.,Hiroshi Kadokura","The L-cysteine/L-cystine shuttle system provides reducing equivalents to the periplasm in Escherichia coli",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 285","No. 23","pp. 17479-17487",2010,
"Yamamoto, Y.H.,Kimura, T.,Momohara, S.,Takeuchi, M.,Tani, T.,Kimata, Y.,Kadokura, H.,Kohno, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","A novel ER J-protein DNAJB12 accelerates ER-associated degradation of membrane proteins including CFTR.",,"Cell structure and function",,"Vol. 35","No. 2","pp. 107-116",2010,
"Eser, M.,Masip, L.,Kadokura, H.,Georgiou, G.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Disulfide bond formation by exported glutaredoxin indicates glutathione's presence in the E. coli periplasm",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 106","No. 5","pp. 1572-1577",2009,
"Kadokura, H.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Detecting Folding Intermediates of a Protein as It Passes through the Bacterial Translocation Channel",,"Cell",,"Vol. 138","No. 6","pp. 1164-1173",2009,
"Zhou, Y.,Cierpicki, T.,Jimenez, R.H.F.,Lukasik, S.M.,Ellena, J.F.,Cafiso, D.S.,Kadokura, H.,Beckwith, J.,Bushweller, J.H.,Hiroshi Kadokura","NMR Solution Structure of the Integral Membrane Enzyme DsbB: Functional Insights into DsbB-Catalyzed Disulfide Bond Formation",,"Molecular Cell",,"Vol. 31","No. 6","pp. 896-908",2008,
"Kadokura, H.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Oxidative protein folding: Many different ways to introduce bisulfide bonds",,"Antioxidants and Redox Signaling",,"Vol. 8","No. 5-6","pp. 731-733",2006,
"Segatori, L.,Murphy, L.,Arredondo, S.,Kadokura, H.,Gilbert, H.,Beckwith, J.,Georgiou, G.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Conserved role of the linker ƒ¿-helix of the bacterial disulfide isomerase DsbC in the avoidance of misoxidation by DsbB",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 281","No. 8","pp. 4911-4919",2006,
"Sevier, C.S.,Kadokura, H.,Tam, V.C.,Beckwith, J.,Fass, D.,Kaiser, C.A.,Hiroshi Kadokura","The prokaryotic enzyme DsbB may share key structural features with eukaryotic disulfide bond forming oxidoreductases",,"Protein Science",,"Vol. 14","No. 6","pp. 1630-1642",2005,
"Kadokura, H.,Nichols II, L.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Mutational alterations of the key cis proline residue that cause accumulation of enzymatic reaction intermediates of DsbA, a member of the thioredoxin superfamily",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 187","No. 4","pp. 1519-1522",2005,
"Kadokura, H.,Tian, H.,Zander, T.,Bardwell, J.C.A.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Snapshots of DsbA in Action: Detection of Proteins in the Process of Oxidative Folding",,"Science",,"Vol. 303","No. 5657","pp. 534-537",2004,
"Kadokura, H.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Protein disulfide bond formation in vivo",,"Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme",,"Vol. 48","No. 10","pp. 1386-1393",2003,
"Kadokura, H.,Katzen, F.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Protein disulfide bond formation in prokaryotes",,"Annual Review of Biochemistry",,"Vol. 72",,"pp. 111-135",2003,
"Kadokura, H.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Four cysteines of the membrane protein DsbB act in concert to oxidize its substrate DsbA",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 21","No. 10","pp. 2354-2363",2002,
"Suzuki, K.,Sami, M.,Kadokura, H.,Nakajima, H.,Kitamoto, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Biochemical characterization of horA-independent hop resistance mechanism in Lactobacillus brevis",,"International Journal of Food Microbiology",,"Vol. 76","No. 3","pp. 223-230",2002,
"Kadokura, H.,Kawasaki, H.,Yoda, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Kitamoto, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Efficient export of alkaline phosphatase overexpressed from a multicopy plasmid requires degP, a gene encoding a periplasmic protease of Escherichia coli",,"Journal of General and Applied Microbiology",,"Vol. 47","No. 3","pp. 133-141",2001,
"Kadokura, H.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","The expanding world of oxidative protein folding",,"Nature Cell Biology",,"Vol. 3","No. 11","pp. E247-E249",2001,
"Xu, X.Y.,Kadokura, H.,Okubo, A.,Kitamoto, K.,Yamazaki, S.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Cloning and sequencing of a gene encoding a novel salt stress-induced membrane protein from Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans",,"Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology",,"Vol. 56","No. 3-4","pp. 442-447",2001,
"Kadokura, H.,Bader, M.,Tian, H.,Bardwell, J.C.A.,Beckwith, J.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Roles of a conserved arginine residue of DsbB in linking protein disulfide-bond-formation pathway to the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 97","No. 20","pp. 10884-10889",2000,
