@inproceedings{CTT100673986, author = {Yuta Ohtsuka and Daiki Atarashi and Masahiro Miyauchi and ETSUO SAKAI}, title = {Action Mechanism of Superplasticizer in Consideration of Early Hydration of Cement}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100667803, author = {新大軌 and 大塚雄太 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {スラッジ水中のセメントの水和反応に及ぼす化学混和剤の影響}, booktitle = {第68回セメント技術大会講演要旨集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100667856, author = {大塚雄太 and 新大軌 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {セメントの初期水和反応を考慮した分散剤の作用機構}, booktitle = {第68回セメント技術大会講演要旨集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100667645, author = {大塚雄太 and 新大軌 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {分子構造の異なる分散剤がセメントペーストの流動性の経時変化と初期水和に及ぼす影響}, booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2014年年会講演予稿集}, year = 2014, }