西原遊 研究業績一覧 (21件)
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Kenji Ohta,
Yu Nishihara,
Yuki Sato,
Takashi Yagi,
Saori Imada Kawaguchi,
Naohisa Hirao,
Yasuo Ohishi.
An experimental examination of thermal conductivity anisotropy in hcp iron,
Frontiers in Earth Science,
Frontiers Media,
Volume 6,
Nov. 2018.
Phase relations in the system MgO-FeO-SiO2 to 50 GPa and 2000C: an application of experimental techniques using multianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils,,
J. of Geophysical Res,
Vol. 114,
p. B02214-2216,
June 2011.
Yoichi Nakajima*,
Eiichi Takahashi,
Nagayoshi Sata,
Yu Nishihara,
Kei Hirose,
. Ken-ichi Funakoshi,
Yasuo Oishi.
hermoelastic property and high-pressure stability of Fe7C3: Implication for iron-carbide in the Earth’s core,
American Mineral.,
Vol. 96,
pp. 1157-1165,
Yu Nishihara,
Yoichi Nakajima,
Akihiko Akashi,
Noriyoshi Tsujino,
Eiichi Takahashi,
Ken-ichi Funakoshi,
Yuji Higo.
Isothermal compression of face-centered cubic iron,
American Mineralogist,
Vol. 97,
pp. 1417-1420,
The orthoenstatite/clinoenstatite phase transformation in MgSiO3 at high-pressure and high-temperature determined by in-situ X-ray diffraction: Implications for nature of the X-discontinuity,,
J. of Geophysical Res,
vol. 114,
p. B04206-4218,
June 2009.
K. Sakamaki E. Takahashi*,
Y. Nakajima,
Y. Nishihara,
K. Funakoshi T.Suzuki,
Y. Fukai,
Eiichi Takahashi.
Melting phase relation of FeHx up to 20 GPa: Implication for the temperature of the Earth’s core,,
Physics, Earth Planet. Inter.,
Vol. 174,
p. 192-201,
June 2009.
Yu Nishihara,
Toru Shinmei,
Shun-ichiro Karato.
Effect of chemical environment on the hydrogen-related defect chemistry in wadsleyitte,
American Mineralogist,
Vol. 93,
pp. 831-843,
May 2008.
Yu Nishihara,
Konstantin Litasov,
Eiji Ohtani,
Sujoy Ghosh,
Akio Suzuki,
Ken-ichi Funakoshi.
Thermal equation of state of superhydrous phase B to 27 GPa ans 1373 K,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,
Vol. 164,
pp. 142–160,
Oct. 2007.
Yu Nishihara,
Takashi Yoshino,
Shun-ichiro Karato.
Complete wetting of olivine grain boundaries by a hydrous melt near the mantle transition zone,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
Vol. 256,
pp. 466–472,
Apr. 2007.
Yu Nishihara,
Kyoko N. Matsukage,
Shun-ichiro Karato.
Effects of metal protection coils on thermocouple EMF in multi-anvil high-pressure experiments,
American Mineralogist,
Vol. 91,
pp. 111-114,
Jan. 2006.
Yu Nishihara,
Toru Shinmei,
Shun-ichiro Karato.
Grain-growth kinetics in wadsleyite: Effects of chemical environment,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,
Vol. 154,
pp. 30-43,
Jan. 2006.
Azusa Shito,
Shun-ichiro Karato,
Kyoko N. Matsukage,
Yu Nishihara.
Towards mapping the three-dimensional distribution of water in the upper mantle from velocity and attenuation tomography,
Earth's Deep Water Cycle, Geophysical Monograph Series 168, American Geophysical Union,
pp. 225-236,
Kyoko N. Matsukage,
Yu Nishihara,
Shun-ichiro Karato.
Seismological signature of chemical differentiation in the Earth’s upper mantle,
Journal of Geophysical Research,
Vol. 110,
pp. doi:10.1029/2004JB003504,
Dec. 2005.
Yu Nishihara,
Keisuke Nakayama,
Eiichi Takahashi,
Tomohiro Iguchi,
Kenichi Funakoshi.
P-V-T equation of state of stishovite to the mantle transition zone conditions,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals,
Vol. 31,
pp. 660-670,
Yu Nishihara,
Ichiro Aoki,
Eiichi Takahashi,
Kyoko N. Matsukage,
Ken-ichi Funakoshi.
Thermal equation of state of majorite with MORB composition,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,
Vol. 148,
pp. 73-84,
Yousheng Xu,
Yu Nishihara,
Shun-ichiro Karato.
Development of a Drickamer apparatus for large-strain deformation experiments under Earth conditions,
In: J. Chen, Y. Wang, T. Duffy, G. Shen, L. Dobrzhinetskaya (Eds.), Frontiers in High Pressure Research: Geophysical Applications, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam,
pp. 167-182,
Yu Nishihara,
Eiichi Takahashi,
Kyoko N. Matsukage,
Tomohiro Iguchi,
Keisuke Nakayama,
Kenichi Funakoshi.
Thermal equation of state of (Mg0.91Fe0.09)2SiO4 ringwoodite,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,
Vol. 143,
pp. 33-46,
Yu Nishihara,
Eiichi Takahashi,
Kyoko Matsukage,
Takumi Kikegawa.
Thermal equation of state of omphacite,
American Mineralogist,
Vol. 88,
pp. 80-86,
Miki Shirasaka,
Eiichi Takahashi,
Yu Nishihara,
Kyoko Matsukage,
Takumi Kikegawa.
In situ X-ray observation of the reaction dolomite = aragonite + magnesite at 900–1300 K,
American Mineralogist,
Vol. 87,
pp. 922-930,
Phase relation and physical properties of an Al-depleted komatiite to 23 GPa,,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
Vol. 190,
pp. 65-77,
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