@article{CTT100680629, author = {sri hastuty and Eiji Tada and ATSUSHI NISHIKATA and TOORU TSURU and Yusuke Tsutsumi and Takao Hanawa}, title = {Improvement of Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Type 430 Stainless Steel by Electrochemical Treatments in a Concentrated Nitric Acid}, journal = {ISIJ International}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100628622, author = {S. Hastuty and A. Nishikata and T. Tsuru}, title = {Improving Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Ferritic Stainless Steels in Chloride-containing Environment by Electrochemical Method}, booktitle = {roc. 5th Intn’l Symp. on Marine Corrosion and Control}, year = 2010, }