@book{CTT100389153, author = {近藤次郎 and 竹中章郎}, title = {DNAの八重らせん構造およびその開裂四重鎖構造とそれらの生物学的意義}, publisher = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 2004, } @book{CTT100389140, author = {安達 渉 and 中村 聡 and 竹中章郎}, title = {キトサナ-ゼの基質特異性と構造}, publisher = {キチン・キトサンの開発と応用、シーエムシー出版}, year = 2004, } @book{CTT100532580, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {分子置換法の原理と実際}, publisher = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 2006, } @book{CTT100489582, author = {Jiro Kondo and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Beyond the 50th Aniversary of DNA Double Helix; New Types of DNA Strand Associations and Functions of Modified Bases}, publisher = {Structural Biology}, year = 2003, } @book{CTT100458575, author = {勝部幸輝 and 竹中章郎 and 福山恵一 and 松原 央}, title = {タンパク質の構造入門(第2版)}, publisher = {ニュートンプレス}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100458574, author = {竹中章郎 and 勝部幸輝 and 笹田義夫共訳(J. Drenth著)}, title = {タンパク質のX線結晶解析法(第2印)}, publisher = {シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100458580, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {ハイテクうらばなし(分子を見わける生体の眼),遺伝子の有効利用によるたんぱく質機能の多様化}, publisher = {日刊工業新聞}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100458579, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {ハイテクうらばなし(DNA/RNAワールド),ゲノム科学を基礎にバイテクさらに発展}, publisher = {日刊工業新聞}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100458578, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {ハイテクうらばなし(DNA/RNAワールド),複製ミスががん呼ぶ,水素結合かけ違いで突然変異}, publisher = {日刊工業新聞}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100458577, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {ハイテクうらばなし(DNA/RNAワールド),分子生物学に新たな始点,生命の機嫌を裏付け}, publisher = {日刊工業新聞}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100432327, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {X線解析と構造生物学}, publisher = {X線解析最前線}, year = 1999, } @book{CTT100432319, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {エッセンシャル化学辞典}, publisher = {東京化学同人}, year = 1999, } @book{CTT100432314, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {DNA/RNAにおける水素結合様式と機能}, publisher = {水素結合が創る構造と機能}, year = 1998, } @book{CTT100407127, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {DNA/RNAにおける水素結晶様式と機能}, publisher = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 1998, } @book{CTT100407126, author = {竹中章郎 and 勝部幸輝 and 笹田義夫}, title = {タンパク質のX線結晶解析法(分訳)}, publisher = {シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京}, year = 1998, } @book{CTT100407125, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {生体分子のつくる構造}, publisher = {化学と教育}, year = 1998, } @book{CTT100407122, author = {猪飼 篤 and 竹中章郎 and 田中信夫 and 弘津俊輔}, title = {物理化学(分担)}, publisher = {丸善}, year = 1997, } @book{CTT100407119, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {21世紀をめざすX線結晶学}, publisher = {放射光}, year = 1996, } @book{CTT100407089, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {高分子分析ハンドブック}, publisher = {日本高分子学会 紀伊国屋書店}, year = 1995, } @book{CTT100407110, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {作図機の変遷と結晶学}, publisher = {グラフテックジャーナル}, year = 1995, } @book{CTT100407112, author = {竹中章郎 and 松本 治}, title = {核酸分子の相互作用における構造モチーフ}, publisher = {蛋白質核酸酵素}, year = 1995, } @book{CTT100407114, author = {角田 大 and 竹中章郎}, title = {パソコンを使った電子メールの利用について}, publisher = {東京工業大学Titanet広報}, year = 1995, } @book{CTT100407012, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Recognition Mechanism of RNA in the Assembly of Tobacco Mosaic Virus}, publisher = {J. Crystallographic Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1992, } @book{CTT100406999, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {タンパク質の構造入門(分訳)}, publisher = {教育社}, year = 1992, } @book{CTT100406990, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Introduction to Molecular Science in Cryptal}, publisher = {講談社}, year = 1989, } @book{CTT100406989, author = {Yoshio Sasada and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Studies of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions Using Model Cryatals}, publisher = {Advances in Biophysics}, year = 1988, } @book{CTT100406996, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Role of Elementary Interaetions in Protein-Nucleic Acid Recognition : A Mechanism for Tobacco Mosaic Virus Assembly}, publisher = {東京大学出版会}, year = 1987, } @book{CTT100406997, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-Ray Structure Analysis}, publisher = {丸善}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100389152, author = {Akio Takenaka and Wataru Adachi and Yuri Sakihama and Shinji Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and Tetsuya Fukazawa and Mamie Suzuki and Rie Yatsunami and Satoshi Nakamura}, title = {Various chitosanases developed from different structural Kingdoms}, journal = {Chitin Chitosan Res.}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100389141, author = {Jiro Kondo and Wataru Adachi and Shun-ichi Umeda and Tomoko Sunami and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal structures of a DNA octaplex with I-motif of G-quartets and its splitting into two quadruplexes suggest a folding mechanism of eight tandem repeat}, journal = {Nucl. Acids Res.}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100389142, author = {Wataru Adachi and Shinji Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and Tetsuya Fukazawa and Yuri Sakihama and Mamie Suzuki and Rie Yatsunami and Satoshi Nakamura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal Structure of family GH-8 Chitosanase with subclass II specificity from Bacillus sp. strain K17}, journal = {J. Mol. Biol.}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100389145, author = {Tomoko Sunami and Jiro Kondo and Ichiro Hirao and Kimitsuna Watanabe and Kin-ichiro Miura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal structures of d(GCGAAGC) and d(GCGAAAGC) (tetragonal form); switching the partner of A:G pair to form a G:AxA:G crossing}, journal = {Acta. Crystallogr., Sect. D}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100389144, author = {Tomoko Sunami and Jiro Kondo and Ichiro Hirao and Kimitsuna Watanabe and Kin-ichiro Miura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Structure of d(GCGAAAGC) (hexagonal form): a base-intercalated duplex as a stable structure}, journal = {Acta. Crystallogr., Sect.D}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100389143, author = {Yuri Sakihama and Wataru Adachi and Shinji Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and Tetsuya Fukazawa and Mamie Suzuki and Rie Yatsunami and Satoshi Nakamura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analyses of the active and the inactive forms of family GH-8 chitosanase with subclass II specificity from Bacillus sp. strain K17}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr., Sect. D}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100495758, author = {Jiro Kondo and Shun-ichi Umeda and Kazuhiro Fujita and Tomoko Sunami and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray analyses of d(GCGAXAGC) containing G and T at X: the base-intercalated duplex is still stable even in point mutants at the fifth residue}, journal = {J. Synchrotron Rad.}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100531909, author = {Jiro Kondo and Tomoko Sunami and Akio Takénaka}, title = {The crystal structure of d(gcGAACgc) duplex containing two consecutive bulged A residues in both strands suggests a molecular switch}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100531907, author = {Ella Czarina Juan and Jiro Kondo and Takeshi Kurihara and Takanori Ito and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal structures of DNA:DNA and DNA:RNA duplexes containing 5-(N-aminohexyl)carbamoyl-modified uracils reveal the basis for properties as antigene and antisense molecules}, journal = {Nucl. Acids Res.}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100531906, author = {Yoshiteru Sato and Kenta Mitomi and Tomoko Sunami and Jiro Kondo and Akio Takénaka}, title = {DNA Octaplex Formation with an I-Motif of A-Quartets: The Revised Crystal Structure of d(GCGAAAGC)}, journal = {J. Biochem.