研究業績一覧 (2件)
Wang, L.,
A. Hitchman,
Y. Ogawa,
W. Siripunvaraporn,
M. Ichiki,
K. Fuji-ta..
A 3-D resistivity model of the Australian continent using magnetometer array data,
Geophysical Journal International,
Vol. 198,
No. 2,
p. 1171-1186,
Aug. 2014.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Kaya-Eken T,
Ogawa Y,
Usui Y,
Kasaya T,
Tunçer MK,
Honkura Y,
Oshiman N,
Matsushima M,
Siripunvaraporn W.
3D lithospheric structure beneath the Marmara Sea by Magnetotellurics, Electromagnetic Induction workshop,
EMIW 2022,
Sept. 2022.
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