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Alvin Christopher Varquez Researcher Information

Family Name Varquez  Varquez 
First Name Alvin Christopher Galang  Alvin Christopher 
Organization Institute of Science Tokyo School of Environment and Society
Specialized Field Meteorology/Physical oceanography/Hydrology (Global environmental system, Climatology, Meteorology, Water balance)
Research Field of Searching for Researchers Environmental Science, Civil Engineering & Architecture - Meteorology & Atmospheric Sci.
Research Theme As cities worldwide continue to emerge and evolve, the dynamic interaction between urbanization and the environment has become more complex and problematic. The complexities surpass social, cultural, and economic boundaries. Each city, with its own background climate and socio-economic condition, faces unique issues and responds differently to known adaptation and mitigation measures. To address this, scientific understanding of urban-climate interactions is needed across time and space. We aim to utilize the advancement of computational efficiency, numerical weather modeling, and remote sensing to deepen global understanding of urban-climate interactions. Our main works include regional-to-global urban climate & climate change investigations, urban hydro-meteorology, and GIS database constructions. Specific topics include, but are not limited to, the following:〓〓(1) Climate modeling of multiple studies at a global-scale〓(2) Modeling or investigating dynamics of urban or population growth in high-spatial and annual scales〓(3) Urban heat island investigations (including observations) at a global scale〓(4) Investigating potential of remote sensing technologies (e.g. satellite images, machine learning technology) to urban database construction, and development of models automating processes.〓(5) Global climate modeling to investigation urban and global climate interactions. 
Degree The Meteorological Effects of Detailed Urban Parameter Inclusion to Weather Research and Forecasting Model on Dry Days,  Exam Summary,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2014/09/25,   
The Meteorological Effects of Detailed Urban Parameter Inclusion to Weather Research and Forecasting Model on Dry Days,  Summary,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2014/09/25,   
The Meteorological Effects of Detailed Urban Parameter Inclusion to Weather Research and Forecasting Model on Dry Days,  Thesis,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2014/09/25,   
Related Page
Global Urban Climate Studies Labhttps://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~varquez/
Kanda labhttp://www.ide.titech.ac.jp/~kandalab/ja/index.html

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