}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100531908, author = {Jiro Kondo and Tanashaya Ciengshin and Ella Czarina Magat Juan and Yoshiteru Sato and Kenta Mitomi and Satoru Shimizu and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal Structure of d(gcGXGAgc) with X=G: a Mutation at X is Possible to Occur in a Base-Intercalated Duplex for Multiplex Formation}, journal = {Nucleos. Nucleot. Nucl. Acids }, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100386908, author = {Akio Takenaka and Wataru Adachi and Yuri Sakihama and Satoru Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and Tetsuya Fukazawa and Mamie Suzuki and Rie Yatsunami and Satoshi Nakamura}, title = {Various Chitosanase Developed from Different Structural Kingdoms}, journal = {Chitin Chitosan Res.,}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100752626, author = {W. Adachi and S. Shimizu and T. Sunami and T. Fukazawa and Y. Sakihama and M. Suzuki and R. Yatsunami and S. Nakamura and A. Takenaka}, title = {Crystal structure of family GH-8 chitosanase with subclass II specificity from Bacillus sp. K17}, journal = {J. Mol. Biol.}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100752594, author = {Y. Sakihama and W. Adachi and Satoru Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and T. Fukazawa and M. Suzuki and R. Yatsunami and S. Nakamura and A. Takenaka}, title = {Crystallizations and Preliminary X-ray Analyses of the Active and the Inactive Forms of Family GH-8 Chitosanase with Subclass II Specificity from Bacillus sp. Strain K17}, journal = {Acta Cryst.,}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100495859, author = {Yuri Sakiyama and Mamie Suzuki and Tetsuya Fukazawa and Rie Yotsunami and Kimiko Endo and Wataru Adachi and Shinji Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and Akio Takénaka and Satoshi Nakamu}, title = {A novel chitosanase from Bacillus sp. strain K17: purification, characterization and gene cloning}, journal = {Mie-BioForum-2003 (Nemunosato) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495858, author = {Wataru Adachi and Shinji Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and Tetsuya Fukazawa and Mamie Suzuki and Rie Yotsunami and Satoshi Nakamura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Evolutinary classification of family 8 glycoside hydrolases, based on the X-ray structure of Bacillus Sp. K17 chitosanase}, journal = {Mie-BioForum-2003 (Nemunosato) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495857, author = {Kousei Kimura and Akira Ono and Kimitsuna Watanabe and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray analyses of oligonucleotides containing 5-formylcytosine, suggesting a structural reason for codon-anticodon recognition of mitochondrial tRNAMet}, journal = {20th International tRNA workshop (Banz) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495856, author = {清水真次 and 安達渉 and 角南智子 and ホセイン・トファザル and 鈴木麻美絵 and 深沢徹也 and 崎濱由梨 and 八波利恵 and 中村聡 and 竹中章郎}, title = {Bacillus sp. K17由来サブクラスIIキトサナーゼの立体構造とファミリー8糖分解酵素の機能の多様化}, journal = {キチン・キトサン研究}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495855, author = {W. Adachi and S. Shimizu and T. Sunami and T. Fukazawa and M. Suzuki and R. Yotsunami and S. Nakamura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Evolutinal classification of family 8 glycosidases based on X-ray structure of Bacillus Sp. K17 chitosanase}, journal = {9th International Chitin-Chitosan Conference (Montrél) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495854, author = {Ella Czarina Magat Juan and Takeshi Kurihara and Jiro Kondo and Takamori Ito and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal structures of DNA:DNA and RNA:DNA duplexes containig 5-(N-aminohexyl)carbamoyl group}, journal = {CrSJ-2003 Annual Meeting (Kumamoto) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495853, author = {近藤次郎 and 梅田俊一 and 藤田和寛 and 角南智子 and 竹中章郎}, title = {塩基積層型二重らせんが造るDNA多会合体の構造}, journal = {CrSJ-2003 Meeting (熊本) 要旨集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495852, author = {安達渉 and 清水真次 and 角南智子 and 鈴木麻美絵 and 深沢徹也 and 崎濱由梨 and 八波利恵 and 中村聡 and 竹中章郎}, title = {ファミリー8のキトサナーゼの立体構造と糖加水分解酵素の分子進化}, journal = {CrSJ-2003 Meeting (熊本) 要旨集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495851, author = {M. Tofazzal Hossain and Kaoru Suzuki and Tamotsu Yamamoto and Shigeyuki Imamura and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal structure of uricase from Arthrobacter globiformis}, journal = {CrSJ-2003 Annual Meeting (Kumamoto) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495850, author = {佐藤秀照 and 木村康生 and 竹中章郎}, title = {I型筋緊張性ジストロフィー誘因性CUG反復配列のX線結晶解析}, journal = {CrSJ-2003 Meeting (熊本) 要旨集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495849, author = {M. Tofazzal Hossain and Kaoru Suzuki and Tamotsu Yamamoto and Shigeyuki Imamura and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystallographic studies of pyruvate oxidase (POPG) from Aerococcus viridans}, journal = {CrSJ-2003 Annual Meeting (Kumamoto) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495842, author = {Jiro Kondo and Shun-ichi Umeda and Kazuhiro Fujita and Tomoko sunami and Akio Takénaka}, title = {The base-intercalated duplexes of d(GCGAXAGC) with mutation at X (X=G, T or C)}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495847, author = {Akio Takénaka}, title = {Multiple associations of DNA strands with non-complementary sequences and its biological implications}, journal = {5th International SYmposium on 'Development of New Structural Biology Including Hydrogen and Hydration' in ORCS (Tokai) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495848, author = {角田大 and 直枝智恵子 and 鈴木薫 and 関口武司 and 竹中章郎 and 中村和郎}, title = {古最近Sulfolobus tokodaii 由来DNA組換えRadAタンパク質の結晶化}, journal = {CrSJ-2003 Meeting (熊本) 要旨集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495846, author = {Wataru Adachi and Kaoru Suzuki and Masaru Tsunoda and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Lester J. Reed and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray analysis of yeast lipoamide dehydrogenase complexed with NAD+}, journal = {International Crystallography Meeting AsCA'2003/Crystal-23 (Broom) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495845, author = {Wataru Adachi and Shinji Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and Tetsuya Fukazawa and Mamie Suzuki and Rie Yatsunami and Satoshi Nakamura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray analyses of family 8 chitosanase from Bacillus Sp. K17}, journal = {International Crystallography Meeting AsCA'2003/Crystal-23 (Broom) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495844, author = {Jiro Kondo and Shun-ichi Umeda and Tomoko Sunami and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Two crystal structures of d(GICGAGAGC) suggest that potassium ions mediate to form DNA octaplex with I-motif of guanine-quartet}, journal = {International Crystallography Meeting AsCA'2003/Crystal-23 (Broom) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495843, author = {Jiro Kondo and Shun-ichi Umeda and Tomoko Sunami and Akio Takénaka}, title = {The octaplex structure of d(GCGAGAGC) with I-motif of guanine quartet, controlled by potassium concentration}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495863, author = {Sato Yoshiteru and Kousei Kimura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analyses of RNA oligomers containing CUG repeats which induce type 1 myotonic dystrophy}, journal = {RNA-2003 (Kyoto) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495862, author = {Isao Koike and Masaki Kajikawa and Norihiro Okada and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystallization of putative stem loop regions of LINE and SINE essential for retrotransposition}, journal = {RNA-2003 (Kyoto) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495861, author = {Kimura Kosei and Ono Akira and Kimitsuna Watanabe and Takénaka Akio}, title = {Structural studies of oligonucleotides containing 5-formylcytosine, suggesting codon-anticodon recognition by mitochondrial tRNAMet}, journal = {RNA-2003 (Kyoto) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495860, author = {Ella Czarina Magat Juan1 and Jiro Kondo and Takanori Ito and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Structural implications of 5-(N-aminohexyl)carbamoyl-2'-O-methyluridine residues in RNA:DNA hybrid duplexes}, journal = {RNA-2003 (Kyoto) Abstract}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100477691, author = {安達渉 and 鈴木薫 and 角田 大 and 関口武司 and L.J. Reed and 竹中章郎}, title = {NAD+を含む酵母Lipoamide dehydrogenaseのX線構造解析}, journal = {CrSJ 2002 Annual Meeting (Tokyo) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100545878, author = {T. Sekiguchi and M. Tsunoda and K. Suzuki and W. Adachi and T. Sunami and M.S. Patel and Y.S. Hong and K. Koike and M. Koike and A. Takénaka}, title = {Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Analysis of a Sub-Complex between E2o and E3 Components of 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex}, journal = {ICSG2002 (Berlin) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100477690, author = {角田大 and 鈴木薫 and 藤田和寛 and 安達渉 and 角南智子 and Mulchand S. Patel and Young Soo Hong and 小池吉子 and 小池正彦 and 関口武司 and 竹中章郎}, title = {2-オキソ酸脱水素酵素複合体成分E2oとE3のサブ複合体の結晶化}, journal = {CrSJ 2002 Annual Meeting (Tokyo) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472374, author = {Tomoko Sunami and Jiro Kondo and Tomonori Kobuna and Ichiro Hirao and Kimitsuna Watanabe and Kin-ichiro Miura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal Structure of d(GCGAAAGCT) Containing a Parallel-stranded Duplex with Homo Base Pairs and an Anti-Parallel Duplex with Watson-Crick Base Pairs}, journal = {Nucl. Acids Res.