"H. Ogihara,T. Maezuru,Y. Ogishima,Y. Inami,M. Saito,S. Iguchi,I. Yamanaka","The Active Center of Co-N-C Electrocatalyst for the Selective Reduction of CO2 to CO Using a Nafion-H Electrolyte in the Gas Phase",,"ACS Omega,",,"Vol. 5",,"p. 19453|19463",2020,Aug. "Yuta Nishikawa,Ayumi Nakaya,Hitoshi Ogihara,Yuhki Ohtsuka,Akira Nakayama,Jun-ya Hasegawa,Shoji Iguchi,Ichiro Yamanaka","Catalysis of Liquid-Metal Indium for Direct Dehydrogenative Conversion of Methane into Higher Hydrocarbons","The 12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium",,,,,,2019,June