袁正一 研究業績一覧 (2件)
Chunwei Zhang,
Seiichi En,
Shintaro Matsushita,
Feng Xiao,
Tetsuya Suekane.
Interpreting dynamics of snap-off in a constricted capillary from the energy dissipation principle,
Phys. Fluids,
Vol. 33,
Feb. 2021.
Chunwei Zhang,
Ken Kou,
Yingxue Hu,
Seiichi En,
tetsuya suekane,
Feng Xiao.
Pore scale simulations of Haines jump and capillary filling in randomly distributed pore structures with implications for CO2 geological storage,
Vol. 35,
No. 5,
pp. 1-7,
Feb. 2021.
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