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472373, author = {Kaoru Suzuki and Wataru Adachi and Noriyo Yamada and Masaru Tsunoda and Kichiko Koike and Masahiko Koike and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the full size cubic core of pig 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472372, author = {Tomoko Sunami and Tomonori Kobuna and Jiro Kondo and Ichiro Hirao and Kimitsuna Watanabe and Kin-ichiro Miura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal Structure of d(GCGAAAGCT) Containing Parallel-stranded Duplex with Homo Base Pairs and Anti-Parallel Duplex with Watson-Crick Base pairs}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472371, author = {Tomonori Kobuna and Tomoko Sunami and Jiro Kondo and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray Structure of d(CGAA), Parallel-Stranded DNA Duplex with Homo Base Pairs}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472370, author = {Tomoko Sunami and Jiro Kondo and Masaru Tsunoda and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Ichiro Hirao and Kimitsuna Watanabe Kin-ichiro Miura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray Structure of d(GCGAAGC); Switching of Partner for G:A Pair in Duplex Form}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472322, author = {Shinji Shimizu and Tomoko Sunami and Tetsuya Fukazawa and Mamie Suzuki and Rie Yatsunami and Satohi Nakamura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray Analysis of Chitosanase from Bacillus sp. K-17 (2)}, journal = {Seikagaku}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472321, author = {Kazuhiro Fujita and Hiroshi Minami and Kaoru Suzuki and Masaru Tsunoda and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Shiho Tsuzaki and Ryousuke Mizui and Satoshi Nakamura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-ray analysis of highly heat-stable Bacillus coagulans IPMDH, containing mutations in the hydrophobic core}, journal = {CrSJ 2002 Annual Meeting (Tokyo) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472320, author = {Jiro Kondo Akio Takénaka}, title = {A new strategy for nucleic acid crystallization based on salting-in effect}, journal = {CrSJ 2002 Annual Meeting (Tokyo) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472319, author = {Tomoko Sunami and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Usefulness of cobalt-hexamine in crystallization of nucleic acids and in phase determination by anomalous scattering}, journal = {CrSJ 2002 Annual Meeting (Tokyo) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472318, author = {Kosei Kimura Akira Ono and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-ray analyses of DNA dodecamers containing 5-formylcytosine}, journal = {CrSJ 2002 Annual Meeting (Tokyo) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472160, author = {T. Sunami and J. Kondo and I. Hirao and K. Watanabe and K. Miura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray Structure of d(GCGAAAGCT), Parallel-stranded DNA Duplex with Homo Base Pairs}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472159, author = {Akio Takénaka and T. Sunami and J. Kondo and K. Watanabe and K. Miura and I. Hirao}, title = {X-Ray Structure of d(GCGAAGC), Switching of Partner for G:A Pair in Duplex Form}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472158, author = {J. Kondo and T. Sunami and I. Hirao and K. Miura and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray Analysis of d(GCGAACGC): Intra-Duplex and Inter-Duplex Hand-in-Pocket Motifs}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472157, author = {Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystal Structures of Damaged/Modified DNAs and Mutagenesis}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472124, author = {K. Suzuki and M. Tsunoda K. Fujita and W. Adachi and T. Sunami and M.S. Patel and K. Koike and M. Koike and T. Sekiguchi and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Crystallographic study of a sub-complex between E2o and E3 components of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex}, journal = {PSSJ2002 Annual Meeting (Nagoya) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472123, author = {Wataru Adachi and Kazunari Taira and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Structural Composition and Crystallization of Heterodimeric Maxizyme}, journal = {The 4th RNA Meeting (Tsukuba), Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472122, author = {Toshiyuki Sasaki and Wataru Adachi and Satoko Naito and Akira Ono and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Structural Role of Modified Nucleotides in tRNA Based on an X-Ray Structure of Oligonucleotide Containing Pseudouridine}, journal = {The 4th RNA Meeting (Tsukuba) Abstract}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100472121, author = {角田 大 and 鈴木 薫 and 関口武司 and 竹中章郎}, title = {ブタ由来 2-オキソグルタル酸脱水素酵素複合体成分E2(全長)のX線解析}, journal = {いわき明星大学研究紀要}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100458553, author = {M. Tofazzal Hossain and Jiro Kondo and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray analysis of d(CGCGAATTXGCG)2 containing 2'-deoxy-N4-methoxycytosine residue at X: A characteristic pattern of sugar puckers in crystalline state of the Dickerson-Drew-type DNA dodecamers}, journal = {Biophys. Chem.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100458552, author = {Masaru Tsunoda and Jiro Kondo and Naoko Karino and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takénaka}, title = {Water mediated Dickerson-Drew-type crystal of DNA dodecamer containing 2'-deoxy-5-formyluridine}, journal = {Biophys. Chem.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100458555, author = {Masaru Tsunoda and Naoko Karino and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a DNA dodecamer containing 2'-deoxy-5-formyluridine; what is the role of magnesium cation in crystallization of Dickerson-type DNA dodecamers?}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100458554, author = {M. Tofazzal Hossain and Tomoko Sunami and Masaru Tsunoda and Takaaki Hikima and Toshiyuki Chatake and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic studies on damaged DNAs IV. N4-methoxycytosine shows a second face for Watson-Crick base-pairing, leading to purine transition mutagenesis}, journal = {Nucl. Acids Res.