@article{CTT100842410, author = {Takahiro Yamamoto and Mary Ann Cielo Malingin and Marivic Pepino and Masaya Yoshikai and Wilfredo Campos and Toshihiro Miyajima and Atsushi Watanabe and Yoshiyuki Tanaka and Naoko Morimoto and Roseanne Ramos and Homer Pagkalinawan and Kazuo Nadaoka}, title = {Assessment of coastal turbidity improvement potential by terrigenous sediment load reduction and its implications on seagrass inhabitable area in Banate Bay, central Philippines}, journal = {Science of the Total Environment}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100708608, author = {Charissa Ferrera and Atsushi Watanabe and Toshihiro Miyajima and Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone and Naoko Morimoto and You Umezawa and EUGENE HERRERA and Takumi Tsuchiya and Masaya Yoshikai and KAZUO NADAOKA}, title = {Phosphorus as a driver of nitrogen limitation and sustained eutrophic conditions in Bolinao and Anda, Philippines, a mariculture-impacted tropical coastal area}, journal = {Marine Pollution Bulletin}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100709016, author = {Charissa Ferrera and Toshihiro Miyajima and Atsushi Watanabe and You Umezawa and Naoko Morimoto and Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone and KAZUO NADAOKA}, title = {Variation in oxygen isotope ratio of dissolved orthophosphate induced by uptake process in natural coral holobionts}, journal = {Coral Reefs}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100921221, author = {宮島 利宏 and 中村 隆志 and 渡邉 敦 and 森本 直子 and 灘岡 和夫}, title = {サンゴ礁礁池に発達する海草藻場の堆積促進作用とそれに対するウミガメ食害の影響について}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100859231, author = {松井 洋平 and 宮島 利宏 and 樋口 富彦 and 田中 健太郎 and 森本 直子 and 楊 燕輝 and 藤村 弘行 and 安田 直子 and Agostini Sylvain and 湯山 育子 and 中村 隆志 and 雪 真弘 and 加藤 真悟 and 藤崎 渉}, title = {サンゴの白化防止・回復促進をアミノ酸の安定窒素同位体比分析および含硫成分分析で鋭敏に検出する}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100708437, author = {FERRERACharissaMa and 宮島 利宏 and San Diego-McGlone Maria Lourdes and 森本 直子 and 梅澤 有 and EUGENEHERRERA and 土屋匠 and 吉開仁哉 and 灘岡和夫 and 渡邉敦}, title = {リン酸の酸素安定同位体比を含む生物地球化学的指標を用いたフィリピン・ボリナオおよびアンダ沿岸の養殖海域における継続的な富栄養化状態の原因解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100708452, author = {宮島利宏 and 森本直子 and 田中 泰章 and 渡邉敦 and 中村隆志 and 山本 高大 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {サンゴ礁生態系における懸濁粒子・沈降粒子の炭素・窒素安定同位体比時空間分布}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100708454, author = {森本直子 and 梅澤有 and 渡邉敦 and San Diego-McGlone Maria Lourdes and FERRERACharissaMa and Regino Genevieve L. and 灘岡和夫 and 宮島利宏}, title = {沿岸域における陸源物質動態:水、DIC、POM安定同位体比による評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100710530, author = {Charissa Ferrera and Toshihiro Miyajima and Atsushi Watanabe and Yu Umezawa and Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone and Naoko Morimoto and Kazuo Nadaoka}, title = {Tracing the Sources and Evaluating the Cycling of Phosphate Using δ18Op in a Eutrophic Tropical Mariculture Area. Goldschmidt 2016}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100734799, author = {Ferrera, C. and A.Watanabe and T.Miyajima and Y.Umezawa and N.Morimoto and K.Nadaoka}, title = {Dynamics of the uptake of nitrate and phosphate of three coral species in the subtropical and tropical Western Pacific following nutrient enrichment}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100709129, author = {Ferrera Charissa M and 渡邉敦 and 灘岡和夫 and 梅澤有 and 森本直子 and 中村隆志 and 宮島利宏}, title = {造礁サンゴによるリンの取込が溶存態リン酸の酸素安定同位体比に与える効果}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, }