"Hiroya Nakao,Sho Yasui,Masashi Ota,Kensuke Arai,Yoji Kawamura","Phase reduction and synchronization of a network of coupled dynamical elements exhibiting collective oscillations",,"Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science","AIP Publishing","Vol. 28","Issue 4","pp. 045103",2018,Apr. "Masashi Ota,Sho Yasui,Sho Shirasaka,Hiroya Nakao","Stability and sensitivity of synchronized states in a network of symmetrically coupled nonlinear oscillators for generating gait patterns","2015 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications",,,,,,2015,Dec. "Sho Yasui,Wataru Kurebayashi,Hiroya Nakao","Generation and Control of Autonomous Periodic Motion in a Mathematical Model of Multi-Joint Robots with Energy Dissipation","3rd International Symposium on Innovative Mathematical Modeling",,,,,,2013,Nov.