}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460221, author = {角田 大 and 狩野奈保子 and 上野義仁 and 松田 彰 and 竹中章郎}, title = {5-ホルミルウリジンを含むDNA12量体dCGCGAAT(f5U)CGCGの結晶のX線構造に及ぼすイオンおよび水和の効果}, journal = {2001年日本結晶学会年会要旨集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460220, author = {Kaoru Suzuki and Wataru Adachi and Norito Yamada and Masaru Tsunoda and Kichiko Koike and Masashiko Koike and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray Analysis of Full Size Pig E2 of 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex}, journal = {第1回日本蛋白質科学会年会要旨集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460219, author = {内藤聡子 and 角田 大 and 角南智子 and 小野 晶 and 竹中章郎}, title = {tRNAの修飾残基YおよびTの役割、dY(シュードウリジン)を含む核酸12量体d(CGCGAATYCGCG)のX線解析}, journal = {第28回生体分子科学討論会講演要旨集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460218, author = {清水真次 and 角南智子 and 深沢徹也 and 鈴木麻美絵 and 八波利恵 and 中村 聡 and 竹中章郎}, title = {Bacillus sp. K17株由来キトサナーゼのX線構造解析}, journal = {2001年日本結晶学会年会要旨集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460215, author = {A. Takenaka and M. Tsunoda and T. Sakaue and S. Naito and T. Sunami and N. Karino and Y. Ueno and A. Matsuda}, title = {A Novel Reversed Wobble Pairing of Oxidized Thymine Residue with Guanine Residue in B-Form DNA, and Its Biological Significance}, journal = {The 4th AsCA Meeting, Abstract}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460214, author = {Jiro Kondo and Tomoko Sunami and Ichiro Hirao and Kin-ichiro Miura and Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-Ray Analysis of d(GCGAACGC); Intra-Duplex and Inter-Duplex Hand-in-Pocket Motifs}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460213, author = {Tomoko Sunami and Jiro Kondo and Toshiyuki Chatake and Ichiro Hirao and Kimitsuna Watanabe and Kin-ichiro Miura and Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-Ray Analyses of d(GCGAAAGC) and d(GXGAAAGCT), where X=2'-Deoxy-5-Iodocytidine}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460212, author = {Masaru Tsunoda and Takeshi Sakaue and Satoko Naito and Tomoko Sunami and Naoko Karino and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-Ray Analyses of DNA Dodecamers Containing 2'-Deoxy-5-formyluridine}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res. Supplement}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460222, author = {安達 渉 and 多比良和誠 and 竹中章郎}, title = {ホモダイマー型核酸酵素マキシザイムの結晶化}, journal = {第3回RNAミーティング要旨集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100545877, author = {M. Tsunoda and T. Sakaue and S. Naito and T. Sunami and N. Karino and Y. Ueno and A. Matsuda and A. Take■'''naka}, title = {Oxidized thymidine induces mutagenesis through reversed wobble pairing with guanosine}, journal = {The 20th European Crystallographic Meeting, Abstract}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100545876, author = {Md T. Hossain and T. Hikima and T. Chatake and M. Tsunoda and Y. Ueno and A. Matsuda and A. Take■'''naka}, title = {Two Alternate Faces of Methoxylated Cytosine Residues for Pairing with G and A in the Watson-Crick Geometry, Leading to Purine transition Mutagenesis}, journal = {The 4th AsCA Meeting, Abstract}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100460224, author = {K. Suzuki and W. Adachi and N. Yamada and M. Tsunoda and K. Koike and M. Koike and T. Sekiguchi and Akio Takénaka}, title = {X-Ray Analysis of Full Size Pig E2 of 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex}, journal = {The 20th European Crystallographic Meeting, Abstract}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100458556, author = {M. Tofazzal Hossain and Takaaki Hikima and Toshiyuki Chatake and Masaru Tsunoda and Tomoko Sunami and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic Studies on Damaged DNAs, III. N4-Methoxycytosine can form both Watson-Crick type and wobbled base pairs in a B-form duplex}, journal = {J. Biochem.}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100458573, author = {M. Tofazzal Hossain and Takaaki Hikima and Masaru Tsunoda and Toshiyuki Chatake and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Flexibility of sugar puckering in B-form DNA}, journal = {第27回生体分子科学討論会 要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100458560, author = {Jiro Kondo and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallization of the most active RNA-cleaving deoxyribozyme}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Symposium Series}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100458571, author = {M. Tofazzal Hossain and Takaaki Hikima and Toshiyuki Chatake and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic Studies on Damaged DNAs, IV. N4-Methoxycytosine can form the Watson-Crick type and the wobbled type base pairs in a B-form duplex}, journal = {日本結晶学会平成12年度年会 講演要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100458570, author = {A. Takenaka and M. T. Hossain and T. Chatake and T. Hikima and A. Ono and Y. Ueno and A. Matsuda}, title = {Crystal structures of DNAs damaged by methoxylation, and pyrimidine- and purine-transition mutagenesis}, journal = {2000 International Chemical Congress of pacific Basin Societies (Honolulu, Dec.) Abstracts}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100458569, author = {鈴木薫 and 山田規代 and 角田大 and 角南智子 and 竹中章郎 and 関口武司}, title = {ヒトとブタ由来のリポアミドデヒドロゲナーゼの結晶化}, journal = {化学系7学協会連合東北地方大会講演予稿集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100458568, author = {Masaru Tsunoda and Naoko Karino and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-ray analysis of a DNA dodecamer containing 5-formyluracil}, journal = {19th European Crystallographic Meeting Abstracts}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100458567, author = {坂上剛士 and 遠山佳宏 and 角田大 and 竹中章郎}, title = {核酸酵素レッドザイムの結晶化}, journal = {第2回RNAミーティング要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100458561, author = {池功二郎 and 角田大 and 白倉裕美 and 小柳義夫 and 高久洋 and 河合剛太 and 竹中章郎}, title = {HIV-1ゲノムRNAの二量体化開始部位の結晶化(2)}, journal = {第2回RNAミーティング要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100458576, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {リポアミド脱水素酵素の立体構造から見たピリジンヌクレオチドジスルフィド酸化還元酵素ファミリーの構造構築原理}, journal = {ビタミン}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100432321, author = {Takaaki Hikima and M. Tofazzal Hossain and Toshiyuki Chatake and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-Ray analysis of DNA dodecamer containing 2'-deoxy-N4-methoxycytidine}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Symposium Series}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100458572, author = {相楽聡子 and M. Tofazzal Hossain and 竹中章郎 and 関口武司}, title = {クワ(Morus sp.)の種子由来レクチンの精製とその性質}, journal = {日本農芸化学会誌}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432326, author = {T. Chatake and A. Ono and Y. Ueno and A. Matsuda and A. Takenaka}, title = {Crystallogra-phic Studies on Damaged DNA and Mutation}, journal = {XVIIIth IUCr Congress & General Assembly}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432325, author = {T. Toyoda and A. Takenaka}, title = {The Architecture of Flavoenzymes on the Basis of the Tertiary Structure of Yeast Lipoamide Dehydrogenase}, journal = {XVIIIth IUCr Congress & General Assembly}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432324, author = {鈴木 薫 and 角田 大 and 竹中章郎 and 関口武司}, title = {ヒト肝ジヒドロリポアミド脱水素酵素の結晶化}, journal = {日本生化学会第72回大会要旨集}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432323, author = {角南智子 and 茶竹俊行 and 平尾一郎 and 横山茂之 and 渡辺公綱 and 三浦謹一郎 and 竹中章郎}, title = {安定なヘアピン構造を含むデオキシオリゴヌクレオチドの構造研究}, journal = {生体分子科学討論会要旨集}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432322, author = {引間孝明 and M. Tofazzal Hossain and 茶竹俊行 and 小野 晶 and 上野義仁 and 松田 彰 and 竹中章郎}, title = {N4-メトキシシトシンーアデニン塩基対を含む二本鎖DNAのX線解析}, journal = {平成11年度日本結晶学会年会要旨集}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432320, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Akia Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {N6-methoxyadenosine in damaged DNA has two faces in property of Watson-Crick base pairing}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Symposium Series}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432317, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Takaaki Hikima and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic Studies on Damaged DNAs, II. N6-Methoxylated Adenine has Two Faces for Pyrimidine Transition Mutagenesis}, journal = {J. Mol. Biol.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432316, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic Studies on Damaged DNA, I. N6-Methoxylated Adenine Forms Watson-Crick Pairs with Cytosine in a B-DNA Duplex}, journal = {J. Mol. Biol.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100427373, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Takaaki Hikima and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic Studies on Damaged DNAs, II. N6-Methoxyadenine can Present Two Alternate Faces for Watson-Crick Base Pairing, Leading to Pyrimidine Transition Mutagenesis}, journal = {J. Mol. Biol.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100427372, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akira Matsuda andAkio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic Studies on Damaged DNAs, I. An N6-Methoxyadenine Residue Forms a Watson-Crick Pair with a Cytosine Residue in a B-DNA Duplex}, journal = {J. Mol. Biol.