author = {T. Oshima and K. Kaminaga and A. Mukai and K. Sasaki and T. Masui and A. Kuramata and S. Yamakoshi and S. Fujita and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Formation of semi-insulating layers on semiconducting β-Ga2O3 single crystals by thermal oxidation},
journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics},
year = 2013,
author = {Takeya Okuno and Takayoshi Oshima and Sam-Dong Lee and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Growth of SnO2 crystalline thin films by mist chemical vapour deposition method},
journal = {Physica Status Solidi (c)},
year = 2011,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {UV-B sensor based on a SnO2 thin film},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 2009,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Naoki Arai and Yasushi Kobayashi and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {β-Al2rGa2-2rO3 thin film growth by molecular beam epitaxy},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 2009,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Naoki Arai and Yasushi Kobayashi and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Wet etching of β-Ga2O3-based sensor},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 2009,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Naoki Arai and Norihito Suzuki and Yasushi Kobayashi and Harumichi Hino and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Flame detection by a β-Ga2O3-based sensor},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 2009,
author = {Shigeo Ohira and Naoki Arai and Takayoshi Oshima and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Atomically controlled surfaces with step and terrace of β-Ga2O3 single crystal substrates for thin film growth},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
year = 2008,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Naoki Arai and Norihito Suzuki and Shigeo Ohira and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Surface morphology of homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
year = 2008,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Properties of Ga2O3-based (InxGa1-x)2O3 alloy thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy},
journal = {Phys. Status Solidi C},
year = 2008,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya OKuno and Naoki Arai and Norihito Suzuki and Shigeo Ohira and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Vertical solar-blind deep-ultraviolet Schottky photodetectors based on β-Ga2O3 substrates},
journal = {Appl. Phys. Express},
year = 2008,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Ga2O3 thin film growth on c-plane sapphire substrates by molecular beam epitaxy for deep-ultraviolet photodetectors},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 2007,
author = {Lv Jianguo and Shizuo Fujita and Toshiyuki Kawaharamura and Hiroyuki Nishinaka and Yudai Kamada and Takayoshi Oshima},
title = {Carrier concentration dependence of band gap shift in n -type ZnO:Al films},
journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
year = 2007,
author = {Lv Jianguo and Toshiyuki Kawaharamura and Hiroyuki Nishinaka and Yudai Kamada and Takayoshi Oshima and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {ZnO-based thin films synthesized by atmospheric pressure mist chemical vapor deposition},
journal = {Journal of Crystal Growth},
year = 2007,
author = {Lv Jianguo and Shizuo Fujita and Toshiyuki Kawaharamura and Hiroyuki Nishinaka and Yudai Kamada and Takayoshi Oshima},
title = {Carrier concentration induced band-gap shift in Al-doped Zn1-xMgxO thin films},
journal = {Applied Physics Letters},
year = 2006,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {(111)-oriented Zn3N2 growth on a-plane sapphire substrates by molecular beam epitaxy},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 2006,
author = {T. Oshima and K. Kaminaga and A. Mukai and K. Sasaki and T. Masui and A. Kuramata and S. Yamakoshi and S. Fujita and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Semi-insulation behavior in conducting β-Ga2O3 single crytal surfaces by thermal oxidation},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {T. Oshima and K. Kaminaga and A. Mukai and K. Sasaki and T. Masui and A. Kuramata and S. Yamakoshi and S. Fujita and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Semi-insulation of conducting β-Ga2O3 single crystal surfaces by thermal oxidation},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {大島 孝仁 and 神永 健一 and 向井 章 and 佐々木 公平 and 増井 建和 and 倉又 朗人 and 山腰 茂伸 and 藤田 静雄 and 大友 明},
title = {熱酸化によるβ-Ga2O3単結晶表面の半絶縁層形成},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {藤田 静雄 and 東脇 正高 and 佐々木 公平 and 倉又 朗人 and 増井 建和 and 山腰 茂伸 and 大島 孝仁 and 大友明},
title = {ワイドギャップ半導体酸化ガリウムの基本特性と応用},
booktitle = {},
year = 2012,
author = {藤田 静雄 and 東脇 正高 and 佐々木 公平 and 倉又 朗人 and 増井 建和 and 山脇 茂伸 and 大島 孝仁 and 大友 明},
title = {酸化ガリウム半導体の機能とデバイス応用},
booktitle = {},
year = 2012,
author = {Shizuo Fujita and Takumi Ikenoue and Naoki Kameyama and Takayoshi Oshima},
title = {Ultraviolet Photodetectors with Novel Oxide Thin Films},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {UV-B sensing with tin dioxide semiconductors},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {Takeya Okuno and Takayoshi Oshima and Sam-Dong Lee and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Characteristics of high quality SnO2 thin films grown by novel mist chemical vapor deposition method.},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {竹田聡 and 新井直樹 and 小林恭 and 樋野治道 and 大島孝仁 and 藤田静雄},
