原田憲 研究業績一覧 (4件)
Ken Harada,
Shingo Kobayashi,
Kanji Oshima,
Shinichi Yoshida,
Takeharu Tsuge,
Shunsuke Sato.
Engineering of Aeromonas caviae polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase through site-directed mutagenesis for enhanced polymerization of the 3-hydroxyhexanoate unit,
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol.,
Vol. 9,
no. 627082,
Mar. 2021.
Yuka Nambu,
Manami Ishii-Hyakutake,
Ken Harada,
Shoji Mizuno,
Takeharu Tsuge.
Expanded amino acid sequence of the PhaC box in the active center of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthases,
FEBS lett.,
Vol. 594,
No. 4,
Feb. 2020.
Ken Harada,
Yuka Nambu,
Shoji Mizuno,
Takeharu Tsuge.
In vivo and in vitro characterization of hydrophilic protein tag-fused Ralstonia eutropha polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase,
Int. J. Biol. Macromol.,
Oct. 2019.
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