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100427374, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akio Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a DNA dodecamer of d(CGCGmo6AATCCGCG) containing 2'-deoxy-N6-methoxyadenosine: Change in crystal packing with different humidity}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100458558, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akio Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic Studies on Damaged DNAs, I. An N6-Methoxyadenine Residue Forms a Watson-Crick Pairs with a Cytosine Residue in a B-DNA Duplex}, journal = {J. Mol. Biol.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100458559, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akio Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a DNA dodecamer of d(CGCGmo6AATCCGCG) containing 2'-deoxy-N6-methoxyadenosine: Change in crystal packing with different humidity}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100432318, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Tomoko Sunami and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akio Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a DNA dodecamer of d(CGCGmo6AATCCGCG) containing 2'-deoxy-N6-methoxyadenosine, Change in crystal packing with different humidity}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100458557, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Takaaki Hikima and Akira Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and Akio Matsuda and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallographic Studies on Damaged DNAs, II. N6-Methoxy-adenosine can Present Two Alternate Faces for Watson-Crick Base-pairing, Leading to Pyrimidine Transition Mutagenesis}, journal = {J. Mol. Biol.}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100407117, author = {Daisuke Tsuchiya and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Romit Profile Analysis for Molecular Replarement}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100407118, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystallization and Prelinuinary Structure Analysis of Pig Heart dipoamide Dehydrogenase}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100432315, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Masaru Tsunoda and Tofazzal Hossain and Tomoko Sunami and Takaai Hikima and Akio Takenaka}, title = {:Dynamic Reaction Mechanism of Hammerhead Ribozyme;}, journal = {Photon Factory Activity Report}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100407128, author = {Tomohiko Toyoda and Kaoru Suzuki and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Lester J. Reeds and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystal Structune of Eucaryotic E3, Lipoamide Dehydrogenase from Yeast}, journal = {J. Biochem.}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100407120, author = {Tomohiko Toyoda and Daisuke Tsuchiya and Yasushi Iga and Toshiyuki Chatake and Masaru Tsunoda and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-ray Analysis of Eukaryotic Yeast Lipoamide Dehydrogenase}, journal = {Photon Factory}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407116, author = {Tomohiko Toyoda and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallization of Eukaryotic E3, Lipoamide Dehydrogenase from Yeast, for Exhibiting X-ray Diffraction beyond 2. 5Å Resolution and Preliminary Structure Analysis}, journal = {J. Biochem.}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407115, author = {Daisuke Tsuchiya and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystal Strurture of 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase from the Moderate Facultative Thermophile Bacillus coagulans : Two Strategies for Thermostabilization of Protein Structures}, journal = {J. Biochem.}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407121, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Tomohiko Toyoda and Daisuke Tsuchiya and Yasushi Iga and Masaru Tsunoda and Akia Ono and ... and Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-ray Analysis of DNA Dodecamer Containing 2'-Deoxy-N6-methoxyadenosine}, journal = {Photon Factory}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407124, author = {Toshiyuki Chatake and Tomohiko Toyoda and Masaru Tsunoda and Tomoko Sunami and Akia Ono and Yoshihito Ueno and ... and Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-ray Analysis of DNA Dodecamer Containing 2'-Deoxy-N6-methoxy adenosine}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Symposium Series}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407123, author = {土屋大輔 and 竹中章郎}, title = {中等度好熱菌Bacillus coagulans由来の3-イソプロピルリンゴ酸脱水素酵素のX線結晶析-蛋白質耐熱化のための2つの戦略-}, journal = {構造生物}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100407109, author = {Daisuke Tsuchiya and Osamu Matsumoto and Takashi Gorai and Takeshi Sekiguchi and Yoshiaki Nosoh and Akio Takenaka}, title = {Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Analysis of 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase from the Moderate Facultative Thermophile,Bacillus coagulans}, journal = {Acta Crystallogr.}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100407106, author = {Masaru Tsunoda and Akio Takenaka and Jean Cavarelli and Bernard Rees and Jean-Claude Thierry and Dino Moras}, title = {Electrostatic potential in aminoacylation by aspartyl-tRNA synthetase}, journal = {Nucleic Acids, Symposium Series}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100407080, author = {Akio Takenaka and Osamu Matsumoto and Yixin Chen and Sei-ichi Hasegawa and Toshiyuki Chatake and Masaru Tsunoda and et al.}, title = {Structural Composition of Hammerhead Ribozymes}, journal = {J. Biochem.}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100407105, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal structure of 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from facultative thermophile,bacillus coagulans}, journal = {Conference of Asian Crystallographic Association(Bankock,Thailand)}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100407107, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystallgrahic Studies of Hammerhead Ribozymes.II}, journal = {Conference of Asian Crystallographic Association(Bankock,Thailand)}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100407108, author = {Masaru Tsunoda and Akio Takenaka and Jean Cavarelli and Bernard Rees and Jean-Claude Thierry and Dino Moras}, title = {Electrostatic potential in ainoacylation by aspartyl-tRNA synthetase}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Symposium Series}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100407111, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {多体分子置換法-プログラムAMoReについて-}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100407088, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Eukaryotic Lipoamide Dehydrogenase, Molecular Genetics and Structural Aspects. }, journal = {Flavins and Flavoproteins 1993, ed. Walter de Gruyter & Co. , Berlin}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407079, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-ray Analysis of 3-ispropylmalate Dehydrogenase from a facultative thermophite, Bascillus coagulants. }, journal = {Protein Engineering}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407103, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-ray Analysis of DNA Octamer d(GCGAAAGC)}, journal = {Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry(Matsuyama,Japan)}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407113, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {生命科学を支えるデータベース}, journal = {東京工業大学総合情報処理センター広報}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407100, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Lipoamide Dehydrogenases. }, journal = {The U. S. -Japan Bilateral Seminar, Mitochondrial α-keto Acid Dehydrogenase Complexes (Jichi-Idai, Japan),}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407076, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-Ray Analysis of DNA Octamer d(GCGAAAGC)}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Symposium Series}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407077, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structural study on Hammerhead Ribozymes}, journal = {BNucleic Acids Symposium Series}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407104, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structural Study on Hammerhead Ribozymes}, journal = {Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry(Matsuyama,Japan)}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407078, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis of Lipoamide Dehydrogenases}, journal = {The U. S. -Japan Bilateral