"Megumi Sadaie,Naoki Nishikawa,Yoshikazu Kumashiro,Yasunori Ikezawa,Yuuki Kumagai,Kenji Makino,Satomi Ohnishi,Kaoru Tamada,Masahiko Hara","Quantitative friction map on surface composed of beta-cyclodextrin monolayer",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers","The Japan Society of Applied Physics","Vol. 46","No. 12","pp. 7838-7845",2007,Dec. "Megumi Sadaie,Naoki Nishikawa,Satomi Ohnishi,Kaoru Tamada,Kiyoshi Yase,Masahiko Hara","Studies of human hair by friction force microscopy with the hair-model-probe",,"Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces","Elsevier B.V.","Vol. 51",,"p. 120-129",2006,Aug.