"Fan-Jie FENG,Kouichi YASUDA","Fractography of Al2O3 and Si3N4 Ceramics Fractured in Torsion","The 43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,","Abstract book of the 43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites",,"Vol. 43","No. ICACC-S11-013-2019","pp. 27",2019,Jan. "Fan-Jie Feng,Kouichi Yasuda","Torsion Strength Measurement of Engineering Ceramics",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 922",,"pp. 110-115",2018,May "F.J.Feng,K.Yasuda","Torsion Strength Measurement of Engineering Ceramics","The 18th International Symposium on Eco-materials PRocessing and Design","Abstract book of he 18th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design",,"Vol. 18","No. E2-10","pp. 115",2017,Feb.