Seminar, Mitochondria α-Keto Acid Dehydrogenase Complexes, Jichi-idai, Japan,}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100407096, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Preliminary Crystallographic Studies on Hammerhead Ribozymes}, journal = {16th Congress and General Assembly, International Union of Crystallography (Beijing, China),}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100407008, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Channeling Mechenism of Membrane Protein Porin}, journal = {Farumashia}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100407007, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Recent Protein Crystallography in France}, journal = {J. Crystallogrophic Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100407006, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Preliminary Crystallographic Studies on Hammerhead Ribozymes}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Symposium Series}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100407099, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Preliminary Crystallographic Studies on Hammerhead Ribozymes}, journal = {Second International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry (Sapporo, Japan)}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100407098, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Eukaryotic lipoamide Dihydrogenase : Molecular Genetic and Structural Aspects}, journal = {Eleventh International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoproteins (Nagoya, Japan)}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100407097, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-Ray Analysis of Yeast Lipoamide Dehydrogenase at 3.5 ? Resolution}, journal = {16th Congress and General Assembly, International Union of Crystallography (Beijing, China)}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100407095, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Electrostatic Potential in tRNA Recognition by Aspartyl-tRNA Synthretase}, journal = {Inaugural Conference of Asian Crystallographic Association (Singapore),}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100407011, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-Ray Diffraction}, journal = {日本化学会編.丸善}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100407010, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Chenical shift}, journal = {J. Crystallographic Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100406998, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {The biological activity-of hydrogen peroxide, V. The Crystal Structure of a Histidine-Peroxide Adduct and Its Biological Actirities}, journal = {Mutation Research}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100407000, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {The Crystal Structure of Cyanide Metmyoglobins Reconstituted with Iron(III)Complexes with Porphyrin, 5,20,15,20-Tetramethyl porphyrin, and 5,10,15,20-tetraethylporphyrin}, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100407009, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Watson-Crick type hydrogen bonds}, journal = {J. Crystallographic Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100407075, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure Determination of Magnesium Boron Nitride, MgD2, from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data}, journal = {J. Appl. Cryst.}, year = 1991, } @article{CTT100407005, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystallition and Preliminary X-Ray Studies on Sulfolobus acidocaldarius Ferredoxin}, journal = {J. Biochem.}, year = 1991, } @article{CTT100407102, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Studies of a Bacillus subtils and Thermus thermophilus HB8 Chimeric 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase}, journal = {J.Biochem}, year = 1991, } @article{CTT100407087, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {X線解析結果の考察支援機能}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 1990, } @article{CTT100407074, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Stereoselectivity in the Oxidation of 5-Thioglucose Derivatives with 3-Chloroperoxybenzoic Acid. }, journal = {┣DBBull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , (/)-┫DB}, year = 1990, } @article{CTT100407001, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Alkylnickel and-palladium Alkoxides Associated with Alcohols through Hydrogen Bonding}, journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.}, year = 1990, } @article{CTT100407002, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Time-Resolved Observation of Excitation Hopping between Two Anthryl Moieties Attached to Both Ends of Alkanes : Simulation Based on Conformational Analysis}, journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.}, year = 1990, } @article{CTT100407094, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Steric Effects of meso-Substitution on Heme Mobility in Myoglobin}, journal = {15th Congress and General Assembly, International Union of Crystallography (Borbeaux, France),}, year = 1990, } @article{CTT100407093, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal Structure of Myoglobin reconstituted with modified hemes. }, journal = {Protein Engineering'89, Second International Conference (Kobe, Japan),}, year = 1989, } @article{CTT100407003, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray for 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase of thermus thermophilus}, journal = {J. Biochem.}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100407004, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Studies of Elementary Interactions for the Origin of Genetic Codes}, journal = {viva Origino}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100407092, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Specific and Non-Specific Interactions in The Assembly of Tobacco Mosaic Virus. }, journal = {14th International Congress of Biochemistry (Prague, Czechoslovakia),}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100406993, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-Ray Study of Baker's Yeast Lipoamide Dehydrogenase at 4.5 (]J1009[) Resolution by Molecular Replacement Method.}, journal = {J. Biochomistry}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100407073, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Data for 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase of Thermos thermophilus. }, journal = {┣DBJ. Biochem. , (/)-┫DB}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100407072, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 1-(2-Carbamoylethyl)thymine. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1988, } @article{CTT100407091, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Role of Elementary Interactions in Protein-Nucleic Acid Recognition : A Mechanism for Tobacco Mosaic Virus Assembly. }, journal = {9th International Biophysics Congress (Jerusalen, Israel),}, year = 1987, } @article{CTT100407086, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {分子の三次元構造と薬理活性}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 1987, } @article{CTT100407064, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 9-{2-[(4-Imidazolyi)methylthio]ethl}adenine. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407068, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Three Crystalline Forms of 9-(2-Hydroxyethyl)adenine Resulting from the Different Stacking of Hydrogen-Bonded Layers. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407069, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 9-(2-Caboxyerthyl)guanine 1,6-Hexanediamine (2 : 1) Complex. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407101, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 2-[2-(Thymin-1-yl)ethylthio]acetic Acid}, journal = {Acta Cryst}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407070, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of N-[(3RS, 5SR-1-Benzyl-5-menthyl-3-pyrrolidiny]-5-chloro-2-methoxy-4-methylaminobenzamide Hydrochloride. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407065, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 1-[2-[2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)(]E85CE[)thylthio]ethymine. