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Shintaro Sengoku Researcher Information

Family Name 仙石  Sengoku 
First Name 愼太郎  Shintaro 
Organization Institute of Science Tokyo School of Environment and Society
ResearcherID C-3616-2011
Specialized Field Business administration (Management of technology)
Research Field of Searching for Researchers Social Science & Humanities - Business
Research Theme Knowledge management: Studies on intellectual productivity management to generate a framework to improve the management of intellectual interactions,〓The management of interdisciplinary R&D: Studies on designing projects and organisations to understand the initiation and formation processes of interdisciplinary research and development (R&D) programmes or projects,〓The management of public and private sector-engagement: Theory development and empirical experiments how to improve cross-sector partnership by designing new and better collaboration systems with the public and private sector,〓Integrated innovation management: Theory development and empirical experiments to develop a standard approach of innovation management, based on studies on science linkage, industry clusters and business modelling, with a particular focus on the biotechnology and healthcare field,〓Human resource and talent development: Planning an educational platform for the institutional nurturing of integrity, technical skills, entrepreneurship and leadership and followership for innovators and candidates in close ties with the above mentioned research theme. 
Related Page
Related URLhttp://info.sengoku-lab.org/
Sengoku Laboratoryhttp://info.sengoku-lab.org/Home/e

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