@article{CTT100692671, author = {大塚雄太 and 新大軌 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {セメントの初期水和反応を考慮した分散剤の作用機構}, journal = {セメント・コンクリート論文集}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100695231, author = {Yuta Otuka and Daiki Atarashi and Masahiro Miyauchi and ETSUO SAKAI}, title = {Action Mechanism of Superplasticizer in Consideration of Early Hydration of Cement}, journal = {Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100693343, author = {Yuta Otuka and Daiki Atarashi and Masahiro Miyauchi and ETSUO SAKAI}, title = {Mechanism of Superplasticizer Action in Early Cement Hydration}, booktitle = {Eleventh International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete Supplementary Papers}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100677061, author = {新大軌 and 大塚 雄太 and 松澤一輝 and 宮内雅浩 and 坂井悦郎}, title = {セメントの初期反応を考慮した高分子系分散剤の作用機構}, booktitle = {第41回セメント・コンクリート研究討論会論文報告集}, year = 2014, }