@article{CTT100521524, author = {Mitsutoshi Ueda and Yukiko Oyama and Kenichi Kawamura and TOSHIO MARUYAMA}, title = {Oxygen Potential Distribution During Disappearance of the Internal Oxidation Zone Formed in the Steam Oxidation of Fe-9Cr-0.26Si Ferritic Steel at 973 K}, journal = {Materials at High Temperatures}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100477323, author = {Yukiko Oyama and Atsushi Nishikata and Tooru Tsuru}, title = {Electrochemical Responses Induced by Cyclic Strain during Drying of Thin Electrolyte Layers}, journal = {Proceedings of 15th International Corrosion Congress (15th ICC) }, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100480239, author = {尾山由紀子 and 西方 篤 and 水流 徹}, title = {液膜乾燥過程における腐食疲労現象の電気化学的解析}, journal = {電気化学会第69回大会講演概要集}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100480241, author = {Yukiko Oyama and Atsushi Nishikata and Tooru Tsuru}, title = {Estimation of Corrosion Fatigue Damages by the Curret Responses at Crack Tip under the Wet-dry Condition}, journal = {Proc. Japan-China Joint Seminar on Marine Corrosion(2002,11)}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100477321, author = {尾山 由紀子 and 西方 篤 and 水流 徹}, title = {腐食疲労の除荷過程における電流応答に及ぼすき裂閉口の影響}, journal = {日本金属学会誌}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100477322, author = {尾山 由紀子 and 西方 篤 and 水流 徹}, title = {腐食疲労き裂先端で生じる応答電流からの腐食疲労損傷の検討}, journal = {日本金属学会誌}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100477325, author = {Oyama Yukiko and Atsushi Nishikata and Tooru Tsuru}, title = {Monitoring of Electrode Potential and Current Induced by Cyclic Strain under Thin Electrolyte Layers}, journal = {Proceeding of Second International Conference on Environmental Sensitive Cracking and Corrosion Damage (ESCCD 2001) }, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100477324, author = {Oyama Yukiko and Atsushi Nishikata and Tooru Tsuru}, title = {Dissolution and passivation of fresh surface at crack tip on corrosion fatigue process}, journal = {PASSIVITY AND LOCALIZED CORROSION /An International Symposium in Honor of Professor Norio Sato (Electrochemical Society Proceedings Vol. 99-27) }, year = 1999, } @inproceedings{CTT100534883, author = {Kenichi Kawamura and Tsubasa Hatanaka and Mitsutoshi Ueda and TOSHIO MARUYAMA and Shin Mimuro and Yukiko Oyama and Shu Yamaguchi}, title = {Valence State of Titanium in Cr2O3 at 1073 K}, booktitle = {16th Int. Conf. Solid State Ionics Book of Program and Abstracts}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100595057, author = {Yukiko Oyama}, title = {乾湿繰り返し環境における腐食疲労現象の電気化学的応答とその解析}, year = 2002, } @phdthesis{CTT100595057, author = {Yukiko Oyama}, title = {乾湿繰り返し環境における腐食疲労現象の電気化学的応答とその解析}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2002, }