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407071, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal and Molecular Structures of a New Anti-ulcer Agent, 3-[p-trans-4-Aminomethylcyclohexylcarbonyl)phenyl]propionic Acid Hydrochloride. }, journal = {Chem. Pharm. Bull. ,}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407066, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of cis-N-(1-Benzyl-2-methl-3-pyrrolidinyl)-5-chloro-2-methoxybenzamide. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407067, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of trans-N-(1-Benzyl-4-methyl-3-pyrrolidinyl)-5-chloro-2-methoxy-4-menthylaminobenzamide Hydrochloride. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407063, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {New Potent Neuroleptic Drugs of Benzamide Derivatives. III. Structure of YM-09151-1, N-[(2RS, 3SR)-1-Benzy1-2-methy1-3-pyrrolidiny)]-5-chloro-2-methoxy-4-methylaminobenzamide Hydrochloride Its Monohydrate. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1986, } @article{CTT100407062, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of a Benzamide Derivative. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100407061, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 9-(2-Hydroxyethyl)guanine. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100407060, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 1-(2-Hyproxyethyl)uracil. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100407059, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {A Dinuclear Ruthenium Complex with both Terminal and Bridging Mercapto Ligands. }, journal = {Inorganica Chimica Acta,}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100407058, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 1-(2-Hydroxyethyl)cytosine. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100407057, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 1-(2-Hydroxyethy)thymine Monohydrate. }, journal = {Acta Cryst. ,}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100406991, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Model for Interactions of Amino Acid Side Chaims with Watsor-Crick Bsee Pair of Guanine and Cytosine, Crystal Stucteme of 9-(2-Carbacnoylethyl) guanine and 1-Methylcytosine Complex}, journal = {Biochemistry}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100407085, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {モデル結晶による蛋白質-核酸相互作用の研究}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 1985, } @article{CTT100407084, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {分子構造と結晶構造}, journal = {化学便覧 基礎編,丸善}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100406992, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystd Structene of 3-(Adenin-9-yl) propion histamide Hydrochloride Monohydrate and the Role of Protonation in Protein-Nucleic Acid Intercations}, journal = {Biochim. Biophy. Acta(Biochimica Biophysica Aeta)}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407090, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {A Role of Elementary Interactions between Nucleic-acid Base and Amino-acid (Side) Chains in Specificity of Ribonucleous. }, journal = {12th Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry (Kanazawa, Japan),}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407055, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {A Role of Elementary Interactions between Nucleic-acid Base and Amino-acid Side Chains in Specificity of Ribonuclease. }, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res. , Symposium Series}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407056, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {The Crystal Structure of 3-(Adenin-9-y)-N-(2-succinimidyl)propionamide and Hydrogen Bonding scheme of Anticonvulsant Drugs with Adenine. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407050, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {A Model for Interactions of Amino Acid Side Chains with Watson-Crick Base Pair of Guanine and Cytosine ; Crystal Structure of 9-(2-Carboxyethyl)guanine and Its Crystalline Complex with 1-Methylcytosine. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407051, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 3-(1-Cytosinyl)propionamide, C┣D27┫D2H┣D21┫D2┣D20┫D2N┣D24┫D2O┣D22┫D2. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407052, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Elementary Binding Patterns in Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions. Structure of 1-(2-Carbomoylethyl)uracil, C┣D27┫D2H┣D29┫D2N┣D23┫D2O┣D23┫D2. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407053, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of Triboluminescent 9-Isopropylcarbazole, C┣D21K┫D2H┣D15┫D1. }, journal = {Acta Cryst}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407054, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of cis-Bis(2, 2┣D11┫D1-bipyridine)bis(benzenethiolato)nickel(II) Dldeuterloydrate, [Ni(C┣D21┫D2H┣D28┫D2N┣D22┫D2)┣D22┫D2(C┣D26┫D2H┣D25┫D2S┣D22┫D2]. D┣D22┫D2O. }, journal = {Acta Cryst}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100407049, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal Structure of Adenine : 1-(2-Carboxyethyl)uracil (1 : 1) Complex. A Model for Interactions of Amino Acid Side Chains with Nucleic Acid Base Pair. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1983, } @article{CTT100407048, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Elementary Patterns in Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions. VII. Structure of N-[3-(9-Adeninyl)propionyl]-DL-tryptophan Ethyl Ester, C┣D22┫D2┣D21┫D2H┣D22┫D2┣D23┫D2N┣D27┫D2O┣D23┫D2. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1983, } @article{CTT100407047, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Elementary Patterns in Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions. VI. Structure of 3-(7-Adeninyl)propionamide Monohydrate, C┣D28┫D2H┣D21┫D2┣D20┫D2N┣D26┫D2O・H┣D22┫D2O}, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1983, } @article{CTT100407046, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal Structure of Mixed Ligand Copper (I2) Complexes Containing L-Amino Acids. III. Aqua(L-histidinato)(L-serinato)copper (II) Trihydrate. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1983, } @article{CTT100407041, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Elementary Patterns in Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions. III. Crystal Structure of Adenine : Phthalic Acid (3 : 1) Complex Hexahydrate. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100407043, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {New Potent Neuroleptic Drugs of Benzamide Derivatives. I. Crystal and Molecular Structure of N-[(2RS, 3RS)-1-Benzyl-2-methyl-3-pyrrolidinyl]-5-chloro-2-methoxy-4-methyl-aminobenzamide. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100407042, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Elementary Patterns in Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions. IV. Crystal Structure of 3-(Adenin-9-yl)propionamide : 1-Methylthymine (1 : 1) Complex Dihydrate. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100407045, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 1-(2-Carboxyethyl)uracil. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100407044, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Interactions of Nucleic-Acid Base-Pairs with Acids Side Chains of Protein. Crystal Structures of Adenine : 1-(2-Carboxyethyl)uracil (1 : 1) Complex and 1-Methylcytosine : 9-(2-Carboxyethyl)guanine (1 : 1) Complex. }, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res. , Symposium Series}, year = 1982, } @article{CTT100407040, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of Alnusenone (D : B-Friedoolean-5-en-3-one). }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1981, } @article{CTT100407039, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Elementary Patterns in Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions. II. Crystal Structure of 3-(Adenin-9-yl)propionamide. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1981, } @article{CTT100407038, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 5-(1-Hydroxy-2-oxo-1, 2-diphenylethyl)-6-(2-oxo-1, 2-diphenylethoxy)acenaphthene. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1981, } @article{CTT100406994, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal and Molecular Structures of Octaethylporphinium (Monocation) Tri-iodide and Its Benzene Hemisolvate}, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. (Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan)}, year = 1981, } @article{CTT100407034, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure and Properties of 5-Substituted Cytosines. II. The Crystal Structure of 5-Methylcytosine Hemihydrate. