YouYan 研究業績一覧 (12件)
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Yan You,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Toyohiko Yan.
First-principles study on the helium migration energies in B12X2 (X=O, Si, P, As) crystals for neutron absorber use,
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies,
Vol. 6,
No. 2,
pp. 139-144,
Apr. 2018.
Yan You,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Toyohiko Yano.
First-principles investigation of neutron-irradiation-induced point defects in B4C, a neutron absorber for sodium-cooled fast nuclear reactors,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,
Vol. 57,
No. 5,
Apr. 2018.
Yan You,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Toshihiko Inoue,
Toyohiko Yano.
Helium babbles and trace of lithium in B4C control rod pellets used in JOYO experimental fast reactor,
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology,
Vol. 55,
No. 6,
pp. 640-648,
Jan. 2018.
Toyohiko Yano,
Yan You,
Koumei Kanazawa,
Tomohiro Kobayashi,
Masamitsu Imai,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Saishun Yamazaki.
Recovery Behavior of Neutron-Irradiation- Induced Point Defects of High-Purity β-SiC,
Journal of Nuclear Materials,
Vol. 455,
No. 1-3,
Dec. 2014.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Yan You,
Masamitsu Imai,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Toyohiko Yano.
Study of helium bubbles in fast neutron irradiated B4C,
The 10th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-10),
Aug. 2017.
Yan You,
Toshihiko Inoue,
Manabu Sekine,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Toyohiko Yano.
Orientation of Helium Bubbles in Neutron Irradiated B4C,
The Fifth International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (INES-5),
Oct. 2016.
Yan You,
Masamitsu Imai,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Toyohiko Yano.
Recovery Behavior of Fast Neutron-Irradiated B4C Pellets by Post-Irradiation Annealing,
The 11th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM 11),
# FrI1-4,
Sept. 2015.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on B4C Absorber for Fast Reactors,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on B4C Absorber for Fast Reactors,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on B4C Absorber for Fast Reactors,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on B4C Absorber for Fast Reactors,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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