"Kaing,Zhongyu Guo,Ty Sok,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,F D, Breider F,Chihiro Yoshimura","Photodegradation of biodegradable plastics in aquatic environments: current understanding and challenges.?",,"Science of The Total Environment",,"Vol. 911","No. 168539.",,2024,July "Suguru Nagata,Chihiro Yoshimura,Sophanna Ly,Kaing,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara","Direct application of residual neural network to riverine aerial photography for estimating fish distribution.?",,"Landscape and Ecological Engineering",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 687-698",2023,Oct. "Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of benzophenone type UV filters on photodegradation of co-existing sulfamethoxazole in water.",,"Photochem",,"Vol. 3","No. 2","pp. 288-300",2023,Oct. "Suguru Nagata,Chihiro Yoshimura,Sophanna Ly,Kaing Vinhteang,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara","Direct application of residual neural network to riverine aerial photography for estimating fish distribution",,"Landscape and Ecological Engineering",," 19",," 687?698",2023,June "Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Zhongyu Guo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Effect of benzophenone type UV filters on photodegradation of co-existing sulfamethoxazole in water","第七回環境水質工学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,June "Zhongyu Guo,Dilini Kodikara,Luthfia Shofi Albi,Yuta Hatano,Guo Chen,Chihiro Yoshimura,Jieqiong Wang","Photodegradation of organic micropollutants in aquatic environment: Importance, factors and processes",,"Water Research","Elsevier","Volume 231",,,2023,Mar. "Say Samal,Uk Sovannara,Ly Sophanna,Rajendra Khanal,Dilini Kodikara,Sok Ty,Oeurng Chantha,Manabu Fujii],Yoshimura Chihiro","Primary Production",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 319?329",2022,June "Sovannara Uk,Dilini Kodikara,Hashimoto Kana,Vouchlay Theng,Marith Mong,Sokly Siev,Ty Sok,Sophal Try,Vinteang Kaing,Rajendra Khanal,Heejun Yang,Thea Seav,Chantha Oeurng,Yoshimura Chihiro","Nutrient availability and phosphorus dynamics",,"Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake","Springer Singapore",,,"pp. 241?250",2022,June "AAE Ashmawy,MS Masoud,Chihiro Yoshimura,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,AM Abdel-Halim","Accumulation of heavy metals by Avicennia marina in the highly saline Red Sea coast.",,"Environmental Science and Pollution Research:",,,,,2021,Oct. "Khanal Rajendra,Sovannara Uk,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Sokly Siev,Yoshimura Chihiro","Impact of water level fluctuation on sediment and phosphorous dynamics in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia",,"Water, Air, & Soil Pollution","Springer",," 232",,2021,Apr. "Khanal Rajendra,Yuki Satou,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Sovannara UK,Sokly Siev,Chihiro Yoshimura","Quadrangularity of landuse land cover, water quality, nutrient and sediment dynamcis in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia.","THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES","Proceedings of THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF TROPICAL LAKES",,,,"pp. 153-156",2019,Sept. "Vannak Ann,P Ung,Sovannara Uk,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Sokly Siev,Peng Chen,S Yuk,S Sann,Khanal Rajendra,R Tan,Seingheng Hul,Kazuhiko Miyanaga,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,YASUNORI TANJI","Relationship between Microbial Communities and Water Quality in a Large Tropical Lake.","The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes","Proceedings of The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,"pp. 277-280",2018,Sept. "Sokly Siev,Heejun Yang,Ty Sok,Sovannara UK,Layheang Song,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Chantha OEURNG,Seingheng Hul,Chihiro Yoshimura","Sediment Dynamics in a Large Shallow Lake Characterized by Seasonal Flood Pulse in Southeast Asia.",,"Science of the Total Environment",,,"No. 631-632","pp. 597-607",2018,Feb. "Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Sovannara UK,Chihiro Yoshimura,Heejun Yang,Sokly Siev,Layheang Song,Chantha OEURNG","Contemporary nitrogen distribution during dry season and its long-term trend in Tonle Sap Lake and its river basins","The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes","Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes",,,,,2017,Aug. "Sovannara UK,Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,Chihiro Yoshimura,Heejun Yang,Sokly Siev,Michitaka Sato,Ty Sok,Layheang Song,Chantha OEURNG","Phosphorus fractions in sediments and its potential exchange with water column in Tonle Sap Lake","The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes","Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes",,,,,2017,Aug.