"Chiharu Kanno,Kenji Aoyagi,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,MASAHARU KATO","Shape evolution of fcc Co-Fe precipitate particles during coarsening in a Cu matrix",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 90","No. 8","pp. 589-598",2010,Aug. "Chiharu Kanno,Kenji Aoyagi,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Shape evolution and arrangement of fcc Co-Fe precipitate particles during coarsening in a Cu matrix","Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials (PTM2010)","PTM2010",,,,,2010,June "菅野千晴,藤居俊之,大塚秀幸,尾中晋,加藤雅治","Cu母相中におけるFe-Co粒子の成長に及ぼす外部磁場効果",,"金属",,"Vol. 80","No. 5","pp. 354-360",2010,May "Chiharu Kanno,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Effects of magnetic field on solid solubility of Fe and Co in a Cu matrix","6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials","Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials",,,,"pp. 777-779",2009,Oct. "Ryuichirou Shima,Chiharu Kanno,Toshiyuki Fujii,Hideyuki Ohtsuka,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Effects of magnetic field on variant selection of bcc Fe-Co particles in a Cu matrix","the 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials","Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials",,,,"pp. 769-772",2009,Oct. ",C. Kanno,T. Fujii,H. Ohtsuka,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Effects of Magnetic Field on Shape Evolution of Fe-Co Particles in a Cu Matrix",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Vol. 89","No. 8","pp. 747-759",2009,Apr. "菅野千晴,尾中晋,加藤雅治,藤居俊之,大塚秀幸","Cu母相中のfcc Fe-Co粒子の形状変化に及ぼす外部磁場効果",,"物質・材料研究機構強磁場共用ステーション2007年度成果報告書",,,,"pp. 89-90",2008,Sept.