"S. Tsushima,K. Kaneko,hiroyuki morioka,S. Hirai","Influence of SO2 Concentration and Relative Humidity on Electrode Poisoning in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells",,"Journal of Thermal Science and Technology",,"Vol. 7","No. 4","pp. 1-14",2012,Oct. "S. Tsushima,K. Kaneko,S. Hirai","Two-stage Degradation PEMFC Performance Due to Sulfur Dioxide Contamination","218th meeting of Electrochemical Society","ECS Transactions",,"Vol. 33","No. 1","pp. 1645-1652",2010,Oct. "S. Tsushima,K. Kaneko,S. Hirai","Two-Stage Degradation of PEMFC Performance Due to Sulfur Dioxide Contamination",,"abs.628",,,,,2010,Oct. "北村房男,大坂武男,金子佳亮,津島将司,平井秀一郎","空気極混入SO2によるPEFC電極被毒と性能低下機構","第19回日本エネルギー学会大会",,,,,"pp. 275-276",2010,Aug. "金子佳亮,津島将司,平井秀一郎","極間水輸送条件がPEFCのSO2被毒に及ぼす影響","第50回電池討論会",,,,,"p. 404",2009,Nov. "K. Kaneko,S. Tsushima,S. Hirai","Effect of SO2 Concentration and Relative Humidity on Contamination of Cathode and Anode in PEMFC","216th meeting of Electrochemical Society",,,,," abs.1032",2009,Oct. "K. Kaneko,S. Tsushima,S. Hirai","Effect of SO2 Concentration and Relative Humidity on Contamination of Cathode and Anode in PEMFC","216th ECS meeting in Vienna, Austria","ECS Transactions","The Electrochemical Society","Vol. 25","No. 1(part2)","p. 1279-1287",2009,Oct. "金子佳亮,津島将司,平井秀一郎","SO2濃度と加湿条件がPEFC電極の被毒に及ぼす影響","第18回日本エネルギー学会大会",,,,,"pp. 268-269",2009,July "金子佳亮,津島将司,平井秀一郎","PEFC被毒に及ぼす空気極混入不純物濃度と加湿条件の影響","第46回伝熱シンポジウム",,,,,"pp. 587-588",2009,June "S. Tsushima,H. Morioka,K. Kaneko,S. Hirai","Effect of Relative Humidity on Contamination of Cathode and Anode Electrodes by Sulfur Dioxide in Air Stream in PEMFC","214th meeting of Electrochemical Society",,,,," abs.947",2008,Oct. "S. Tsushima,H. Morioka,K. Kaneko,S. Hirai","Effect of Relative Humidity on Contamination of Cathode and Anode Electrodes by Sulfur Dioxide in Air Stream in PEMFC",,"ECS Transactions",,"Vol. 16","No. 2","pp. 1043-1050",2008,