加藤哲平 研究業績一覧 (5件)
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Shinpei Hayashi,
Teppei Kato,
Motoshi Saeki.
Locating Procedural Steps in Source Code,
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Computer Software, Applications Conference,
pp. 1607-1612,
June 2023.
Teppei Kato,
Shinpei Hayashi,
Motoshi Saeki.
Cutting a Method Call Graph for Supporting Feature Location,
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2012),
pp. 55-57,
Oct. 2012.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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