@article{CTT100929199, author = {Yoshimichi Shimomura and Yuto Iida and Eiji Tsurumaki and Gen-ichi Konishi}, title = {Innovative molecular design of bridged biphenyls for calamitic nematic liquid crystals with extensive π-conjugated mesogens}, journal = {Materials Chemistry Frontier}, year = 2025, } @article{CTT100909356, author = {Takuya Tanaka and Atsushi Matsumoto and Eiji Tsurumaki and Andrey S. Klymchenko and Junichi Ikenouchi and Gen-ichi Konishi}, title = {Fluorescent solvatochromic probes for long-term imaging of lipid order in living cells}, journal = {Advanced Science}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100908060, author = {Yuki Sawatari and Yoshimichi Shimomura and Masato Takeuchi and Riki Iwai and Takuya Tanaka and Eiji Tsurumaki and Masatoshi Tokita and Junji Watanabe and Gen-ichi Konishi}, title = {Supramolecular liquid crystals from the dimer of L-shaped molecules with tertiary amide end groups}, journal = {Aggregate}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100919136, author = {Shinji Toyota and Hiroshi Sekikawa and Hiroki Fukuda and Hiroshi Ikeda and Eiji Tsurumaki}, title = {Formation of Novel Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Scholl Reactions of Di(1-anthryl) Ketones via Cyclization and Rearrangement}, journal = {Chemistry Letters}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100893506, author = {Takuji Mitani and Eiji Tsurumaki and Shinji Toyota}, title = {Structures and Supramolecular Properties of Inclusion Complexes of Anthracene‐Triptycene Nanocages with Fullerene Guests and Their Dynamic Motion as Molecular Gyroscopes}, journal = {Chemistry – A European Journal}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100893507, author = {Kenta Suzuki and Hiroki Fukuda and Hayato Toda and Yoshitane Imai and Yuki Nojima and Masashi Hasegawa and Eiji Tsurumaki and Shinji Toyota}, title = {Substituent effects on helical structures and chiroptical properties of fused anthracenes with bulky phenyl groups}, journal = {Tetrahedron}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100893508, author = {Takashi Komori and Eiji Tsurumaki and Shinji Toyota}, title = {Synthesis, Structures, and Complexation with Phenolic Guests of Acridone‐Incorporated Arylene–Ethynylene Macrocyclic Compounds}, journal = {Chemistry – An Asian Journal}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100884083, author = {Takashi Komori and Eiji Tsurumaki and Shinji Toyota}, title = {Iterative synthesis, structures, and properties of acyclic and cyclic acridone oligomers}, journal = {Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100885869, author = {Shun Fukamizo and Hiroshi Ikeda and Eiji Tsurumaki and Shinji Toyota}, title = {An Alternative Synthesis of Tribenzodecacyclenes and Experimental Barrier to Propeller Inversion}, journal = {Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100854494, author = {Kazuki Kajiyama and Eiji Tsurumaki and Kan Wakamatsu and Gaku Fukuhara and Shinji Toyota}, title = {Complexation of an Anthracene‐Triptycene Nanocage Host with Fullerene Guests through CH⋅⋅⋅π Contacts}, journal = {ChemPlusChem}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100854496, author = {Kei Fujise and Eiji Tsurumaki and Kan Wakamatsu and Shinji Toyota}, title = {Construction of Helical Structures with Multiple Fused Anthracenes: Structures and Properties of Long Expanded Helicenes}, journal = {Chemistry – A European Journal}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100770108, author = {Y. Yamamoto and E. Tsurumaki and K. Wakamatsu and S. Toyota}, title = {Nano-Saturn: Experimental Evidence of Complex Formation of Anthracene Cyclic Ring with C60}, journal = {Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100770107, author = {M. Nagaoka and E. Tsurumaki and M. Nishiuchi and T. Iwanaga and S. Toyota}, title = {Synthesis and Electronic Properties of Length-Defined 9,10-Anthrylene-Butadiynylene Oligomers}, journal = {J. Org. Chem.}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100760081, author = {M. Kawamura and E. Tsurumaki and S. Toyota}, title = {Facile Synthesis of Rubicenes by Scholl Reaction}, journal = {Synthesis}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100717294, author = {Yasuhiro Okuda and Eiji Tsurumaki and Juwon Oh and Jooyoung Sung and Dongho Kim and Atsuhiro Osuka}, title = {A Directly Fused Subporphyrin Dimer with a Wavelike Structure}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100717291, author = {Eiji Tsurumaki and Jooyoung Sung and Dongho Kim and Atsuhiro Osuka}, title = {Stable Boron Peroxides with a Subporphyrinato Ligand}, journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100717292, author = {Ryota Kotani and Kota Yoshida and Eiji Tsurumaki and Takayuki Tanaka and Atsuhiro Osuka}, title = {Boron-Arylations of Subporphyrins with Arylzinc Reagents}, journal = {Chemistry A Europian Journal}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100752195, author = {関川周司 and 鶴巻英治 and 豊田真司}, title = {9,10-ジメシチルアントラセン誘導体とベンザインの反応}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100752194, author = {長岡麻衣子 and 鶴巻英治 and 豊田真司}, title = {直線形アントラセン-ジアセチレンオリゴマーの合成と分光学的性質}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100752197, author = {河村昌彦 and 鶴巻英治 and 豊田真司}, title = {9,10-ジフェニルアントラセンの酸化反応によるルビセン誘導体の合成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100717328, author = {Eiji Tsurumaki and Atsuhiro Osuka}, title = {Subporphyrinatoboron(III) Hydrides and Peroxides}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100717337, author = {小谷亮太 and 吉田康太 and 鶴巻英治 and 大須賀篤弘}, title = {有機亜鉛試薬を用いたサブポルフィリンのホウ素アリール化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100717335, author = {奥田 恭大 and 北野匡章 and 鶴巻英治 and 大須賀篤弘}, title = {縮環サブポルフィリン二量体の合成と物性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100717331, author = {奥田恭大 and 鶴巻英治 and 大須賀篤弘}, title = {ベータ位直接結合サブポルフィリン二量体の合成と物性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100717330, author = {鶴巻英治 and 大須賀篤弘}, title = {安定ホウ素ペルオキシドの合成と構造}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100717329, author = {Eiji Tsurumaki and Atsuhiro Osuka}, title = {Stable Boron Hydrides and Peroxides with Subporphyrinate Ligands: Synthesis, Characterizations and Properties}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100717344, author = {鶴巻英治}, title = {新規ホウ素錯体の合成研究 環縮小ポルフィリンに取り込まれたホウ素の化学}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100791700, author = {鶴巻英治}, title = {カルボラン酸—最強の酸を用いる弱塩基のプロトン化—}, year = 2017, }