"Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Corrosion Characteristics of Materials in Pb?Bi under Transient Temperature Conditions",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 398",,"pp. 139-145",2010, "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi",""Corrosion Investigations of Al-Fe-coated Steels, High Cr Steels, Refractory Metals and Ceramics in Lead Alloys at 700?C",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 398",,"pp. 146-152",2010, "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Investigations of a Zirconia Solid Electrolyte Oxygen Sensor in Liquid Lead",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 398",,"pp. 160-164",2010, "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Performance of a Zirconia Solid Electrolyte Oxygen Sensor in Molten Pb","9th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology (IWSMT-9)",,,,,,2008,Oct. "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Corrosion Characteristics of Candidate Materials for Pb-Cooled Reactor System","9th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology (IWSMT-9)",,,,,,2008,Oct. "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Performance of a Zirconia Solid Electrolyte Oxygen Sensor in Molten Pb","9th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology (IWSMT-9)",,,,,,2008,Oct. "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","“Compatibility of Surface-coated Steel and Refractory Metals in High Temperature Pb-Bi under Transient Temperature Conditions","2008 Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ)",,,,,,2008,Sept. "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Corrosion Behavior of Ceramics in High Temperature LBE at Steady and Transient Temperature Condition","2008 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,,,2008,Mar. "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Compatibility of Surface-Coated Steels, Refractory Metals and Ceramics to High Temperature Lead-Bismuth Eutectic",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 560-566",2008, "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Performance of Oxygen Control System in High Temperature LBE",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 575-581",2008, "Vaclav Dostal,Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","A Rail Transportable Lead-bismuth Cooled Reactor",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 192-196",2008, "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Corrosion Resistance of Alloy-Sputtering-Coated Steels and High Chromium Steels in Pb-Bi at Transient Temperature Conditions","International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE 2007)",,,,,,2007,Nov. "アブ ハリド リヴァイ,高橋 実","高温鉛ビスマス中におけるFeAl合金被覆鋼と耐熱金属の耐食性","日本原子力学会「2007年秋の大会」",,,,,"pp. G06",2007,Sept. "アブ ハリド リヴァイ,高橋 実","Core Characteristics of Small Lead Alloy Cooled Fast Reactor for Various Fuel Types and Cladding-Structure Materials",,,,,,"pp. D40",2007,Sept. "Abu Rivai Khalid,Minoru Takahashi","Corrosion Behavior of Al-Fe-Sputtering-Coated Steel, High Chromium Steels, Refractory Metals and Ceramics in High Temperature Pb-Bi","2007 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2007)",,,,,"pp. Paper 7284",2007,May "Minoru Takahashi,Abu Rivai Khalid,Vaclav Dostal,Novitrian,Yumi Yamada","Safety Design/Analysis and Scenario for Prevention of CDA with ECCS in Lead-Bismuth-Cooled Fast Reactor","2007 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2007)",,,,,"pp. Paper 7280",2007,May "Minoru Takahashi,Abu Khalid Rivai","Corrosion Behavior of Al-Fe-Coated Steels and High Chromium Steels in High Temperature Pb-Bi","IV International Workshop on Materials for HLM Cooled Reactors and Related Technologies",,,,,,2007,May "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Corrosion Resistance of Refractory Metals and Ceramics in Lead-bismuth at 700?C","5th International Workshop on the Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators",,,,,,2007,May "Minoru Takahashi,Abu Rivai Khalid,Tomoki Kumagai","Performance of Oxygen Sensor and Corrosion of Surface-Coated Steels, Ceramics and Refractory Metals in High Temperature LBE","Workshop on Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems (SMINS) in co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency",,,,,,2007,May "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Design Study of Small Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor Cores Using SiC Cladding and Structure",,"Journal of Power and Energy Systems",,"Vol. 1","No. 2","pp. 134-142",2007, "Abu Khalid Rivai,Minoru Takahashi","Design Study of Small Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor Cores Using SiC Cladding and Structure",,"Journal of Power and Energy Systems",,"Vol. 1","No. 2","pp. 134-142",2007,