"IZUMI TANIGUCHI,Hiroaki Nagano","Physical and Electrochemical Characterization of Li2FeP2O7/C nanocomposites prepared by a combination of spray pyrolysis and wet ball milling followed by heat treatment","228th ECS Meeting","Abstract of the 228th ECS Meeting",," 476",,,2015,Oct. "Heechan Jang,Hiroaki Nagano,IZUMI TANIGUCHI","Electrochemical properties of Li2FeP2O7/C nanocomposites prepared from LiH2PO4 and Fe(NO3)3・9H2O used as a precursor","228th ECS Meeting","Abstract of 228th ECS Meeting",," 459",,,2015,Oct. "Hiroaki Nagano,IZUMI TANIGUCHI","Synthesis of Li2FeP2O7/Carbon nanocomposite as cathode materials for Li-ion batteries",,"J. POWER SOURCES",,"Vol. 298",,"pp. 280-285",2015,June "長野洋明,谷口泉","Li2FeP2O7/Cの合成とそのリチウム二次電池特性","化学工学会第45回秋季大会","化学工学会第45回秋季大会講演要旨集",,,," J202",2013,Sept.