title = {Ga2O3紫外線センサの作製と連続監視システムへの応用},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {奥野剛也 and 大島孝仁 and 藤田静雄},
title = {ミストCVD法によるSnO2薄膜の作製},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {大島孝仁 and 奥野剛也 and 藤田静雄},
title = {SnO2薄膜を用いたUV-B検出器},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {Shizuo Fujita and Kentaro Kaneko and Takayoshi Oshima},
title = {Wide bandgap oxide semiconductors for novel functions and applications},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {大島 孝仁 and 奥野 剛也 and 新井 直樹 and 竹田 聡 and 小林 恭 and 樋野 治道 and 藤田 静雄},
title = {ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体β-Ga2O3を用いた炎センサ},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Naoki Arai and Yasushi Kobayashi and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {β-Al2rO2-2rO3 thin film growth by molecular beam epitaxy},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {大島 孝仁 and 奥野 剛也 and 新井 直樹 and 竹田 聡 and 小林 恭 and 樋野 治道 and 藤田 静雄},
title = {β-Ga2O3based sensor for flame detection},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {大島孝仁 and 奥野剛也 and 新井直樹 and 竹田聡 and 小林恭 and 樋野治道 and 藤田静雄},
title = {酸化ガリウムを用いた殺菌ランプ監視用深紫外光検出システムの実用化},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Naoki Arai and Satoshi Takeda and Yasushi Kobayashi and Harumichi Hino and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Solar-blind photodetector based on β-Ga2O3 and its application to a flame sensor},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Naoki Arai and Yasushi Kobayashi and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Patterning of β-Ga2O3 for device fabrication},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {大島孝仁 and 奥野剛也 and 新井直樹 and 小林恭 and 藤田静雄},
title = {分子線エピタキシー法によるβ-Al2rGa2-2rO3薄膜の作製},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {大島孝仁 and 奥野剛也 and 新井直樹 and 竹田聡 and 小林恭 and 樋野治道 and 藤田静雄},
title = {β-Ga2O3基板を用いて作製した炎センサ},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Naoki Arai and Norihito Suzuki and Shigeo Ohira and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Potentially high breakdown field in β-Ga2O3 semiconductors},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {大島孝仁 and 奥野剛也 and 新井直樹 and 鈴木悟仁 and 大平重男 and 藤田静雄},
title = {β-Ga2O3基板を用いて作製したショットキーダイオードの破壊特性},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {大島孝仁 and 藤田静雄},
title = {酸化ガリウムを利用した半導体炎検知器},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {Shizuo Fujita and Takayoshi Oshima and Daisuke Shinohara and Takeya Okuno},
title = {Wide band gap gallium oxide semiconductros with deep ultraviolet optical functions},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {大島 孝仁 and 新井 直樹 and 鈴木 悟仁 and 大平 重男 and 藤田 静雄},
title = {Schottky barrier diode based on β-Ga2O3},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Naoki Arai and Norihito Suzuki and Shigeo Ohira and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Deep UV detectors with a novel Ga2O3 semiconductor},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {篠原大輔 and 西中浩之 and 大島孝仁 and 騎馬啓嗣 and 鎌田雄大 and 川原村敏幸 and 藤田静雄},
title = {ミストCVD法によるsapphire基板上α-Ga2O3 薄膜の成長},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {大島孝仁 and 奥野剛也 and 藤田静雄 and 新井直樹 and 鈴木悟仁 and 大平重男},
title = {β-Ga2O3 基板を利用した深紫外光検出器},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {大島孝仁 and 藤田静雄 and 新井直樹 and 鈴木悟仁 and 大平重男},
title = {分子線エピタキシー法によるβ-Ga2O3 基板上へのβ-Ga2O3 ステップフロー成長},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {Daisuke Shinohara and Hiroyuki Nishinaka and Takayoshi Oshima and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Epitaxial growth of wide bandgap semiconductor: α-Ga2O3 thin film on α-AlGa2O3 by ultrasonic spray chemical vapor deposition},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Naoki Arai and Shigeo Ohira and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Homoepitaxial step-flow growth of β-Ga2O3 thin films by molecular beam epitaxy},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Norihito Suzuki and Naoki Arai and SHigeo Ohira and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Properties of wide bandgap β-Ga2O3 semiconductros grown by molecular beam epitaxy},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Takeya Okuno and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {MBE growth and characterization of Ga2O3 and (InGa)2O3films with ultraviolet optical functions},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Naoki Arai and Norihito Suzuki and Shigeo Ohira and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {Properties of homoepitaxial-grown β-Ga2O3 by molecular beam epitaxy},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {Takayoshi Oshima and Shizuo Fujita},
title = {MBE growth and characterization of Ga2O3 and (InGa)2O3 films for ultraviolet applications},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {大島孝仁 and 藤田静雄},
title = {MBEによる(InxGa1-x)2O3薄膜の成長},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {大島孝仁 and 藤田静雄},
title = {MBEによる窒化亜鉛(Zn3N2)薄膜の成長},
booktitle = {},
year = 2006,
author = {大島孝仁 and 山下裕泰 and 坂井俊 and 藤田静雄},
title = {MBEによる酸化銅薄膜の成長とp型伝導性},
booktitle = {},
year = 2005,
author = {藤田 静雄 and 大島 孝仁 and 金子 健太郎},
title = {酸化ガリウム半導体の表面制御と高品質単結晶薄膜の作製},
year = 2010,
author = {藤田 静雄 and 大島 孝仁 and 金子 健太郎},
title = {ワイドバンドギャップ酸化ガリウム半導体},
year = 2009,