関根圭亮 研究業績一覧 (2件)
Dai Akaishi,
Keisuke Sekine,
Shigekazu Ito.
Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Stereomutation Through gem-Difluorocyclopropanylide Intermediates,
Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry,
Jan. 2024.
Keisuke Sekine,
Dai Akaishi,
Kakeru Konagaya,
Shigekazu Ito.
Copper-Catalyzed Enantioselective Hydrosilylation of gem-Difluorocyclopropenes Leading to a Stereochemical Study of the Silylated gem-Difluorocyclopropanes,
Chemistry A European Journal,
Vol. 28,
No. 32,
Apr. 2022.
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