author = {Tadashi Kawamoto and Takehiko Mori and Yamaguchi Takahide and Shinya Uji and David Graf and James S. Brooks and Takashi Shirahata and Megumi Kibune and Hiroko Yoshino and Tatsuro Imakubo},
title = {Fermi surface and in-plane anisotropy of the layered organic superconductor kappaL-(DMEDO-TSeF)2[Au(CN)4](THF) with domain structures},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
year = 2011,
author = {Tadashi Kawamoto and Takehiko Mori and Toru Kakiuchi and Hiroshi Sawa and takashi shirahata and Megumi Kibune and Hiroko Yoshino and Tatsuro Imakubo},
title = {Domain formation in the structural phase transition of the organic superconductor κL-(DMEDO-TSeF)2[Au(CN)4](THF)},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
year = 2007,
author = {川本正 and 森健彦 and David Graf and James S Brooks and 宇治進也 and 白旗崇 and 木舩愛 and 吉野浩子 and 今久保達郎},
title = {2次元系有機超伝導体κH-(DMEDO-TSeF)2[Au(CN)4](THF)の強磁場角度依存性磁気抵抗},
booktitle = {日本物理学会講演概要集},
year = 2008,