"Maruyama, J.-I.,Ohnuma, H.,Yoshikawa, A.,Kadokura, H.,Nakajima, H.,Kitamoto, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Production and product quality assessment of human hepatitis B virus pre-S2 antigen in submerged and solid-state cultures of Aspergillus oryzae",,"Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering",,"Vol. 90","No. 1","pp. 118-120",2000,
"Haruta, M.,Murata, M.,Kadokura, H.,Homma, S.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Immunological and molecular comparison of polyphenol oxidase in Rosaceae fruit trees",,"Phytochemistry",,"Vol. 50","No. 6","pp. 1021-1025",1999,
"Haruta, M.,Murata, M.,Hiraide, A.,Kadokura, H.,Yamasaki, M.,Sakuta, M.,Shimizu, S.,Kadokura, H.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Cloning genomic dna encoding apple polyphenol oxidase and comparison of the gene product in escherichia coli and in apple",,"Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry",,"Vol. 62","No. 2","pp. 358-362",1998,
"Wang, T.,Kadokura, H.,Yada, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Identification of a sulfhydryl-reducing agent-inducible protein highly homologous to protein synthesis elongation factor Tu in Bacillus subtilis",,"Wei sheng wu xue bao = Acta microbiologica Sinica",,"Vol. 38","No. 1","pp. 6-12",1998,
"Sami, M.,Suzuki, K.,Sakamoto, K.,Kadokura, H.,Kitamoto, K.,Yoda, K.,Hiroshi Kadokura","A plasmid pRH45 of Lactobacillus brevis confers hop resistance",,"Journal of General and Applied Microbiology",,"Vol. 44","No. 5","pp. 361-363",1998,
"Sami, M.,Yamashita, H.,Hirono, T.,Kadokura, H.,Kitamoto, K.,Yoda, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Hop-resistant Lactobacillus brevis contains a novel plasmid harboring a multidrug resistance-like gene",,"Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering",,"Vol. 84","No. 1","pp. 1-6",1997,
"Wang, T.,Hiroshi, K.,Makari, Y.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Identification of a disulfide bonded protein from cytoplasm of Bacillus subtilis",,"Chinese Science Bulletin",,"Vol. 42","No. 20","pp. 1756-1760",1997,
"Wang, T.,Kadokura, H.,Yoda, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Internal amino acid sequence analysis of proteins after limited proteolytic cleavage",,"Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics",,"Vol. 24","No. 1","pp. 68-71",1997,
"Sami, M.,Yamashita, H.,Kadokura, H.,Kitamoto, K.,Yoda, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","A new and rapid method for determination of beer-spoilage ability of lactobacilli",,"Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists",,"Vol. 55","No. 4","pp. 137-140",1997,
"Chang, Y.-C.,Kadokura, H.,Yoda, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Secretion of active subtilisin YaB by a simultaneous expression of separate pre-pro and pre-mature polypeptides in Bacillus subtilis",,"Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications",,"Vol. 219","No. 2","pp. 463-468",1996,
"Nagao, K.,Taguchi, Y.,Arioka, M.,Kadokura, H.,Takatsuki, A.,Yoda, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","bfr1+, a novel gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe which confers brefeldin A resistance, is structurally related to the ATP-binding cassette superfamily",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 177","No. 6","pp. 1536-1543",1995,
"Kadokura, H.,Watanabe, K.,Tsuneizumi, K.,Yoda, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Physiological and biochemical analysis of the effects of alkaline phosphatase overproduction in Escherichia coli",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 177","No. 12","pp. 3596-3600",1995,
"Kadokura, H.,Yoda, K.,Watanabe, S.,Kikuchi, Y.,Tamura, G.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Enhancement of protein secretion by optimizing protein synthesis: isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli mutants with increased secretion ability of alkaline phosphatase",,"Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology",,"Vol. 41","No. 2","pp. 163-169",1994,
"Noda, Y.,Nishikawa, S.,Shiozuka, K.-I.,Kadokura, H.,Nakajima, H.,Yoda, K.,Katayama, Y.,Morohoshi, N.,Haraguchi, T.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Molecular cloning of the protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase genes of Pseudomonas paucimobilis",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 172","No. 5","pp. 2704-2709",1990,
"Kadokura, H.,Yoda, K.,Imai, M.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Production and secretion in Escherichia coli of hepatitis b virus pre-S2 antigen as fusion proteins with ƒÀ-lactamase",,"Applied and Environmental Microbiology",,"Vol. 56","No. 9","pp. 2742-2747",1990,
"Tachibana, K.-I.,Yoda, K.,Watanabe, S.,Kadokura, H.,Katayama, Y.,Yamane, K.,Yamasaki, M.,Tamura, G.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Secretion of Bacillus subtilis ƒ¿-amylase in the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli",,"Journal of General Microbiology",,"Vol. 133","No. 7","pp. 1775-1782",1987,
"Tachibana, K.,Imai, M.,Okamoto, H.,Yoda, K.,Kadokura, H.,Katayama, Y.,Yamasaki, M.,Hiroshi Kadokura","Expression of the pre-S(2) gene of hepatitis B virus in Escherichia coli",,"Biotechnology Letters",,"Vol. 8","No. 10","pp. 677-682",1986,