藤森慶一郎 研究業績一覧 (2件)
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国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Watanabe E,
Fujimori K,
Suzuki Y,
Kato A..
Identification of factors responsible for water reabsorption regulation in collecting ducts of pufferfish,
14th TOIN International symposium on Biomedical Engineering,
Nov. 2019.
Keiichiro Fujimori,
Gaku Mizutani,
Yutaka Suzuki,
Akira Kato.
Gene expression analyses of pituitary and renal tissues in pufferfish acclimated to brackish water and seawater,
The International symposium organized by “Platform for Advanced Genome Science” -FRONTIERS OF GENOME SCIENCE-,
Jan. 2019.
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