小久保郁也 研究業績一覧 (8件)
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Kentaro Nagase,
Ikuya Kokubo,
Shiro Yamazaki,
Kan Nakatsuji,
Hiroyuki Hirayama.
Structure and growth of Bi(110) islands on Si(111)Root3xRoot3-B substrates,
Physical Review B,
vol. 97,
p. 195418 (8 pages),
May 2018.
I. Kokubo,
Y. Yoshiike,
K. Nakatsuji,
H. Hirayama.
Ultra-thin Bi(110) films on Si(111)√3x√3-B substrates,
Physical Review B,
Vol. 91,
p. 075429 (7pages),
Sept. 2015.
Y. Yoshiike,
H. Fukumoto,
I. Kokubo,
Y. Aoki,
K. Nakatsuji,
H. Hirayama.
Regular ripples at the surfaces of heteroepitaxialy grown Ag(111) ultra-thin films on Si(111)√3x√3-B substrates,
Applied Physics Letters,
Vol. 104,
pp. 191605(1)-(4),
Feb. 2014.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
K. Nagase,
I. Kokubo,
S. Yamazaki,
K. Nakatsuji,
H. Hirayama.
Atomic Structure and Growth of Bi(110) Islands on Si(111)Root3×Root3-B Substrates,
14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14),
Oct. 2018.
I. Kokubo,
Y. Yoshiike,
K. Shishikura,
K. Nakatsuji,
H. Hirayama.
Ultra-thin Bi(110) films on Si(111)√3x√3-B substrates,
AVS 62nd International Symposium (AVS62),
Oct. 2015.
Y. Yoshiike,
I. Kokubo,
Y. Aoki,
K. Nakatsuji,
H. Hirayama.
Periodic ripples at the surfaces of Ag ultra-thin-films on Si(111)√3x√3-B substrates,
The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7),
Nov. 2014.
Y. Yoshiike,
I. Kokubo,
Y. Aoki,
K. Nakatsuji,
H. Hirayama.
STM imaging of the buried interface structures at ultra-thin Ag films/Si(111) substrates,
AVS 61st International Symposium (AVS61),
Nov. 2014.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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