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1980, } @article{CTT100407036, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Complexes between Nucleotide Base and Amino Acid. IV. Crystal and Molecular Structure of Cytosine : N, N-Phthaloyl-DL-glutamic Acid Complex Dihydrate. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1980, } @article{CTT100407037, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Synthesis and Immunological Activity of 5, 6, 6a, 8, 9, 11a-Hexahydro-naphth[1', 2' : 4, 5]imidazo[2, 1-6]thiazoles and 5, 6, 6a, 9, 10, 11a-Hexahydro-naphth[2', 1' : 4, 5]imidazo[2, 1-6]thiazoles. }, journal = {J. Med. Chem.}, year = 1980, } @article{CTT100407083, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {結晶および分子モデルのコンピュータ・マニピュレーション}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 1980, } @article{CTT100407035, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal and Molecular Structure of (Ethylmethacrylate)-bis(triphenyl-phosphine)nickel (0). }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1980, } @article{CTT100407032, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of 3-(7-Adeninyl)propionic Acid Lactam. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1979, } @article{CTT100407033, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Structure of cis-Bis(2, 2'-bipyridine)dimethylcobalt (III) Tetraethylaluminate. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1979, } @article{CTT100407031, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal Structure of 5-Bromocytosine. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1979, } @article{CTT100407026, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal and Molecular Structure of 3-(Adenin-9-yl)propiontryptamine. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100407025, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-Ray Crystal Structure of the Chemiluminescent Trioxane. 3-Isopropyl-6, 6-dimethyl-5-(1-naphthylamino)-1, 2, 4-trioxane. }, journal = {J. C. S. Chem. Commun.}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100407024, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Complexes between Nucleotide Base and Amino Acid. III. Crystal Structure of 5-Bromocytosine : Phthaloyl-DL-glutamic Acid Complex Hemihydrate. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100407027, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {3-(9-Adenyl)propionyltryptamine Monohydrate. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100407028, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {3-(9-Adenyl)propionyltyramine Dihydrate. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100407029, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Dichloro [N, N-dimethyl-α-methyl-ο-(butylphenylphosphino)benzylamine] palladium (II). }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100407030, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {3-Isopropyl-6, 6-dimethyl-5-(1-Naphthylamino)-1, 2, 4-trioxane. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100407082, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {ワイセンベルグ写真法における回折斑点に伸縮に補正}, journal = {日本結晶学会誌}, year = 1977, } @article{CTT100407022, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {The Crystal Structure of Octaethylporphinato(methyl)rhodium (III). An Unusually Short Rh-CH┣D23┫D2 Distance. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1976, } @article{CTT100407023, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Complexes between Nucleotide Base and Amino Acid. II. Crystal Structure of 5-Bromocytosine : N-tosyl-L-glutamic Acid. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1976, } @article{CTT100407021, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Complexes between Nucleotide Base and Amino Acid. I. Crystal Structure of Cytosine : N-Formylglycine. }, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1975, } @article{CTT100406995, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {The Crptal and Molecular Structune of μ-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-Octaethyl-porphinato-bis[dicarbonyl rhodium (I)]}, journal = {Acta Crystallography}, year = 1975, } @article{CTT100396858, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Hydrogen-bonded Complex between Nucleotide Base and Amino Acid. Crystal Structure of 5-Bromocytosine : N-tosyl-L-glutamic Acid. }, journal = {Chem. Letters}, year = 1974, } @article{CTT100407019, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {New Compounds Yb┣D22┫D2Fe┣D23┫D2O┣D27┫D2 and Lu┣D22┫D2Fe┣D23┫D2O┣D27┫D2. }, journal = {Solid State Commun.}, year = 1974, } @article{CTT100407020, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {A Series of New Compounds A┣D13┫D1┣D1+┫D1Fe┣D22┫D2O┣D24┫D2 (A=Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu). }, journal = {Solid State Commun.}, year = 1974, } @article{CTT100396857, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {X-Ray Crystal Structure of Octaethylporphinium (Monocation) Tri-iodide. }, journal = {J. C. S. Chem. Commun.}, year = 1974, } @article{CTT100396856, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal Structure of μ-Octaethylporphinato-bis[di-carbonylrhodium (I)]. }, journal = {J. C. S. Chem. Commun.}, year = 1973, } @article{CTT100396854, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {Crystal Structure of Copper (II) Complexes with ω-Amino Acids. I. Copper (II) Di-Υ-aminobutyrate, [Cu(NH┣D22┫D2CH┣D22┫D2CH┣D22┫D2CH┣D22┫D2COO)┣D22┫D2]n, and Its Dihydrate, [Cu(NH┣D22┫D2CH┣D22┫D2CH┣D22┫D2CH┣D22┫D2COO)┣D22┫D2・2H┣D22┫D2O]n. }, journal = {Acta Cryst.}, year = 1973, } @article{CTT100396853, author = {Shigetaka Koda and Akio Tak始aka and Tokunosuke Watanabe}, title = {The Crystal and Molecular Structure of π-Cyclooctenyl-π-cycloocta-1, 5-dienecobalt, Co(C8H13)(C8H12)}, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 1971, } @article{CTT100407015, author = {Akio Tak始aka and Ken-ichirou Yamasaki and Tsutomu Yamamoto and Aio Furusaki and Isamu Nitta}, title = {The Crystal and Molecular Structure of ε-Amino-n-caproic Acid.}, journal = {Kwansel Gakuin Univ. Annual Studies}, year = 1969, } @inproceedings{CTT100406534, author = {Akio Takenaka}, title = {Roles of hydrations in DNA/RNA functional structures}, booktitle = {ORCS Summary International Workshop, Abstracts}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100406536, author = {Akio Takenaka}, title = {Roles of hydrations in DNA/RNA functional structures}, booktitle = {The 10th CCSE-Workshop (JAERI), Tokyo}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100406537, author = {Akio Takenaka}, title = {Roles of modified nucleotides in DNA and RNA structures}, booktitle = {Biochemistry Seminar, London}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100406538, author = {Akio Takenaka}, title = {Structural Versatility and Functions of non-coding DNA}, booktitle = {Imperial College-TIT Bio-measurements Symposium}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100592063, author = {坂田 誠 and 佐々木聡 and 竹中章郎 and 三木 邦夫 and 高田 昌樹 and 吉朝 朗}, title = {IUCr2008:外務委員会報告}, year = 2009, } @misc{CTT100531910, author = {竹中章郎}, title = {分子置換法の原理と実際}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100406550, author = {Akio Takenaka}, title = {X-Ray structures of non-coding DNA; DNA octaplex DNA and its split quadruplexes suggesting a folding mechanism of eight repetitive sequences for polymorphism formation}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100406552, author = {Akio Takenaka}, title = {Role of hydration in folding of non-coding DNA}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100594511, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {ω-アミノ酸銅(II)錯体の結晶構造に関する研究}, year = 1971, } @misc{CTT100594776, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {ω-amimo-n-caproic Acidの結晶構造 ピコリン酸キレート配位子を用いたNi(II), Cu(II), Zn(II)錯体の配位構造および結晶構造の比較 Bis(pyridine-2-carboxyl)Zinc(II) Hydrochlorideの結晶構造}, year = 1968, } @phdthesis{CTT100594511, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {ω-アミノ酸銅(II)錯体の結晶構造に関する研究}, school = {関西学院大学}, year = 1971, } @mastersthesis{CTT100594776, author = {AKIO TAKENAKA}, title = {ω-amimo-n-caproic Acidの結晶構造 ピコリン酸キレート配位子を用いたNi(II), Cu(II), Zn(II)錯体の配位構造および結晶構造の比較 Bis(pyridine-2-carboxyl)Zinc(II) Hydrochlorideの結晶構造}, school = {関西学院大学}, year = 1968, }